Immigration, Boarders and American Dream

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Immigration shouldn’t be a direct implication for families to fear deportation. Immigration deals with low wages, labor exploitation, poverty and many disadvantages in their employment . Borders shouldn’t be barriers for families that have U.S citizen family members to be taken apart for indefinite periods of time and children being locked into cages, fosters or taken back to Mexico with no reason to forbid. The government is taking immigrants as a major problem to the economy and a threat giving them limited resources. The president has been dissing the immigrant community due to their ethnicity and reasons that totally don’t involve them. This case has outgrown dramatically over the past years affecting families with the reason of having a better life. Immigrants deal with discrimination where ever they go but still remain positive to not give up and get the “ American Dream” they promised themselves and their families.

Undocumented imigration is a big case worldwide where they’re classifide with tags where ever they step foot on. They are believed that immigrants are by perspective law breakers , commit numerous crimes , drug traffickers and many other things. A 2019 Pew Research Center Poll shows that 69% of U.S adults believe immigrants commit the same serious crimes as a U.S born citizen (UI 1). Another serious aspect is citizens complain they take away job opportunities that they have. Immigrants are willing to work low wages even though they get exploited by their bosses or fear that they might get deported and inputed in detention centers, something citizens aren’t willing to do for a low cost in a job. The 2019 Poll admits that 77% of the jobs aren’t taken by citizens due to being dangerous and hard, 73% are taken by immigrants because there are hardworking and honest employees ( UI 1). They have many disadvantages such as not being eligible for federal, state, local benefits for food, housing, and healthcare programs for their families and children.

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The concerns that the United States was being overloaded with immigrants that are supposed to be murderers , kidnappers and other things made the agency ICE ( Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency) take extreme nonsense matters. ICE detained nearly 63% of people that didn’t have any crime as of Feb 9, 2019. They jailed 48,793 immigrants and only 18,124 had criminal records or charges against them ( Sacchetti). A deputy director of ICE, Matthew Albence gave his view on this problem saying “ Immigration enforcement is only effective against those individuals once they commit a subsequent crime to their initial immigration violation” making several detainees not applicable ( Sacchetti). President Trump involved an emergency declaration stating that this was becoming an invasion to the community and immigrants were “monsters” against U.S citizens. Trump’s administration during a House Democratic aide was asked for a breakdown of the criminals and non-criminals in detention centers and their budget increased daily by the number of beds in detention from 40,500 to more than 45,000 ( Sacchetti). The immigration officials have made their top priority to arrest and deport criminals due to having a wide latitude by Trump to arrest anyone in the United States that's illegal whether there are criminals or not. The president has gone beyond the limits to overthrow immigrants in such a horrible way that many don’t feel safe at all they fear for their lives on a daily basis.

The United States has opened numerous amounts of Immigration prisons, making the federal government redirect billions of dollars such as 2.7 billion alone in 2017 for ICE’s detention system instead of directing it towards the navigation of legal processes ( Hernandez). Also those billions will help navigate high-stakes immigration court cases and for the need of lawyers, social workers and case managers. Many immigrants jailed can’t afford a lawyer even if it’s a government paid lawyer because of their families stability financially. The immigration court system handles 200,00 cases a year and some are bound to be some people who flout the rules while others get a court day to only lose and get two options of deportation or arresting them or look the other way(Hernandez). The bipartisan consensus asked: What good comes from locking up immigrants? And the answer of the democrats was that it helped keep our community safe when in detention centers(Hernandez). This status of just relying on prisons for immigrants won't make a difference in the entire community because there's always bad situations occurring and we don't have to blame a certain group for it.

The issues that accuse immigrants are getting out of hand and the government as well as the president is having to make extreme matters to stop immigrants from entering the United States. In April 2018, the Trump’s administration along with the Department of Justice ( DOJ) adopted zero tolerance policy to those seeking asylum at the border even before their destination (Gale OPW). The policy required that those who attempted would be held in federal facilities before even hearing a federal judge. A result of this policy was to separate families and having children in detention centers while adults were held in federal facilities. The count for this act was over 5,400 children separated from their parents and siblings even after the president changed the policy by political pressure ( Gale OPW). The government extended that the reunification of these families would take many years. Families should not pass through this situation because it is a harsh thing to do because they suffer and the frustration is that they can't do anything about it.

The fact that immigrant children are being kept in detention centers doesn't mean they can get treated like animals. The U.S authorities are denying them their basic needs that forces the children to sleep on concrete floors covered only by aluminum blankets ( Flores). They make them go 90 days without bathing the toddler children and without diapers making them soil themselves. A report from the Associated press found out that teenage girls were to take care of scores of toddlers who have been sitting in clothes with mucus , tears and excrement while in a very crowded cage. There are still 2,300 children separated from their families and not yet returned and another 30,00 migrant youth being still detained(Flores). In the last two years there have been approximately 18 children as young as two that have died in custody due to the poor conditions offered. They are not even given a toothbrush or soap that are intended to be “luxury” for the needs of the children. A 2017 ruling found that the U.S government violates legal precedents when it fails to make such provision(Flores). The government has gotten to the extreme matters that intends to keep migrant children in a military base as a Japanese internment camp so it can be ordered and stabled.

