Interior Design Is My Passion

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I have always desired to pursue a career in Interior Design due to my passion for art and home decorations. My interest has grown and developed over many years through visiting museums and watching programs based on designing homes. Museums and homes certainly differentiate in design - the archaic representation of museums, like the National Gallery Museum in London, exhibits a grand gesture within its structure. On the other hand, homes usually present comfort and serenity. I believe that learning skills from this course will provide me with the knowledge required to make designs that will be creative and attractive, yet comfortable for the setting.

I eagerly want to learn about mixing materials in order to create something eye-catching and practical, as well as study spatial planning and presentation. Being educated in those areas would allow me to further my understanding of color, texture, lighting, and overall furnishing space so that the various factors involved in the production are able to interact well and result in a pleasing outcome.

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Earlier last year, I conducted volunteer work at our local hospital. Most of the work I was asked to complete was within the ward I was assigned to and so I was able to observe the setting thoroughly. Hospitals are not meant to be aesthetically pleasing, but it was clear that the dreary environment in the ward did not gratify the patients. I believe that public settings, such as hospitals, require a design that is more well-thought and considers the service user’s opinions since they are the ones who are being cared for. The appearance of an environment can have a significant effect on the individuals around it especially if they are going to be staying there for a long period of time. This influenced me to want to design a space that will provide both comfort and beauty.

In 2018, I received A-Levels, including one in Art & Design. During the year, I studied different techniques for creating artwork to identify which mediums worked well together. For example, I explored with a plaster bandage in order to produce branches coming out of a female figure. I painted it with acrylic paint afterward to create tree-like designs and connected leaves that I made out of different materials. I found that I really enjoyed using mixed media and will carry on to do so. I also took an interest in Renaissance art due to the anachronistic effect they exhibited. I partook in several trips to London galleries, such as the Tate Museum and the National Portrait Gallery, where I came to the conclusion that old-fashioned styles and modern styles can merge successfully if the right designs are involved. This is why I want to be given the chance to design products that are intermixing different factors.

I want to gain more knowledge within this career sector which is why I am currently doing a BTEC course in engineering. I have learned more about the practical side of maths which will be beneficial as it would allow me to incorporate the knowledge into the work for Interior Design. We’ve also been working with Computer-Aided Design, from which I have obtained skills in producing accurate drawings in less time compared to hand drawings. So far, I have achieved distinctions in my coursework; it focuses on inspection regulations and the safety of employees. In addition to the requirement of creativity of an individual, the understanding of the safety of others within the space designed is a necessity. I believe that I have this understanding and I wish to learn more so that I can become as successful as I can be.

In the future, I want to be able to provide designs that will satisfy and attract a wide target audience. I aspire to have my own line of work in interior design as I want to focus on transitional styles. Although for now, I want to be able to use the skills and qualities I have and develop them so that I am better suited for this course, and can eventually become an accomplished interior designer.

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Interior Design Is My Passion. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
“Interior Design Is My Passion.” Edubirdie, 27 Dec. 2022,
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Interior Design Is My Passion [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 27 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from:

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