John Berger essays

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2 Pages 862 Words
John Peter Berger (5 November 1926 – 2 January 2017) was an English art critic, novelist, painter, and poet.1 He is best known for his novel G. and his book and BBC series Ways of Seeing. His books’ ideas and arguments (Ways of Seeings which we have chosen for the presentation) are still relevant today. Berger takes us beyond the...
5 Pages 2253 Words
“We can only approach it obliquely, from different angles that get closer to a central understanding but never quite touch it. We can only comprehend asymptotically.” Angelica Chong mentioned in her article on Hiroshima, Redux (Chong, 2016). She questions if we can ever understand atrocity and if we can never truly understand it, should we still be responsible for comprehending...
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