Informative Speech on Trees

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Have you ever thought about what life would be like without trees? Try and imagine this desolate world. There would be no more paper, and yucky air, and everyone would have to resort to technological use. That is if humans are still here. I’m here to talk to you about deforestation in Australia and its cause and impact. Forests and trees help in many ways such as providing a habitat for many different species of animals, reducing greenhouse emissions, and keeping soil and water healthy for us. To some, it may not be such a major issue, but before you know it, its effects will be knocking on our doorsteps.

First and foremost, what is deforestation? Deforestation is the removal of trees or forests which are then transformed into non-forest use. Causes include fire or clear-cutting to make way for agricultural use, roads, infrastructure, paper, and mining. A more natural cause in Australia is bushfires.

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The worldwide fund or more commonly known as WFF suggests that Eastern Australia alongside the notorious Amazon rainforest deforestations are major fronts where deforestation occurs. They also suggest that of the 1250 plants and 390 terrestrial animal species listed as threatened, 964 plants and 286 animals have deforestation as the cause of their threat. When forests are cut down the animals’ habitats are destroyed with some animals in the process. Affected animals include Koalas and wallabies. Forests play a major role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and repressing climate change by storing carbon dioxide. When burnt down, carbon dioxide is released into the air causing global warming. Trees and forests actually impact the health of soil and water. Without tree roots to anchor fertile soil, erosion can sweep soils into rivers, choking and polluting our waterways. Estimates show that one-third of the world’s land suitable for growing crops has been lost to soil erosion.

We interviewed a koala who lost his home to deforestation and his mental and physical state is living proof of what deforestation can cause. He said, “I was sleeping as I do when I heard the roaring noise of machines. At first, I ignored it but then it started to cut down the trees surrounding me. Me and my family I’s tree was forcefully chopped, and we fell to the ground. I was the only one to escape.” This koala was covered with bruises and cuts at the time of the interview.

Why should we care at all? How does it impact us? The main problem for us is the air we breathe in. If little trees existed, we would not be able to breathe due to the unsuitable air. We would have to wear gas masks or special equipment to filter what oxygen is left in the air. Trees have a crucial role in the carbon cycle. This is where carbon dioxide is cycled through the atmosphere, into organisms, and back out to the trees which store it to release oxygen for us to breathe. Fresh water will also become scarce and as I said before, soil erosion can pollute our water sources. Our soil will also be unsuitable for growing crops leading to famines or low fresh food sources.

I chose this topic because it is a very real problem that we all face today. I believe it is extremely important for our trees to continue thriving because not only does it look beautiful, it helps keep us alive by maintaining clean air, soil, and water, preventing global warming, and providing shelter and food to people around the world.

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Informative Speech on Trees. (2023, August 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 20, 2025, from
“Informative Speech on Trees.” Edubirdie, 28 Aug. 2023,
Informative Speech on Trees. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 20 Feb. 2025].
Informative Speech on Trees [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Aug 28 [cited 2025 Feb 20]. Available from:

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