Causes of Choosing a Vegan Diet: Thesis Statement

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Why You Need to Shift to Vegan Society

Vegans are people who feed on vegetables only. They exclude all animal products from their diet. They will mostly feed on foods derived from plants like g maize, kale, mangoes, and many others as long as it is derived from growing plants. Veganism which is the method of having diets that only has plants derived products was invented in the year 1944 by Watson Donald in England. In the year 1951, the vegan society came up with a reason as to why they don’t feed on animals, claiming that they don’t want to be daring to animals. Vegans have been outlined to originate from the Indus Valley Civilization from 3300-1300 BC in India. During that time it had not yet spread in the whole Indian community, but people from the northern, Pakistan, and Western parts of India were the ones who had greatly adopted the vegan culture. However, people like Acharya Kundakunda and Chandragupta Maurya were the first ones to start the vegan diet. Pythagoras was one of the communities that practiced veganism in a more strict way and their followers, were not wearing wool clothing because they are animal products. They also did not associate with the chefs and hunters.

In the article below are some of the historic beliefs and reasons as to why they preferred being vegans. The article has also narrowed down some facts as to why is veganism important and its demerits, and how to become a vegan if one gets interested in veganism.

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Historic Beliefs About Vegans?

Al-Ma’arri one of the people who started vegan feeding, has his main view and believes that if humans feel pain when one of them is taken away from them, so do animals feel. He had pity on the animals that were being killed for food; they lose their happiness to satisfy a human. He however ended up concluding that if humans deserve justice also animals too should have justice by leaving their life fully.

Percy Bysshe and William Lambe were one of the early people who could recite poems fed on veganism, from London being physicians. They had a strong belief that vegetables could cure any disease that could be thought incurable.

In some countries such as India, where religious matters come in with animal food. However many people have been confused thinking that only vegetables are eaten in Hindu, and meat is allow allowed but they advise people to feed on the vegetables to prevent the violent act of killing that happens to animals in search of food.

Merits of Being a Vegan

Many people think that the reason for being a vegan is always considering health matters. However, they have been doing this in consideration to protect the surroundings by not killing animals. However, others do so for spiritual stuff and even principled stuff. Below are beneficial matters concerning health as a vegan.

    1. Helps Loose Body Weight: Plants-derived meals have small amounts of calories; these are one of the things that help one gain weight. They are mostly found in animal products and hence avoiding the calories by being a vegan will help reduce body weight.
    2. Regulates Cholesterol Levels: Getting medications and feeding in veganism mode is the highest cure for cholesterol because most vegetables do not contain excess fats. Research has however shown that many of the people who suffer from cholesterol are the ones who feed on foods derived from animal products. Few people have been noticed to be suffering from cholesterol and if so it is easier to treat once on medication.
    3. Prevents Cancer: Despite the fact that they are prone to get colon cancer, they are at a higher percentage of getting other types of cancer. Research has shown that vegans are lowly prone to cardiovascular effects as compared to those who feed on animal products.
    4. Helps Better Our Moods. The fact of freshness in vegetables tends to clean and relax our minds hence no stress, and avoiding depression, medical studies have shown that many of the people who seek guidance on stress and depression are always meat feeders, as most animals products are not always fresh hence diddling their minds and they find it hard to deal with stress and depression, which brings up to bad moods as to the vegans whose minds are always purified after every meal leading to them having good moods.
    5. Helps Perform Better in Sports. Many people have been tricked that lots of proteins will help them in sports; they forget that proteins have got lots of calories that will increase their cholesterol levels and their body weight. Vitamins and carbohydrates found in the plant diet are the best diets to become a successful sportsperson. It has however still emerged to be great for many of the athletes and many of the sports champions are vegans including Serena Williams.
    6. Beneficial to Our Skin. Vitamin C in vegetables tends to sound beneficial to the skin. Many vegans have smooth skins that don’t crack and are without acne. Comparing those who feed on animal products, who have cracked skins, and are accompanied by acne.
    7. It Protects the Environment. For anyone to get the animals’ product they have to undergo many tasks to generate the meat. They have to use the plants and water to generate energy for the animal to grow the animal, after maturity the animal has to undergo various methods of preparation including killing which as to the environment it I harmful for its breaking their position in the food chain..
    8. Helps in Balancing Hormones. Estrogen has been discovered as one of the hormones that may result in cancer. Animal fats are one of the agents that increase the level of estrogen. Being a vegan reduces the risk of increasing estrogen which results in cancers like breast cancer. Vegetables have high globulin binding hormones that help to staminate the sex hormones.
    9. Reduce the Risk of Kidney Failure. Proteins derived from animals are more effective than plants derive proteins. Animal proteins are stronger than muscles and are prone to alter the body's muscles by either increasing them or reducing them. The altering of organs hormones will at most trigger the functioning of the organ.

