Buddhism essays

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The Good Life Essay

2 Pages 1050 Words
What is a ‘good life’? The idea of a ‘good life’ varies and is argued as everyone has their own beliefs on what is the best use of their life and how that will contribute to it being a good life. Not only this but different upbringings and religions influence the way we perceive goodness and success in life. Buddhism:...

Compare and Contrast Buddhism and Christianity Essay

5 Pages 2482 Words
Introduction to Comparative Analysis of Buddhism and Christianity Religion has always been an important topic in almost every society on Earth. Many religions have similar and contrasting thoughts on certain issues, such as life after death and issues of morality and ethics. Buddhism and Christianity are two religions known worldwide, with 7% of the world practicing Buddhism and 31% of...

Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism Essay

4 Pages 1672 Words
The Importance of Differentiating Hinduism and Buddhism Hinduism and Buddhism are two of the five major religions of the world today. Both are widely practiced and have lingered for centuries. There are numerous amounts of similarities and differences, as do all forms of religions. Some individuals may assume that Hinduism and Buddhism are the same religion with their names only...

Love: Common Good, Conceptual Beauty, Virtue

3 Pages 1678 Words
Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso, reverently known as the 14th Dalai Lama, has a lot to say about love. 14th Dalai Lama is the most important monk of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism. He has sought refuge in India ever since the Tibetan uprising of 1959. For him, the need of love comes from ‘inter-dependence’, which he...

Buddhism Theology Versus Greek Theology

2 Pages 702 Words
Theology since ancient times is a mysterious topic. There are two kinds of typical branch of theology, Greek theology and Buddhism theology. They are more popular than many other theologies. People may think that they are so similar in many aspects that they can’t be distinguished very clearly. As a matter of fact, they are different in some ways. This...

Comparison Between Western Philosophy And Buddhist Ethics

4 Pages 1798 Words
Buddhism and western philosophy are two ideologies that have stood the test of time. By looking at a cross-section of western meta-ethical theories, there is an adequate theoretical framework that triggers moral thinking in terms of Buddhism and a vast heterogeneity in Western philosophies. Scholarly, there's a need for a rich philosophical dialogue and conversation about western philosophy and Buddhist...

Chinese Buddhist Perspective On Afterlife

2 Pages 875 Words
This narrative is about a monk who died for two days, and he had the chance to see life after death. In his vision, he saw what happened to people after they die, and his account sheds light to the belief that the Chinese people had in the issue. He saw the judgment seat, and he faced the judge in...

The Beliefs And Practices Of Judaism And Buddhism

2 Pages 1036 Words
INTRODUCTION Religion may not be easy to define, as it is defined differently for different people.it may be defined as the belief in and worship. Religion may also be used to justify class, gender and colonial forms of discrimination and exploitation. Religion may heal and also hurt people. Teaching and learning about different religions educate citizens to live in a...

Violence And Buddhism

3 Pages 1250 Words
Throughout the duration of the Nanking Massacre, better known as the “Rape of Nanking,” Buddhist Japanese soldiers barbarically raped, tortured, and butchered 350,000 Chinese civilians. Nanking was brimming with rotting masses of mutilated corpses for months. One could ask, how could someone who follows Buddhism, the religion typically least associated with violence, to execute such horrendous and inhumane bloodshed? The...

Comparative Study Of Buddhism And Jainism

3 Pages 1217 Words
JAINISM Jainism was formed in 550 BC. Jainism traditionally known as Jain Dharma is an ancient Indian religion. The preachers of Jainism were known as Jain derived from Sanskrit word Jina. They follow the preachings of Lord Mahavira. Lord Mahavira was the twenty-fourth Tirathankar of Jainism, the texts containing the teachings of Lord Mahavira are known as Agamas. Digambar and...

The Understanding Of Violence In Buddhism

5 Pages 2392 Words
The most central focus of this paper is how violence has presented itself in Buddhism, especially in Sri Lanka and modern Asia, and, in connection with Buddhist ethics, how this is facilitated through the interpretation of a particular doctrine. Thus, it is necessary to place an emphasis on a multitude of violence-enabling concepts that are present in Buddhist doctrines, such...

Japanese Culture And The Afterlife: Shinto And Buddhism

4 Pages 1759 Words
Japan is known for its unique culture and deep rooted traditions. From traditional arts, including tea ceremonies, calligraphy, intricate gardens, sculptures, poetry and flower arrangements. The country’s population is 126,785,797 and one of the world’s most literate and advanced nations. Today’s culture is a combination of ancient traditions with Western influences. Most of Japan’s culture follows both Shinto and Buddhism...

The Concept Of The Soul In Major World Religions

3 Pages 1571 Words
The Soul The soul being an unseen entity, has been defined in many terms. In the overall sense it is defined as a an entity that is separate from the body (Dictionary.com, 2019), and the descriptions as to what, in a human this immaterial part consists of or signifies, includes human feelings, thoughts, actions (Dictionary.com, 2019), personality, intellect and will...

The Comparison Of Hinduism And Buddhism

4 Pages 2002 Words
Hinduism and Buddhism, ancient and complex religions, constantly influence today’s society. Although modern Hinduism and Buddhism are disparate than their original forms, the religions retain certain values critical to their essences. Hinduism preserves the skeleton of the caste system in India despite efforts to eliminate this social classification. Buddhism still possesses beliefs involving the elimination of desire and finding moderation....

