My Desire to Participate in the Student Exchange Program

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Being someone who has so many interests in exploring the various challenges that comes in life at different stages, I see this student exchange program as a very beneficial chapter that one can experience in their university episode of life.

That was a remarkable opportunity to be a participant of the Phase I of CSA - UWE student exchange program where so many collaborative activities happened with the students from UWE who visited Sri Lanka in November 2019 for 10 days. The experiences I gained from that program made me realize that the phase II of this program where 10 students from our studio (CSA) getting a chance to collaborate with UWE students at Bristol would be a once in a life-time opportunity to better my knowledge.

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Therefore, I would like to express my strong interest for participating in this exchange program in January 2020, in which I see as an exciting next step in the expansion of my career outside my familiar surroundings and comfort zone. Being an eligible student since I am currently studying in Part II Year I where urban designing plays a major role in this academic year, the related program they would be hosting will ensure so much knowledge from a different perspective.

I perceive this exchange program would help me in broadening my knowledge base, acquiring skills and maturity through facing the challenges and significantly improve my present abilities with a global background. I hope that this would be an opportunity to increase self-confidence and gain a mutual understanding between another culture in which is so much different to my own in many ways.

In addition, this is a unique opportunity to meet new people, expand my contact network and meet new colleagues from the other part of the world. The excitement of living in another country even for 10 days, blended with the support and security from UWE as the host would great. Making new friends, and sometimes a new set of brothers and sisters who will last a life time and who will help you understand the world through new eyes. On the other hand, I hope that the friends we became friendly already and shared the cultural background of my own country would do the same for us and make us knowledgeable as well.

I see myself as a hardworking responsible individual, and as a strong team player. Therefore, I always strive to give my best in all the activities in school and especially in academics. I am convinced that my academic experiences combined with working experiences make me a suitable candidate for the program. However, it’s not only the academics that matter but how I stand for the opportunities to expand my boundaries with the fellow mates. Anyway, since we should be never too old to learn new techniques, where I see this opportunity is so valuable as per the conversations had with the UWE students, I am also looking forward to explore their technological background.

Finally, I would like to genuinely acknowledge that I would stand confidently to make sure that my school, CSA will be represented well at my best and that I would be helping in all the ways possible for the success of this program. Thanking in advance for this opportunity and for considering my application I would like to state that if I get the chance, this would not be just 10 days of my life, but would be another memorable chapter in my life within 10 days.

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My Desire to Participate in the Student Exchange Program. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 1, 2025, from
“My Desire to Participate in the Student Exchange Program.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022,
My Desire to Participate in the Student Exchange Program. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 Feb. 2025].
My Desire to Participate in the Student Exchange Program [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 01 [cited 2025 Feb 1]. Available from:

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