How Smoking Kills Human Body

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Smoking is a bad habit that is usually done to reduce stress and anxiety. It is believed by most people that nicotine—a drug inside tobacco can help calm frustration, stress, and anxiety. When in reality, plenty of researches had shown that smoking increases stress and other unwanted symptoms. In this era, aside from reducing stress, smoking is considered a somewhat cool thing to do—mostly by teenagers who wanted to look trendy and cool without thinking about the consequences of such reckless behavior. Smoking leads to tons of health issues, including cancer, pneumonia, heart diseases, and plenty of others. Aside from health issues, smoking also reduces the appearance of the smoker, causing them to look haggard and older than they appear to be.

There are three major dangerous chemicals inside the cigarettes that cause illness to human bodies: tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide. Tar is a substance that causes the unattractive yellow-brown stain on the fingers and teeth of a smoker. The layers of tar that formed inside the lungs will paralyze and can eventually kill cilia—which is a hair-like structure that helps to trap pollutants inside the lungs. A paralyzed or dead cilia will let the toxins to travel deeper into the lungs. Toxins that successfully get into the alveoli will be carried into the bloodstream and begin moving to other parts of your body, effectively affecting every organ in your body and cause diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, and fertility.

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The second dangerous substance inside cigarettes is nicotine, a chemical known as the addictive ingredient in tobacco products which makes quitting hard. Commonly believed to reduce the feeling of stress by releasing dopamine—which is a chemical causes feelings of euphoria and is thought to play a significant role in addiction. This myth is proven wrong by researchers and is explained that the calmness it provided merely lasted for a while and after the effects of the chemical wear off, the smoker will feel worse than before.

Carbon monoxide is not one of a cigarette composition. But it appears when cigarettes are burned. This is because flame causes oxygen gas and high-content carbon substances react and produce carbon monoxide with steam as a by-product. Carbon monoxide that travels into your bloodstream may reduce the ability of hemoglobin to bind with oxygen which makes the smoker's organ receives less oxygen that is needed to do the organ work. high concentration of carbon monoxide inside your blood may be lethal. The effects this substance caused are worse to the bystanders (passive smokers) who inhale the gas by accident because the filter inside the cigar is not provided by our respiratory systems

These are just a few examples of chemicals inside cigarettes. There more than 7000 chemicals inside it. about 250 of them are harmful to your body and 69 of them may lead to cancer. From the text above, I conclude that smoking kills and the effects it caused are mostly harmful to the human body. It should be put inside the public's head that this activity not only harm themselves but to other people around them, whether it’s their loved ones or even strangers.

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How Smoking Kills Human Body. (2022, Jun 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“How Smoking Kills Human Body.” Edubirdie, 29 Jun. 2022,
How Smoking Kills Human Body. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
How Smoking Kills Human Body [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jun 29 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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