Persuasive Essay Examples

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Persuasive Essay on 'Young Goodman Brown'

2 Pages 696 Words
Nathaniel Hawthorne sets the character and story of“Young Goodman Brown”(YGB) in the colony of Massachusetts town of Salem, where the Puritans tried to create a religious society with strict morals and pious standards, but also where the infamous Salem Witch Trials occurred. These trials killed the lives of many innocent people and tarnished the names of countless others. The people...

Terrorism Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1350 Words
How much emphasis should be placed on the use of military force as a means of defeating terrorism? Three factors are particularly important when analyzing terrorism and counter-terrorism. First, the terrorist strategy, second, what the terrorists want to achieve and third, how to best fight them. Almost no democracies have fallen as a consequence of terrorism but many have overreacted...

Persuasive Essay on Sustainability

4 Pages 1907 Words
Before starting this course, I have very little understanding of sustainability and its impact on globalization. My curiosity about sustainability led me to demonstrate in-depth sustainability as at some point, I felt that it is necessary to last things that already exist and create things that can last. I have encountered the fact that cutting-edge globalization is a form of...

Capital Punishment Should Not Be Abolished: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 882 Words
It has been 58 years since capital punishment was abolished, and since then there's been a huge debate about whether the law should be erased. I understand the difficulty of this topic as it is heavy with both advantages and disadvantages, this is why today I will be going over the many reasons I believe we should re-introduce capital punishment...

Persuasive Essay on What Loyalty Means to You

3 Pages 1531 Words
Distinguished Guests, Members of the Bishop Tyrrell Community and Students, Welcome and thank you for joining us today, I know that you are here today to honor and celebrate members of your family and students are honoring their successes and each other’s success. If you are not publicly recognized today in this prize-giving ceremony, let me acknowledge your collective efforts,...

Reconstruction Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 1035 Words
Since the beginning, America has passed through several political changes throughout its existence. Political leaders have been replaced, all of them having different objectives and plans for the long run. As history takes its course, though, most of those revolutionary movements return to normal. One such movement was the Reconstruction. Reconstruction was a period in America consisting of many leaders,...

5 Reasons Your Kid Should Not Have a Cell Phone: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 901 Words
Would you let your elementary-aged child run free in a busy mall? Are you certain? More parents than ever before are giving young children cell phones with access to the Internet because it can distract and quiet them. In fact, 21% of children 8 years or younger have a cell phone, according to Growing Wireless. I believe that children, especially...

Persuasive Essay on Why People Should Read ‘Lyddie’

1 Page 584 Words
"Lyddie," the poignant novel by Katherine Paterson, offers readers a profound and empowering journey through the life of a young girl striving for independence amidst the challenges of the Industrial Revolution. This persuasive essay advocates for the significance of reading "Lyddie," highlighting the novel's enduring themes, its portrayal of historical struggles, and the inspirational message it imparts to readers of...

Persuasive Essay on Your Career Administrative Assistant

1 Page 578 Words
In today's fast-paced and dynamic business world, the role of an administrative assistant is more crucial than ever. This profession is often overlooked, but its significance cannot be understated. As someone who is considering a career as an administrative assistant, I am compelled to persuade you of the unique and substantial benefits that come with this role. First and foremost,...

750 Word Persuasive Essay on the American Essay

1 Page 685 Words
The American essay is a unique literary form that has captivated minds and shaped conversations for centuries. Its ability to blend personal reflections with universal truths, to challenge norms, and to incite critical thinking makes it an invaluable tool in both intellectual and cultural discourse. In a time when our society is grappling with complex issues and seeking meaningful connections,...

Persuasive Essay on Playing Higher Level of Violin

1 Page 659 Words
Playing the violin is not just a pastime; it's an art form that requires dedication, discipline, and continuous growth. As you progress in your violin journey, you may find yourself contemplating the idea of moving up to a higher level of playing. Whether you're an aspiring musician or a dedicated enthusiast, making the leap to a higher level of violin...

Persuasive Essay on if Your Background Determines Your Success

1 Page 564 Words
While it's true that our upbringing, environment, and opportunities can play a role in shaping our path, it's important to recognize that success is not solely determined by these factors. Your background may influence your starting point, but it's your determination, choices, and hard work that truly determine your success. Defying the Odds Countless stories of individuals rising above challenging...