Animal products have lots of fats, that may accumulate along the kidney and might trigger the functioning of the kidney, the excess proteins in the animal products raise at times lowers the hormones causing diseases like kidney failure and kidney stones.

How to Become a Vegan

After reading this article you might notice what you have been missing and maybe this is the way to go. However you do not just wake up one day and claim that you are a vegetarian, you have to make sure you supplement the other nutrients you have been getting from the animal food. Being a human being you have to undergo slow changes, not just wake up today and declare being a vegan. Your body needs slow omitting of animal foods and replace them with plant nutrients to avoid nutrient imbalance in the body.

Proteins derived from animal meat can be replaced with foods like beans. The best way to go is by slowly reducing the amount of meat you have been taking up to a zero level, and as you reduce the other amount you can substitute with vegetables or salad.

According to the United States vegans, they advise that you should start buying whole grain foods like brown rice, including salad fruits and vegetables. Ensure you are well exposed to Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D which can also be found in the sun, and do not intake high sugar level foods associated with high levels of fats.

Disadvantages of Being a Vegan.

Being a vegan is one of the great choices you can make for your health because you will have stayed away from diseases such as kidney disease, and heart disease.

You will have begun your successful journey to sports. However, being a vegan has its side effects too, but most of them come along if you don’t substitute your nutrients very well. Meaning you have to be careful when substituting nutrients.

Social Discomfort

Being vegan with friends who take meat is kind of a great challenge. Your friends will always be watching you when you visit a restaurant and they order the animal foods that will always appease your eyes and you might get tempted to intake them. Many restaurants do not offer or give space the vegan diets. You might visit a restaurant and find all the foods have somehow in a way added some of the animal products which makes life when visiting a restaurant awkward. Now that you have not found your diet your friends will try and influence you to take their diet with jokes and acquaintances from more so your peer mates. However, you should not give in let them know that you mean it when you decided to be a vegan because it’s for your own benefit, not their pleas.

Vitamin Deficiency

Many of the people who invade vegetarians end up getting vitamin deficiency disease this is because they never did good research on what to substitute with meat nutrients. Many animal products are important when it comes to nutrients such as iron which are of great help to the body. When you don’t substitute it yes your body will be kind of healthy but there will be an imbalance of the iron nutrients and you might be exposed to diseases like anemia diarrhea and many more. The importance of doing research or attaching yourself with a vegan who can help you with outcomes in If it is research then you need a thorough one unless you want to get the illness, or rather you can visit a medic who is specialized in food nutrients who can give you the way forward on which foods to substitute with.

Heavy Gas

Great volumes of fiber nutrients in vegetables have a high effect when it comes stop the production of gas within the body. In many cases, this gas is always awful and whenever you decline to take it out it might cause problems like stomach aches. This is the worst effect of being a vegan it makes one bumpy and in most cases many will avoid being in public areas. While this might not switch your mind about being a vegan, here is the solution take note and observe when the gas comes, and after which meal. Does it occur repeatedly? You can then reduce the amounts of that meal then substitute it with another that does not produce lots of gas.

In conclusion being a vegan has been always associated with good health, despite that it has been linked with some effects and disadvantages do not get shocked about that. Do not forget that the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, and by taking this journey you will have started a healthy life with no diseases if you correctly substitute the nutrients.

Many of your nonvegan friends might come in to discourage you but always remember that you are doing it for the sake of your health. Other vegan friends might come in and mislead you with the kind of foods you should eat and later get vitamin deficiency disease. Research is more important when it comes to matters dealing with your health. If you can’t research then visit one of the food nutrients doctors and get advice on which food to eat. They will guide you more than you might be guided by friends. However, a vegan diet is one of the important things you have to consider when you are suffering from diseases like kidney disease, heart disease, and many others. More of it, you will have stayed away from diseases, healthy and satisfied, which is healthy for your body and your mind.

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Causes of Choosing a Vegan Diet: Thesis Statement. (2023, October 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 20, 2025, from
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