Nurse: History, Responsibilities, Conditions And Wages

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Nursing has helped people come a long way. Many new diseases have been discovered over the years. Nurses and scientists have also found new medications to treat these diseases. It has done wonders for many people. Nursing is significant to keep people vibrant and healthy.

History of a Nurse

Nursing has a great deal of history to it. Nursing began in Rome around 300 A.D. Later on the first six hundred Spanish hospitals were built. Citizens also helped injured soldiers in the Crimean and Civil War. Nursing began in a couple of ways. One way it began was doctors traveled to peoples homes to care for them. Another way was they built one hospital in each town. There were also early nursing schools where they could learn more about the nursing field. Nursing has come a long way since then.

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Interesting People

There are many interesting people who helped strengthen the nursing field. One woman who helped strengthen the nursing field was Mary Seacole. She voluntarily cared for the harmed soldiers during the Crimean War. While there she would dress the soldiers’ wounds. Mary and her mother would help people with yellow fever and other diseases. She also performed an autopsy on a dead child to figure out the cause of death. Mary is also known for making herbal remedies to cure her patients. Another woman who strengthened the nursing field was Florence Nightengale. She led 38 nurses overseas to the Crimean war. There she was displeased by how dirty the hospital was so she cleaned it. While there she also bathed, clothed, and fed her patients. She also tried to get parliament to extend a census to collect data on sickness and disability but they disagreed with her and turned it down. Last is a gentleman named Walt Whitman. He enlisted to be a nurse during the war. He tried to help over 100,000 soldiers back to health. He also attempted to help his sick brother get stronger. They all contributed so much to nursing.


Nurses have many responsibilities throughout their day. Some responsibilities are on a computer. One of them is to keep detailed records. Another one is to keep detailed records. Thet should also schedule follow-ups for their patients. They also need to make sure they send the right prescription to the right pharmacy. Other responsibilities are in the office. One of them is to make sure they make the right diagnosis. Another one is to make sure the patients are not allergic to any of the medications. They also need to be able to combine information to make the right diagnosis. They need to make sure they pay attention to details because one detail could separate one illness from another. They should let patients know what self-management is needed for their sickness. Nursing takes many important responsibilities.

Working Conditions

The working conditions are very precise. The typical day for a nurse can be easy or hard. One reason is they never know what kind of traumas or illnesses will walk in the doors. Another is their almost always up on their toes walking around. The schedule of a nurse is not very flexible. They have the option of working days, evenings, or nights. They can also either work eight, ten, twelve, or twenty-four hour days. They usually can get overtime if they ask for it. Nurses also do not get a great deal of time off. They get ten days off for working one year, fifteen days off for working five years, and twenty days for working fifteen years. The schedule for nurses can be very strict.

Degree or Training

There are many years of schooling and training needed to become a nurse. They need to go to school for one to two years to become a registered nurse. They need to go one and a half to four years to get a graduate degree. Nurses also need to go to school for four years to get your bachelor’s degree and your doctor’s degree. They need to take many classes such as anatomy, psychology, chemistry, biology, and statistics. The names of the degrees you can earn are bachelors, graduate, master, and doctor.

Highschool Preparation

There are many classes people can take to prepare for your nursing career. Some more advanced classes you can take are AP courses, CPR, first aid, and take the TEAS. Some less advanced classes you can take are math and science. They can also get active in their community by gaining customer service and volunteering. There are also things you can plan before starting your career. One way people can plan is by looking up nursing programs. Another way is by creating a financial plan. People could also plan by practicing their interviewing skills. Those are just some of the many classes you can take and skills you can learn.


Wages for a nurse can be remarkably high. The lowest wage in Ohio is thirty-nine dollars an hour. The lowest wage in the United States is thirty-eight dollars an hour. The maximum wage in Ohio is sixty-three dollars an hour. The maximum wage in the United States is seventy-two dollars an hour. Nurses wages can advance depending on their experience. They can also go back to school and get a better degree so they can get paid more. Nurses wages can change in many different ways.

Schools to Attend

There are many great schools students can join for nursing. One school students can go to is the University of Michigan. It has a variety of programs you can choose from. Some of its classes provide you with knowledge in skill-building and testing. It offers you a two, three, and four-year plan. Another school students can go to is Vanderbilt University. It has advanced options for you. It is also a school that is just focused on nursing. Students can also go to Delta State University. They provide doctoral nursing education. Delta State also teaches leadership skills. They also teach students how to evaluate the information they are given. They also allow students to get a degree or do better. Many schools can be great for progressing in your career.

There are many things people can and cannot expect every day. New discoveries are made each day. These discoveries are leading to big things like treating diseases. Nursing has helped people in a variety of ways and will hopefully continue to do so.

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Nurse: History, Responsibilities, Conditions And Wages. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Nurse: History, Responsibilities, Conditions And Wages.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
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