Millennials' Narcissism and Mental Health, Career, Social Media

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Narcissism has been associated with cognitive wellbeing, career satisfaction and social media platform. The role of narcissism in health-risk and health-protective practices were investigated on 365 college understudies. Narcissism was decidedly prescient of liquor use, cannabis use, and unsafe driving practices. An aggregate of 224 workers from an open association has rounded out self-rating proportions of employment fulfilment, FFM attributes and a proportion of narcissism. Narcissism was emphatically related with FFM extraversion and receptiveness to experience. A sum of 72 undergraduate students were selected and asked to make alters to their page for 15 minutes and finished a poll about their page. Individuals who concentrated on their Facebook page scored fundamentally higher in confidence, but not narcissism. Results are talked about with reference to the potential present moment also, long haul wellbeing suggestions for future research on the relationship among narcissism and wellbeing practices, career satisfaction and SNS usage.

Narcissism might be extensively conceptualized in two higher forms of aspects which are adaptive and maladaptive (Ackerman et al., 2011) where the former is identified with cognitive wellbeing and strength (Sedikides, Rudich, Gregg, Kumashiro, & Rusbult, 2004) while maladaptive narcissism is identified with qualification and negative consequences (Pincus et al., 2009). The research about narcissism is crucial in the present study as it is rumoured that the millennial age these days has been known as the 'narcissistic era' and there are claims that the world is encountering a 'narcissism pestilence'. This essay will be divided into three main parts where narcissism is highly seen in, such as in health risk and health protective behaviour, narcissism in a working environment and lastly the effect of self-esteem and narcissism in Social Networking Service (SNS). In psychological well-being, the connection of narcissism is unpredictable, as while there is some proof that narcissism is decidedly connected to prosperity and cognitive well-being, it is also additionally connected with different hazard practices among individuals (Buelow & Brunell, 2014; MacLaren & Best, 2013; Martin et al., 2013). Then, in a working environment, narcissism is seen to be affecting the career achievement and also when controlling for Five Factor Model (FFM) characteristics. Persistent with the past study, narcissism was related with a higher amount of social media followers where youngsters invest most of their free time on SNS as it is seen to embrace progressively positive self-views, despite the fact that the particular structure this takes depends on the site they visit on the daily basis.

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Hill (2016), Ng (2014), Buelow and Brunell (2014) and Orth and Luciano (2015) in their research used Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) questionnaires (Raskin & Terry, 1988), a 40-questions constrained decision poll where each question is made out of matched articulations, and the participants were then needed to pick the description which describes them the best as a method to measure narcissism as a character trait. One of the description is an attribute for a narcissistic reaction, while the other is a nonpartisan reaction. However, each of the authors used a different method in measuring the psychological health of their selected sample size. A sequence of single-descriptions questions was utilized by Hill (2016) to evaluate both well-being hazard and well-being defensive conduct. By utilizing the single-description questionnaires, it helped to diminish the strain yet allowing the accumulation of data on different sorts of conduct (Bylund et al., 2010; Hall et al., 2006; & Rolstad et al., 2011). Ng (2014) evaluated the psychological well-being of the selected sample by using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) (Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) (Pavot & Diener, 1993). The PSS evaluates the recurrence of stress manifestations in the last two weeks on a 4-point scale while SWLS evaluates the general fulfilment with life of the participants’. Then, a Domain Specific Risk-attitude Scale (DOSPERT) and Cognitive Appraisal of Risky Events (CARE) was used by Buelow and Brunell (2014) in order to evaluate the five element of hazard-taking conducts in their sample size, which are ethical, financial, health or safety, recreational and social (Weber, Blais, & Betz, 2002) while CARE evaluates the contribution in hazard taking practices, including illegal medication use, forceful or unlawful conducts, unsafe sexual practices, liquor use, association in high-hazard sports, and dangerous scholarly or work practices (Fromme, Katz, & Rivet, 1997). Lastly, Orth and Luciano (2015) used the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) (Radloff, 1977) to evaluate the appraisal of depressive syndrome in nonclinical, subclinical, and clinical populaces, where its legitimacy has been more than once affirmed.

