Karma essays

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The saying 'what goes around, comes around,' is the first thing that enters my mind when karma's mentioned. By definition, karma is an action; good or bad, fate, or destined. Karma might be used to explain the meaning of why certain things occur; e.g., I good luck or bad luck, that may be attributed to my karma. Most conventional religions teach about the consequences of our actions; that by doing good deeds, you will not face the results of your...
3 Pages 1530 Words
“It is an individual’s accumulation of good or evil karma and also his dominating character traits, good or evil, which affect the karmic result.” Karma is the law of moral causation. The theory of karma is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism. This belief was prevalent in India before the advent of the Buddha. Nevertheless, it was the Buddha who explained and formulated this doctrine in the complete form in which we have it today. In Buddhism, the Sanskrit word Karma...
4 Pages 1975 Words
'Is there a maxim that should be the basis for all actions in the course of life? Surely it is the maxim of compassion: Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself. ' Confucius Karma is the judge of our actions, it is the unseen energy that derives from our behavior that brings with it corresponding consequences and retribution. The karma in Buddhism or Hinduism simply tells us that the effort we made in...
2 Pages 891 Words
Buddhism is a philosophy and rеligion composеd of practical tеachings, such as mеditation for еxamplе, which aims to inducе a transformation within thе practitionеr. It promotеs thе dеvеlopmеnt of wisdom, consciousnеss, and goodnеss to rеach a statе of еnlightеnmеnt. Wе havе lеarnеd in class that Karma is causеd by intеntional actions pеrform by individuals not accidеntal actions. In Karma еxistеncе is approachеd as a pеrmanеnt statе of changе. Thе condition for bеnеfiting from that changе is to dеvеlop disciplinе ovеr...
4 Pages 2165 Words
The Buddhist conception of karma, therefore, was viewed as a person's acts and their ethical consequences. The early Buddhist text was utilized so as to understand the idea of karma by Buddhist. The main work which profoundly cleanses is managed without individual thought processes, without want for acclaim or open acknowledgment or common significance. Buddhist speaks lacking emphasis all alone mental intentions or imperative desires and requests or physical inclinations. According to karma theory, without vanity or unrefined self-attestation or...
1 Page 652 Words
Introduction Hi, you’re listening to Positive Perspectives As you recall in the last podcast I talked about truthfulness and how it is viewed in various religions. After that podcast one of the comments that I received was “hey, just finished listening to your episode. Got me thinking we all tell lies at some point in our lives, but what if we were able to know the consequences of our actions before we committed a sin?” So, today we are going...
3 Pages 1271 Words
The most central focus of this paper is how violence has presented itself in Buddhism, especially in Sri Lanka and modern Asia, and, in connection with Buddhist ethics, how this is facilitated through the interpretation of a particular doctrine. Thus, it is necessary to place an emphasis on a multitude of violence-enabling concepts that are present in Buddhist doctrines, such as karma. Although karma firstly appears to have no connection to violence because it states that human actions inevitably have...
5 Pages 2392 Words
The Soul The soul being an unseen entity, has been defined in many terms. In the overall sense it is defined as a an entity that is separate from the body (Dictionary.com, 2019), and the descriptions as to what, in a human this immaterial part consists of or signifies, includes human feelings, thoughts, actions (Dictionary.com, 2019), personality, intellect and will (Collins Dictionary, 2019) which is “believed to exist after death (Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, 2019).” The major religions of the world,...
3 Pages 1571 Words
Introduction The dictionary’s definition of a wedding is “a marriage ceremony, especially considered as including the associated celebrations”. Marriage can be defined as the legal or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship. Marriage has been around for centuries, in fact, the first recorded evidence of marriage ceremonies dates from about 2350 BC. Buddhism Brief background and core beliefs: Buddhism was founded in North-Eastern India by a Prince named Siddhartha, in the sixth century BC....
2 Pages 1048 Words
The meaning of religion changes throughout the world. A neighbor, an associate, a voyager, a student abroad would give a wide range of various perspectives and suppositions on what religion is to them. It very well may be troublesome to identify different religions and provide accurate information that has no inclination and ultimately exhibits religion. Yet, it is imperative to locate a shared belief among genuine and fake to make a superior view of what religion has to offer. When...
5 Pages 2161 Words
Introduction For many Century, there are more and more people formed different peace organisations to create peace for the world. Buddhist Peace Fellowship also known as BPF, is one of the many peace organisations mainly based on Buddhism. BPF was first found in 1978. The reason why that this Buddhist peace organisations is selected is because they demonstrated their actions through the perspective of Buddhism and this would be the main difference compare to other peace organisations. Theological/Philosophical Background The...
1 Page 547 Words
Suffering is strictly the response to something – physical or mental – that occurs to a person. Yet, faiths worldwide have sought answers to this phenomenon, in hopes to decipher; why humans suffer and its necessity to life. Eastern faiths such as Buddhism cite that it is due to human’s attachment to material objects (Littlefair, 2017); whereas, Western religions, such as Christianity state suffering is inevitable due to sin, free will and humans needing to be tested for their second...
3 Pages 1360 Words
Located in Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum is a Buddhist figural sculpture titled Guanyin (Avalokiteshvara). The sculpture is on display in a room filled with Buddhist relics which have survived from China’s past. Guanyin, a bodhisattva (Buddha to be) is displayed next to Dashizhi, another bodhisattva type which shares the same wood carving and polychrome composition and rests on the same display plinth. In the gallery space, as in the religion itself, these two sculptures are aspects of the larger narrative...
3 Pages 1430 Words
India is a country in South Asia, which is rich for its culture and spirituality. This country is in the second position with the most population in the world. The density of India makes a lot of diversity that arises in society, especially Indian culture. The existing culture is strongly influenced by the existence of religion. Nevertheless, that could happen as India is the birthplace of three big religions there, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. This factor causes in India, religions...
3 Pages 1162 Words
Abstract According to the Vedas, all material fundamentals are inculcated with the modes of nature or gunas- sattava, rajas, and tamas. Understanding the guna mode of an individual is the key to behavioral analysis. Different individuals may have different intensities of sattava, rajas and tamas gunas. As defined by Lord Krishna in 14th chapter of Bhagwat Geeta Sattva is the state of harmony, balance, joy and intelligence. This paper conceptualizes the Sattvik model which describes the interplay of attributes (gunas),...
6 Pages 2520 Words
In many different religions, the soul is considered to be “the incorporeal essence of a living being”. It is considered the spiritual 'breath' that gives life to the living organism. Since the soul is such an essential aspect across various religions, this group felt it was important to map the fate of the soul. In Hinduism, Jainism and Ancient Greek Religion, amongst others, the soul undergoes reincarnation, and between births, rests in the after-life. The ultimate goal of a soul...
4 Pages 1740 Words
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