Joan Of Arc's Impact On Society

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Joan of Arc was a very powerful and successful women who unfortunately lived a very short life and died at the age of 19. Her real name is Jeanne d’Arc. In 1412 Joan was born and baptized in Domremy. In 1428 at the age of 16 she cut her hair to look like a boy, she traveled to Vaucouleurs to ask the Dauphin if she can join his forces. Unfortunately, he rejected her. A year later Joan returns to Dauphin this time he accepts that same year Joan was assigned her own troupe. Joan and her troupe won the seige in Orleans and won back the rightful kingdom for the king. Joan, her parents, and brothers were than raised to nobility status. In 1430 Joan reaches Compiegne, where she is to fight another invasion. The voices Joan hears warn her that she will get captured in this battle, she ignores them and goes on to fight. The voices were right, Joan was soon thrown off her horse and was captured by her enemy. In 1431 Joan is transferred to Bishop Pierre Cauchon's control for her interrogation. Joan's trial begins.

Upon the reading of her sentence, Joan gets frightened and signs a last-minute abjuration. After signing her abjuration, Joan is transferred from ecclesiastic to secular authority. She was then burnt at the stake, known now as a martyr.

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Joan of Arc was born in Domremy. She then lived in Lorraine for 16 years until she travelled to fight for her town. She then died in Roune. She fought many wars which she succeeded in and some she lost all of these wars made her travel very far.

She structured women’s right by fighting in wars and leading an army. She showed that women could do just as many things as men could do and that they were just as useful as men. She also showed that women are successful, strong and independent just like men. She freed her country from the English and sacrificed herself by dying nobly on the stake.

For the women in medieval times she influenced them because she believed in gender equality and that women can’t be looked down on by men, she represented a new side of women in medieval times. For the men it didn’t make really make a difference because men just learnt that women were just as good as men, she had pride and confidence as she surprised the men she passed through when in Orleans since women never fought in battles.

At a young age she gave her true devotion to god and began to see visions and hear voices that were sent from God which told her that it’s her mission to lead the French army and free her people from the English and to help the Dauphin of France to get his throne. Joan had influenced a large group of people regarding their religious preference, many people started to follow the catholic church.

Many people have been influenced by Joan and therefore numbers of charities, hospitals, foundations and schools were built in her honor.

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Joan Of Arc’s Impact On Society. (2022, August 25). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Joan Of Arc’s Impact On Society.” Edubirdie, 25 Aug. 2022,
Joan Of Arc’s Impact On Society. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Joan Of Arc’s Impact On Society [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Aug 25 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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