Mandala essays

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6 Pages 2818 Words
ABSTRACT Penglipuran Village is located about 6 kilometers from Bangli City, and 1 kilometer from Kubu Village, Penglipuran is one of the quietest, cleanest and most peaceful villages in the entire country, and one of the three cleanest overall in the world. Untouched by modernization. The reason the author chose to research Penglipuran village tourism is to inform the reader...
6 Pages 2657 Words
ABSTRACT This paper aims to present the rules and principles of Vastu Shastra; the concept of Sustainable Architecture, which has been laid down by ancient sages for the designing and planning of a residential space in Indian context. The article begins with an attempt to understand the importance of sustainable planning in today’s life by listing down the environmental issue...
4 Pages 1950 Words
Located at Magelang Regency, Central Java in Indonesia, stands the Borobudur, a Mahayana Buddhist temple built between AD750 and 850. It is widely considered as one of the world’s seven wonders and also the largest Buddhist monumental temple complex in the world. Yet, the most intriguing aspect of this temple is not only its size but what this temple can...
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