Ozone essays

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2 Pages 820 Words
Planet Earth is the home of our species and countless others that are simply trying to survive each day. Even from the threat of things like cosmic rays, our Earth has an atmospheric defense system that can protect us from them. However, mankind’s actions have been damaging the protective layer, the ozone layer, for years now. How is the ozone...
4 Pages 1880 Words
The Receding Ozone Layer The ozone layer above the Earth is in fact disappearing and has been thinning since 1970. The ozone layer is a layer above the Earth that protects us from ultraviolet rays which cause cancer, and could potentially kill a human. Ultraviolet rays also affect animal and plant kingdoms. According to National Geographic, ”The ozone layer is...
3 Pages 1344 Words
CFCs have useful properties such as coolant liquids in refrigerators and aerosol sprays but studies in the 1980s revealed that they are the cause of destroying the Earth’s ozone layer. How was this problem addressed? Introduction Halogen derivatives are new compounds acquired when one or multiple hydrogen atoms of acyclic hydrocarbons are exchanged for an equivalent number of halogen atoms...
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