Informative Essay on Meatless Monday

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The numbers and statistics revealed in this film are really unbelievable and lots of people are questioning if it is really true. If the documentary’s content is true, then why there are no environmental organizations talking about it? If the number one goal and aim of these organizations are to save the planet, then why do they keep on saying that fossil fuel is still the main cause of greenhouse gases when it is impossible for scientists and professionals not to know about the emissions from animal agriculture? What’s behind their silence and why are they keeping their mouths shut about how the planet is being destroyed by the livestock industry?

This scientific article claims that the information and details from “Cowspiracy” are accurate, it may be hard to believe but there are several types of research supporting the claims aforementioned. For example, a Canadian cow consumes 115 liters per day which convert to almost 30 gallons which equates to 30 gallons per cow per day for 365 days. (Ontario Ministry, 2015). There is no doubt to how 55% of water usage in the United States just falls to cattle raising (Anderson/Kuhn, 2014). In addition to water usage, the issues including land have checked out as well. In line with this, the film also conveys that the main reason for rainforest loss is cattle grazing. Rainforest destruction is possible because cows need a large area of land to graze as well as their food which also needs a place to grow (Lund, 2006). Adding these aspects or factors together, it is really obvious and logical to say how animal agriculture is killing the Earth’s lungs. Then, if the information presented in the documentary is supported and known to be accurate, why are the environmental organizations not talking about this? Simply because no one wants to be told that their mom’s treasured recipe for pot roast is bad for the planet. Some NGOs, like The Nature Conservancy and WWF, take money from food companies that produce or sell meat and other green groups may be despised to offend their boards or their members who are into meat industries and businesses. This is the sad reality that the human race has to face; even big organizations will keep silent and keep us away from the real deal because they’re worried that their funds will be affected. They’ll continue pursuing the practices of using fewer plastics, riding bikes, using metal straws, etc. in our minds, but not consuming less meat which is the main claim and main solution of what the producers of Cowspiracy are suggesting to people.

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The film proposes that individuals must try to adjust to a vegetarian way of life. By doing this, the measure of all the resources that are utilized would be lessened and be better for the planet. To sustain a person in a plant-based vegan diet for a year, will take 1/6 part of the land. On the other hand, to sustain a similar individual on a full diet takes 18x as much land. (Anderson/Kuhn, 2014). By practicing a vegan lifestyle, people would not need to overbreed animals for food or utilize land to develop feeds for them. The land at present being taken up by the livestock industry could be utilized for substantially more significant things, for example, sustaining food for people who are starving in underdeveloped nations (Anderson/Kuhn, 2014). Although changing the diets of every person in this world is really idealistic, the idea of “meatless Mondays” sounds much more reasonable and realistic. The majority of the First World population has grown up eating meat and other foods that come from the animal agriculture business that's why the transition to a vegan lifestyle would be very difficult for most people. However, if people practiced 'Meatless Mondays', it will result in cutting back on meat intake which can make one person save 45lbs of grain, 30sq.ft. of forest, 10lbs of CO2, and the life of one animal. (Anderson/Kuhn, 2014). It must be remembered that a global shift away from animal-based foods is absolutely an essential key to saving the planet and not just climate change.

To conclude, the planet is under a large threat because of animal agriculture. Greenhouse gases are starting to dominate and turn out to be an even more dangerous phenomenon. Over half of the portion of water in America is going to dairy animals like cows as opposed to individuals who are kicking the bucket out of thirst each day. The valuable place where there is earth, including the rainforests which give oxygen to people to live off of, is being destroyed so cows can have a place to stroll and graze before being slaughtered for the food of the riches. The oceans, sharks specifically, are in a grave measure of danger due to overfishing and the resources that our planet brings to the table are being wasted on overbred animals.

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Informative Essay on Meatless Monday. (2023, August 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Informative Essay on Meatless Monday.” Edubirdie, 28 Aug. 2023,
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