Love: Environmental Ethics, Bioethics And Altruism

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From my personal standpoint, habitually, people talk about love, what is it to love someone unconditionally, the genuineness of love, and the line between self-love and self-less love, but we do not delve about its true essence. Misconceptions always play with certainty about the efficacy and value of love which thereby holds us back to promote and generate love toward others. Love does not entail possessiveness nor prorietorial. People view love as the possession of something or someone that needs and has to be obtained and preserved. To expect and assume others ought to provide it to us unconditionally to make ourselves feel loved and filled with love is the biggest fallacy, which costs us much unhappiness. Love can be beautiful and intoxicating, heartbreaking and soul-crushing, or often all at the same time. Does love make our lives meaningful, or is it a trick of biology to make us reproduce and procreate? As a towering intellect and ever evolving piece of his knowledge; plato, once said that love makes us whole again. Love in its purest form need not to be demanded and clamored from others. Well, we can’t deny the fact that we normally blame ourselves for not feeling and being loved by someone, but its merely unorthodox to blame others for not loving us.

Environmental ethics gears with the moral and ethical relationship of human beings in a natural environment, the value of its moral status concerning the environment and non-human properties (Brennan, et. al., 2016). It helps describe human’s moral and ethical obligation with regards to the environment. Callicot suggests that we have an active and intrinsic motivation to protect and preserve the environment, be it to the areas where plants and animals reside that knots to love for the environment although by means, people are often justified and accounted to that of human-centered benefits. Moreover, human liberation and rights really came from the perspective of the moral and ethical paradigms in philosophy in which they are embedded. Interestingly, the vast existence of resources and natural wealth present can make our moral and ethical attitudes turn into munificence, benefitting not only to human social welfares, but also the animals and environment. The viewpoint seen in humans for environmental preservation and protection links to love for the environment itself. The idea of love is applied to love of humans, love of animals and love of nature, the “do no harm” applies not only to humans but also to the non-human contents of the environment.

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Bioethics, or simply, the love of life, looks at ethical issues that arise in virtue of our biological nature, of the fact that we are embodied and not just minds. We can find various definitions of bioethics, the simplest would be that is it considered as one of the ethical issues raised by queries involving life. It is an important field as we get more in the arena of understanding science and the fact that we can do things with biological sciences that has an impact on a human being means we must have ethical standards (Macer, 1998). The intrinsic or inner motivation and strength for ethical behaviour comes from love, it uses the idea of love of life as a ground for respect of life. To answer and elucidate the questions whether love of life is tantamount to bioethics, we should consider how humans view bioethics. Primarily, the way people view life in general, their responsibilites and moral interactions with living organisms, and how they describe the systems of organizations that the society thrive to protect bioethical values. Presently, considering the modern technology, there are a lot of bioethical issues, for example, if someone is trying to formulate or develop a new drug or vaccine, and it has to undergo experimentation, there has to be some fundamental principles of ethics that guides what a person can and cannot do when dealing with another human being. The resemblance and interrelatedness of all living organisms can be easily seen in most societies. Bioethics has origins in the connection and relationship between animals and nature, through evolution, Wright stated that not only humans, but animals do also possess brotherly love and it has seen as an advantage for survival in a community if all has a love for each other in all social beings. Living organisms including humans and animals also exhibit non-selfish behavior, and it is called Altruism.

Altruism is the sense of being selfless to others. Giving a handful of help to someone who needs the least and most (Kraut, Richard, 2018). As the simple saying goes, “Big differences came from small things.” What causes people to help? To risk one’s life to save the life of a stranger? In other words, what are the causes of someone or anybody else’s capacity for altruism? One answer is compassion, obviously, which is a key driver of altruism, but when u delve deeper through the capacity of human nature to care for others, that is when the efficacy of love changes the plot. Auguste Comte stressed that these altruists literally don’t think of themselves as being the center of anything, as being better or more inherently important than anybody else, which entails that altruistic love is the supreme kind of love. However, attitude is everything. On a personal note, this is where integrity comes because when you do moral deeds to others, you opt to set and preserve your values and standards of being a “kapwa” to others. You help someone because it is your act of sharing and showing your love for God and mankind. As the law of nature says, everything comes back when you do good to others, say nice things and think good thoughts. Not expecting something in exchange for, but it is the feeling of wholeness and fulfillment as a person.

Love of nature, love of ourselves, and love of others appears to be in common threads, or a major thread catenating all of humankind with each other, and within the environment. One of the facets or aspects of nature that humanity seem to love is the heterogeneity of living organisms. If we consider the environmental and bioethics, we must also comprise the duties and responsibilities we have to humanity as well as to the nature.

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Love: Environmental Ethics, Bioethics And Altruism. (2021, September 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Love: Environmental Ethics, Bioethics And Altruism.” Edubirdie, 29 Sept. 2021,
Love: Environmental Ethics, Bioethics And Altruism. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Love: Environmental Ethics, Bioethics And Altruism [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Sept 29 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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