ICE is not just arresting or deporting, they have also denied health care to many immigrants that are in need or need it to survive. A report in January 2019 cited more than 14,000 deficiencies found during inspections of 106 immigrant detention facilities nationwide between October 2015 and June 30, 2018( Saadi). The poor conditions they stay in harm the individual health as some say they experienced sleep deprivation from the lights that are being kept 24 hours a day(Saadi). They also say that they have to wear dirty prison uniforms that cause urinary problems and vaginal infections for the female and they were not allowed to get any treatment for it. Meanwhile others complain there being served rotten inadequate food , violation of standards that has been repeatedly documented in inspection reports(Saadi). Other detainees reported that they got verbal and physical abuse by the guards that would worsen their mental health such as pre symptoms of depression or the attempt to kill themselves by the trauma. They also say that the staff would be frequently using racial epithets and referred to them as “crazies” , or “Looney Tunes”, or “Trash (Saadi). The government has to stop neglecting the resources and decrease the abuse that leads to serious health problems in detention centers because there are dangerous acts and not uncommon experiences.

The part of acclimation to a new place or home is very difficult especially for an immigrant child that has traveled thousands of miles in search of a better life and better education. Public schools have been open doors and are taking the responsibility to help the thousands of children. These children have fled from their origin country due to the desperation of poverty, violence and some even come with scars on their bodies leaving their families behind. The U.S schools already have strapped for resources and are trying to provide special services including English language instruction and mental -health care ( Brown). Sandra Jimenez, a principal of High Point High School in Prince George's county,Md, in a Washington suburb where immigrants have rapidly increased, said “We have built an Oasis” where we support the children and make them feel safe at school ( Brown). She said that she and her team mates were scheduling their rooms to be able to have newcomers as the year begins to add the arriving children in classes as soon as possible. They help the parents as well by if a student needs housing or health care they connect them with a counselor that will connect them with community groups that can help with their situation. Jessica M. Vaughan from the center for Immigration studies told the House of Judiciary subcommittee in a Washington post that she bemoaned the effects, “ The cost of meeting educational needs for the arriving immigrants are part of of the surge is the main way that the administration policy is burdensome to state and local governments”(Brown). Staff members say that they get to meet the real person behind all the struggles certain students go through to consider themselves free and able to do what they really wish and support their families. Many say that they expect to see their parents soon in time but the consequences of not being able to get a type of Visa affects their daily lives here in the United States without their loved ones.

The families have several effects due to the deportacion of a family member as well as the community that knew that person was a good, kind hearted person with them and everyone else around them. In The past three decades 340,056 people have been deported from the country in 2017 to their origin country. The ICE agency doesn't care if you have been living in the U.S for over a decade or are parents or caregivers of a U.S citizen child or member. Nearly 4 in 5 families have “ credible fear” of persecution to be forced into their country(Dreby). A total of 16.6 million people currently live in mixed status families with at least one unauthorized immigrant and a third of U.S children of immigrants live in mixed status families(Dreby). Many immigrants left their origin country due to horrible situations such as trauma, violence and abuse and get here to receive the same in detention centers. In 2011,alone for six months more than 46,000 parents of U.S citizens children were deported ( Dreby). There has been individual face threats of deportation from citizens that dislike immigrants due to the color of their skin. Nearly 10% of U.S families have at least one member without citizenship and 5.9 million have one caregiver ( Dreby). The parents are being shipped out of the country and leaving single mothers struggling to make ends meet while children are in foster care. The deportation of people who have committed certain serious crimes are a threat to our national security and will harm the people of the community.

Immigration has affected mental and economically numerous families that strive for the best only but as their status is illegal they can’t progress further. These impacts have negatively impacted childrens in the long term by providing them with “toxic-stress” due to the fear of a family member being deported. Between 2006 and 2009 a study of immigration enforcement in six locations in the U.S found families lost 40 to 90 percent of their income on average 70 percent within six months of a parents immigration related arrest, detention or an order of deportacion( America 2). An estimated 5,000 U.S citizen children in foster care had a detained or deported parent in 2011 according to a national study(America2). There has been limited mechanism to safeguard the parent’s right will in custody with the government. A federal law mandates that parental rights be terminated if a child has been out of parent’s custody for 15 of the past 22 months ( America2). If the parental rights remain intact with the parent deportacion they can make custody arrangements for their children to stay in the United States or ICE is supposed to “accommodate, to the extent practicable” to make effort of guardianship or travel arrangements for the child prior to the deportacion ( America2). After all, the government takes away their children and then makes it almost impossible to get their child back by saying to them that they have to prove they can have kept the child stable and in a safe environment when the parents have barely been deported.

As an immigrant there's not many choices to choose out from when it comes to jobs, living conditions, education range and so much more because doors close right in front due to having the “illegal” tag. In 2012, a Gallup survey regarding immigration found that 640 million people would move to a different country if given the opportunity and a top destination was the United States with 23 percent of people choosing it as their top destination ( Chief). Immigrants bring new experiences and perspectives to the communities they settle in by the way they are, traditions, and the strength to never give up on what you want in life. In the United States about 800,000 people become naturalized U.S citizens after being legalized to bring more knowledge and wisdom and increase the cultural awareness of everyone in a community(Chief). If they have the opportunities to pursue an advanced education or higher employment skilled job they can later go to their origin country and make it improve its status with their skills. The “American Dream” is not present in every country and only 33 out of 200 nations are considered to be a developing country ( Chief ). Illegal immigrants make up more than 6 percent of the state's population and 69% are less likely to be imprisoned when compared to native citizens ( Chief).

In conclusion, immigrants aren’t as substandard as the society sees it. It's just a matter of fact to give an opportunity to those in need of it. They show that diversity is a good thing and that if local communities help out and get to know their cases they would change their perspective towards them. Negativity of the president towards the immigrants leads to the citizens to bash them and treat them like animals and downgrade them in front of others. Immigrants are looking for a place that's full of opportunities to make them prosper and become a better person but if we close doors on them how are they going to achieve their goals.

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