In general, the results from Hill (2016) indicated that narcissism might be a well-being hazard through its relationship to well-being conducts compared to the health-defensive conducts as it is shown that liquor use, marijuana use, and unsafe driving practices are positively predicted much more than the likelihood of reliably having a good dieting method and prescient of physical activity in health-defensive conducts. Then, narcissistic grandiosity was forecasted as to have a more prominent probability of inclusion in ethical, money related, and social practices such as illicit medications and illicit practices as shown by Buelow and Brunell’s results. However, contradict to Hill’s and Buelow and Brunell’s results, Ng’s (2014) and Orth and Luciano (2015) results indicated otherwise. Ng’s (2014) show that narcissism leads to health-defensive conducts more than health-risk conducts as it is seen that grandiose narcissists are more adaptable in coping with their stress rather than vulnerable narcissists, thus explaining the reason why they are mentally healthier. Meanwhile, Orth and Luciano (2015) results indicated that narcissism comprised solely of consummately stable attributes change, giving a conceivable clarification to the nonattendance of socialization consequences for narcissism. This shows that can have both effects of health-defensive and health-risk conducts. While the effect of narcissism can increase one’s self esteem throughout their life, especially in coping with stressful situations, the noteworthy impact of narcissism can also propose that narcissism is maladaptive for the individual, as that narcissistic people create unfriendly occasions in their lives. Regardless of whether the impact was little, the choice of impact of narcissism may aggregate crosswise over longer periods, prompting generally unpleasant life conditions. Apart from that, it is also noteworthy to note that narcissistic people also tend to be inclined to hasty and hazard taking conduct, which may add to the event of mishaps and genuine diseases.

In addition to that, narcissism plays different roles in working environments. Mathieu (2013) in his study that used the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) to evaluate the level of job satisfaction among narcissism workers showed that, despite controlling the Five Factors Model (FFM) characteristics, narcissism did affect the employment fulfilment. There is a positive correlation between employment fulfilment and conscientiousness and agreeableness while a negative correlation between employment fulfilment and neuroticism. Then, even though it is known that low degrees of employment fulfilment are connected with worker achievement (Judge et al., 2001) and their respective turnover, Maynard (2015) and his team hypothesized that employees’ sense of over qualification also plays a part, where it can exhibit negative ramifications for both the individual and the company. For instance, over qualification has been demonstrated to be adversely identified with occupation demeanours and wellbeing results, and decidedly identified with turnover expectations (McKee-Ryan and Harvey, 2011). This is because, overqualified workers will likely feel that they did not gain as much as their co-workers who are decently qualified, and that such profession may not give sufficient chances to training and profession advancement. Therefore, there is also an expectation that over qualification would likely to create perceptions of career disappointment, though for marginally various reasons such as it may be due to the apparent neglected worker’s needs, the apparent absence of correspondence from the company, or might be the absence of supply or compensation that they feel deserves to. In order to evaluate the correlation of over qualification with narcissism, Maynard (2015) had use the nine-description Scale of Perceived Overqualification (SPOQ), to evaluate the perceived over qualification, which the method uses a 7-point Likert scale (Maynard et al's, 2006) by having the sample sizes appraised the degree to which they felt that they had surplus study background, experience, or knowledge, respect, and ability (KSA) elements in respect to prerequisites for their position and evaluate the objective over qualification by trying to match between the participants’ study background and the level required for their career spot. As predicted, the results showed that there was a positive correlation between perceived over qualification and narcissistic privilege, even though the relationship was shockingly moderate. This can be interpreted that maybe the excessive self-improvement and privilege is generally uncommon in numerous professions, and for most employees, a respectably expanded, but yet less outrageous self-view may not be adequate to outweigh other noticeable proof about how well their capabilities coordinate their career necessities.

Lastly, Martin (2016) conducted a test to study the relationship between narcissism and leadership attitude in working environments by using the five elements from the consideration aspect and five elements from the initiating structure aspect, taken from the Leadership Behaviour Development Questionnaire XII (Stogdill, 1963) and also evaluated if parental income also play a role in narcissism in workplace as it is hypothesized that the higher the parents salary, the higher the narcissism levels in the employees. The results showed that narcissism did identifies with less commitment in social undertaking and change-arranged leadership practices, while the parental salary of an individual’s is emphatically related with later narcissism in life as they feel a sense of superiority against their group of friends. Furthermore, the parental salary was also by implication related with less commitment in practices that are generally seen as integral to the position of leadership, and, thus, decreases the viability of numerous aspects as a result of too much narcissisms. It can be seen through those results that, there is a psychological 'buildup' (Mill operator et al., 2009) from growing up wealthier or less fortunate that identifies with future leadership adequacy by means of manner and conduct. The discoveries advance the possibility that the full scale social pattern of expanding pay difference through the connection between one’s salary and narcissism indeed has the significances for our comprehension of the administration financial aid and procedure especially in the working environments.

