My Passion for Business: Essay

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My passion for business stems from my love of reading. I started reading books written by the Shark Tank cast and then books written by the Forbes 400. From then on, I continued to gain knowledge and found more ways to learn through books, articles, magazines, and journals to get up-to-date information about my passion. I became fascinated with how these business magnates started their ventures, and as a result, became motivated enough to start something for myself. Gradually, I planned to launch a brand that can facilitate everyone while also bearing low costs, like a virtual online business. Alongside, there are days when I am calculating the cost or amount I need to put in for my startup.

One lesson I have learned in life is that anything that appears easy is the complete opposite. Passion requires effort and hard work. No matter if I fail, I will learn and do better. Even if it requires failing and trying over and over again. I will stay dedicated and focused on my goal. Failure is completely worth it as it helps me become better and gain experience. Rejection is just a part of the journey, and with an optimistic approach, I believe I can mold this failure to success by working harder.

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I love spending time with positive people who radiate positive energy and help you learn. Get advice from them and insights from the experts who share the same passion to freshen up my perspective and develop a concrete vision of what I need to do to make things happen.

I consider myself brave enough to take risks and am very open to constructive criticism that helps me develop as a person and advance towards becoming a better entrepreneur. To achieve this, I plan to create little goals that keep me motivated and help me succeed in launching a brand. The foremost challenge that I face is having a location for my startup. I quickly realized that the big challenge is actually building a clientele. I have yet to figure out an effective way to market my brand. It turns out that the struggle begins by sending flyers directly to people’s homes and managing a website professionally.

Throughout my life, my passion and dedication have allowed me to excel in my activities and education, and for this reason, I believe that the skill of perseverance is necessary to succeed. During high school, I committed to academic excellence by studying hard and not procrastinating, to eliminate laziness. Likewise in any phase of life, my passion to achieve great things in life keeps me going. I know good things take time and hard work but it will lead me to experience more empowering traits in work and life.

I realized that to achieve something, you have to make some sacrifices along the way. Like your social time. I gladly give up sleep, leisure, and pleasure time like TV, games, and socializing and dedicate it to learning new skills. I am aware that there is always room for improvement. That is why I want to work hard to learn new things, gain new experiences, and be the best version of myself.

With time I comprehended that I cannot get clients without having some form of direct social engagement as speaking face-to-face with people develops trust in them. So I am planning to host seminars that would demonstrate the kind of brand I have and target the right audience. Through this plan, I would create jobs for others. I know that to achieve my goal I have to deliver genuine value, something that people feel they require.

However, it is equally important to be able to find a healthy balance while simultaneously challenging myself to be better, I do things that intrigue me and motivate me to become the better version of myself and make me feel that I am on the right path in life and gives me hope for a happy and exciting future.

Finally, I learned that ideas along with their execution could help me achieve my passion for launching my brand, as passion is the key to success and real leaders are ordinary people with extraordinary determination.

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My Passion for Business: Essay. (2024, March 19). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from
“My Passion for Business: Essay.” Edubirdie, 19 Mar. 2024,
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