Comparison And Contrast Of Hinduism And Buddhism

3 Pages 1155 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction There are two religions in the East, they are Hinduism and Buddhism. This Religion originated from India they both have many similarities and differences. In India, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the second president of India and a famous religious teacher and a philosopher, who united the east, and the west to understand India and the Hindu Religion. Radhakrishnan beliefs were...

Traditions And Goals Of Buddhism, Brahmanism And Jainism

5 Pages 2141 Words
This essay will examine Buddhism, Brahmanism and Jainism, although representing different traditions with distinct methodologies and goals, have commonalities that connect practices and beliefs of their meditation systems. The essay will consider geographic history and the merger of cultures, attitudes and doctrines within the first millennium BCE, with detail on how this interweaving of societies, so often seen as opposed...

Pure Buddhism And Buddhist Meditation Strategies

2 Pages 995 Words
Introduction Karma is the reward or punishment you get for what you did. This is a concept in Buddhist philosophy. This is a philosophy, which Sri Gauthama Sambuddha enchanted. This philosophy leads the way to attain nibbana, the uttermost freedom from Sansara. Sansara is the cycle which we go through from one birth to another. We face many incidents where...

Gender Inequality in World Religions: A Comparative Study

4 Pages 1790 Words
Cultures and Gender Inequality Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving. [1: According to Samovar and Porter (1994)] 'Culture consists of...

Hinduism Vs. Buddhism

7 Pages 3125 Words
All through the age, there has consistently been religion. The conviction that something exists past ourselves had significant roots in our general public, a gift that people have face for centuries. Buddhism and Hinduism are pronounced as two different religions but share a quite few things in common. Establishment and comparison between Hinduism and Buddhism is not to state the...

Weddings In Buddhism And Islam

2 Pages 1048 Words
Introduction The dictionary’s definition of a wedding is “a marriage ceremony, especially considered as including the associated celebrations”. Marriage can be defined as the legal or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship. Marriage has been around for centuries, in fact, the first recorded evidence of marriage ceremonies dates from about 2350 BC. Buddhism Brief...

Aristotelianism and Buddhism in Abortion Debate

5 Pages 2184 Words
The philosophies of Buddha and Aristotle are vastly different and have origins in opposite sides of the world. Aristotelianism is a very practical form of philosophy, focusing on why things are the way they are; using this as the basis for how one should live to achieve an excellent character. Whereas, Buddhism is less fascinated about how the world works,...

Why Early Buddhists Taught The Five Aggregates Weren’t Self

9 Pages 4250 Words
This essay considers reasons the early Buddhists taught that the five aggregates (khandhas) weren’t the self. These reasons can be classified into three categories: soteriological, socio-cultural, and philosophical. Given the Buddha’s emphasis on teaching for the purpose of liberation, the soteriological reasons are the most important and are given the most attention. Nonetheless, the social and religious milieu of Northern...

Bond Of Buddhism And Nature (Environment)

3 Pages 1227 Words
Every religion has a different kind of bond with nature and the surroundings. It can be because in an earlier period people understand how much important role played by these things in our life. So the creators of religion give an important place to the natural world in their religious and cultural traditions. In the history of every religion, the...

Buddhism And Its Beliefs In Education

4 Pages 1808 Words
Heart racing, hands sweating, and thoughts running a mile a minute are just naming a few of the crippling symptoms that is anxiety. Anxiety comes in many forms, but they can all be debilitating nonetheless. It has a negative impact on education and can be detrimental to one’s health. It is the leading cause of underachievement and prevents students from...

Buddhism Perspective On Euthanasia

4 Pages 1747 Words
Euthanasia or “good death” is the concept of ending a life to relieve pain and suffering intentionally as long as there are approvals from the patient and their relatives. This concept can be classified into different categories: Voluntary, Non-voluntary or Involuntary and the procedural classifications: Active and Passive euthanasia which only the procedural will be discussed in this essay. Active...

The Meaning Of Suffering In The Buddhist Philosophical Schools

3 Pages 1284 Words
To understand the meaning of suffering through the perspective of Buddha and other Buddhist philosophers, one must first learn about the life of Buddha and how the interpretation of suffering first came to life. At first glance, people might think how the son of such a great king can even begin to comprehend the meaning of suffering or why he...

Blasphemy Among Buddha And Hindu Religions

4 Pages 1744 Words
The intensification of faith in developing countries, particularly n South and Southeast Asia region, has given birth to the perceived notion of disrespect for the sacred among the Buddh and Hindu communities. This situation has led to a fear of violence at the hands of communities that promoted tolerance and nonviolence through their religious scriptures. Instead of going into the...

The Diffusion Of Buddhism

2 Pages 697 Words
The influence of Buddhism in the eastern world is modernly profound, enduring from its roots thousands of years ago. Founded in the 6th century B.C.E. the emergence of this religion in Asia was a result of a convergence of numerous factors and events in the following 1000-year time frame. Originating in the outer rim of Indian civilization, Buddhism developed from...

Typical Cult Induction Techniques Buddhism

3 Pages 1284 Words
In most cases, people are more susceptible to the influence of cults under the right conditions. Based on research, the majority of individuals are more vulnerable both when they have stress, no family relationship, when they are poor, and when they are weak emotionally (Davis, 2019). In order to gain followers, the cult uses various techniques to attract and retain...
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