Moving on to the Social Network Service (SNS), the advancement in levels of narcissism among the Millennials along with the expanded utilization of SNS brings up the issue of whether there is an association between both of them. It is hypothesized that consuming more time in the social media can makes youngsters to support progressively positive self-views, in spite of the fact that the particular structure this takes depends on which sites they spend most of their time with as past research showed that narcissism was related with how many followers they have in their social media lives. This can be seen clearly where social media user can expand the narcissism level by encouraging self-guideline techniques. For instance, Narcissists' Facebook users’ timelines are more self-advancing, especially in their uploaded pictures, posts, announcements (Buffardi & Campbell, 2008; Mehdizadeh, 2010) and also are likewise to pick more self-upgrading and indecent email address as their email usernames (Back, Schmukle, and Egloff, 2008). Moreover, it is known that social media give an approach to narcissists to increase their followers as they trust it is crucial to become more acquainted with as many people as they can, compared to non narcissists where they avoid following and accepting random people, and stay close with their small circle of friends instead. Gentile (2012) tested the correlation between the two elements by conducting a questionnaire where the participants’ react on a 5-point Likert scale to three inquiries: ''My page precisely reflects who I am,'' ''My companions' remarks improve my state of mind,'' and ''My photos depict the picture I want to exhibit.'' Persistent with Buffardi and Campbell's (2008) investigation on Facebook users, people with higher NPI scores showed to have more followers, are likewise having more people visiting their page and were additionally bound to state that the photos on their page depicted the picture they might want to show to their followers. Singh, Farley and Donahue (2018) then tested the correlation by asking their sample size to respond to two questions that were intended to evaluate whether they utilized their online life in overconfident ways, such as ('It is significant that my SNS profiles make others need to be my followers and show enthusiasm for me' and 'It is significant that my 'followers appreciate me') where the results showed that there is a moderate positive relationship among NPI and an inspiration to keep updated with one's life. Lastly, two sets of inquiries were distributed to Bergman, Shawn, Fearrington, Matthew, Davenport, Shaun W., and Bergmans’ (2011) sample size in order to estimate the reasons why they update their status or post photos on their social media accounts. The primary set comprised of two things evaluating the degree to which they believe that their followers were keen on what they were doing and the second arrangement surveyed the degree to which they need their followers to comprehend their whereabouts. The results showed that narcissism was emphatically identified with the conviction that their social media followers were keen on what they were doing and they also disclosed that they want their followers to realize what they were doing on a daily basis.

In conclusion, narcissism did play parts in the psychological health, working environments, and in social media networks, even though in some parts the significance may be a bit average compared to what it was expected to be. However, it is good to note that despite the positive correlations on those factors affecting narcissisms, there are indeed several limitations while conducting those researches. In the first place, the cross-sectional method restrains the causal translation of the outcomes. Then, it didn't inspect why grandiose narcissists are more adaptable in stress adapting than vulnerable narcissists. Future research is then ought to embrace the exploratory techniques to test the causal component proposed in psychological well-being. As both working environments and social media use the self-report in collecting the data’s, the collected data in regards to required education background and inspiration driving to SNS life might probably did not be as precise due to memory recollections. Therefore, further studies are suggested to gauge the required education level and social media use through certain methods other than self-report.


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  2. Buelow, M., & Brunell, A. (2014). Facets of grandiose narcissism predict involvement in health-risk behaviors. Personality and Individual Differences, 69(C), 193–198.
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  4. Clarke, Karlov, & Neale. (2015). The many faces of narcissism: Narcissism factors and their predictive utility. Personality and Individual Differences, 81, 90–95.
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  6. Hill, E. M. (2016). The role of narcissism in health-risk and health-protective behaviors. Journal of Health Psychology, 21(9), 2021–2032.
  7. Martin, S. R., Cote, S., & Woodruff, T. (2016). ECHOES OF OUR UPBRINGING: HOW GROWING UP WEALTHY OR POOR RELATES TO NARCISSISM, LEADER BEHAVIOR, AND LEADER EFFECTIVENESS. Academy Of Management Journal, 59(6), 2157–2177.
  8. Mathieu, C. (2013). Personality and job satisfaction: The role of narcissism. Personality and Individual Differences, 55(6), 650–654.
  9. Maynard, D. C., Brondolo, E. M., Connelly, C. E., & Sauer, C. E. (2015). I'm Too Good for This Job: Narcissism's Role in the Experience of Overqualification. Applied Psychology, 64(1), 208–232.
  10. Ng, H. K. S. K., Cheung, R. Y.-H. Y., & Tam, K.-P. P. (2014). Unraveling the link between narcissism and psychological health: New evidence from coping flexibility. Personality and Individual Differences, 70, 7–10.
  11. Orth, U., & Luciano, E. (2015). Self-esteem, narcissism, and stressful life events: testing for selection and socialization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109(4), 707–721.
  12. Singh, Farley, & Donahue. (2018). Grandiosity on display: Social media behaviors and dimensions of narcissism. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 308–313.
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