Persuasive Essay on Why Being a Vegetarian Is Reasonable

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Human beings are omnivorous, they can eat both plants and animals. What works for one person may not work for the other person. Vegetarians diet may be adopted due to chronic diseases, religious beliefs, ecological, economic and ethical. The diets are based on whole grains, fruits and vegetables that are low in fat, a great source of fiber that boost vitamins and minerals. Choosing a vegetarian diet has led to care of the environment, raising animals to specifically kill them for food has resulted to incredible waste and devastation of our precious resources. Also, studies have shown that a vegetarian diet can lead to positive changes affecting the body. In this essay, I will try to convince why it is reasonable to be a vegetarian.

Past researchers have identified consumption of meat has hazardous to human health, increasing the risks to heart diseases, colon cancer, and breast cancer. Vegetarian diets combined with exercises helps reduce blood pressure and risks to heart attacks. Eating animal products can cause the body to excrete more calcium and uric acid, which form stones in the kidneys and gall bladder. Vegetarian diets have been shown to reduce the likelihood of stone formation.

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However, many people desire energy yet connects this with eating meat. Eating animal products reduces energy, scientific studies showed that a vegetarian diet improves energy, it is also a source of nutrition to human body. These foods are gradually digested easily, providing a steady source of glucose to the blood. Being overweight is also a significant of energy drain, vegetarian diets have beneficial effects on weight reduction, and low rates of overweight and obesity in vegetarians have been confirmed by various studies. According to one study, vegetarians weighed an average of 10 pounds less than the general population.

In addition, by choosing vegetarianism, a person avoids toxic and contaminated foods. Stress hormones and toxics, when terrified animals are put to death their bodies release all kinds of toxins and hormones. These fear and stress hormones instigate violent behavior in human beings. Mad cow disease is a disease caused by cow cannibalism, this is the practice of feeding dead and diseased animal parts to another animal of the same species; if infected by humans, it causes memory loss, loss of body control, and then death.

Moreover, vegetarian diets reduce depression, according to researchers, a vegetarian may be happier than a non-vegetarian counterpart. Researchers discovered that a vegan had lower scores on depression tests and mood profiles compared to meat and fish eaters. There is one element of freshness to most vegetarians’ foods, especially when it comes to organic produce. If it is bound to cleanse the minds and keep thoughts positive. When humans consume animal flesh, its necessarily at odds with nature and fellow living beings, it’s scientifically linked with violent ang aggressive behavior.

In conclusion, eating meat is bad for people and the environment. In contrast, a healthy vegetarian diet is delicious and nutritious, an ideal source for the human body. By choosing to be a vegetarian, you achieve optimal health and the happiness of a peaceful life with friends in the animal world. Vegetarian diets are economical, helping to conserve soil, water and forests. It also has its positive factors regarding health and peace of mind.


  1. Pilis, W., Stec, K., Zych, M., & Pilis, A. (2014). Health Benefits and Risk Associated with Adopting a Vegetarian Diet. Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, 65(1).
  2. Chauveau, P., Koppe, L., Combe, C., Lasseur, C., Trolonge, S., & Aparicio, M. (2019). Vegetarian Diets and Chronic Kidney Disease. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 34(2), 199-207.
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