Persuasive Essay on Convincing Someone to Stay in School

1 Page 621 Words
Education is often referred to as the key to unlocking a world of opportunities. While it's true that the path through school can be challenging at times, the long-term benefits far outweigh the temporary struggles. Convincing someone to stay in school is not just about completing assignments; it's about investing in a brighter future, gaining essential skills, and securing a...

Persuasive Essay about the Saying a Borrower nor a Lender Be

1 Page 582 Words
Shakespeare's timeless advice "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" from his play "Hamlet" holds a profound truth that continues to resonate through the ages. In a society driven by credit and debt, the wisdom behind this saying is often overlooked. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that adhering to this maxim can lead to financial stability, stronger relationships,...

Persuasive Essay about Pit Bulls

1 Page 643 Words
Pit bulls, often the subject of controversy and misunderstanding, deserve a fair and informed perspective. These dogs, known for their strength and loyalty, have been unjustly stigmatized due to misconceptions perpetuated by media sensationalism and biased portrayals. It's time to set the record straight and advocate for a more balanced understanding of pit bulls, focusing on responsible ownership and promoting...

Persuasive Essay about Violence in Video Games

4 Pages 2042 Words
Video gaming is approaching its fortieth birthday as we approach the year 2020. What started as a ball bouncing between two movable bricks has evolved into large open landscapes with endless possibilities. However, there is somewhat of a divide in the modern world between being for and against the implications of video games. While some people believe that video gaming...

Persuasive Essay on Self Esteem

5 Pages 2024 Words
The negatives of social media are constantly emphasized, we have parents, articles, and media focusing on the adverse impacts on the development of children and one’s self-perception, yet solutions aren’t extensively spoken of, yet solutions are what we are desperately in need of. Young girls in particular are prone to the negative influence of social media as they are exposed...

Unemployment Persuasive Essay

6 Pages 2641 Words
The Kingdom of Lesotho is a small, mountainous country that is landlocked by its neighboring nation, South Africa. It has a constitutional monarchy, and its government is currently undergoing economic reforms recommended by the Southern African Development Community. As a result of its proximity, the Lesothian economy relies rather heavily on the economic and political state of its neighbor. Lesotho...

Persuasive Essay on Edgar Allan Poe

3 Pages 1453 Words
The literary canon is a categorization of literature. The ideals of the 'literary canon' refer to a classification of literature. This is a term used widely to refer to a group of literary works that are considered the most significant reflection of a particular period or place. Edgar Allen Poe's 'The Raven' presents the feeling of intense grief and loss,...

Persuasive Essay to Watch 'Titanic'

1 Page 629 Words
Then Rose came back 84 years later to recapture the story about her lifestyle aboard the Titanic by telling the delightful story to her granddaughter and friends, explaining to them how it used to be the first sight of Jack that helped her fall hopelessly in love, and she then endured to discuss with them her battle for survival. With...

Why Should the Voting Age Stay at 18: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 552 Words
Have you ever wanted to know what it was like to be able to vote? Well, some believe that the voting age should be changed, in particular, lowered to 16 years. As for me, I do not support this and believe that the voting age of 18 should remain, because we should be more mature to vote. Today, kids under...

The Issue of School Finance: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 1128 Words
“The last thing that should happen is funding cuts for education; it should be increased. We need to put more money towards education, and anything else is abusive” (Flea). This extract is one of the numerous heavily backed-up intellections about why financing schools needs to be a priority. The topic of school finance is a critical issue, the benefits of...

Why Is Safety Important: Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1340 Words
The general theme of this paper is the importance of safety. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing, otherwise known as AACN, competency chosen was quality improvement and safety. The competency chosen from Quality, Safety Education for Nursing, otherwise known as QSEN, was safety. The reason for the selection of these competencies is based on the importance of safety within...

Persuasive Essay on Discipline with Love

1 Page 582 Words
Discipline is mainly to teach and guide with love to your children — it's not to Physically punish them or get angry with them. Teaching Discipline to Children is an art in itself. It requires a strong bond between a disciplined teacher and a child. The more important rules are like a gold to discipline a child. Consider Their Feelings:...

Air Pollution and Health Persuasive Essay

1 Page 542 Words
Today I will be informing you about the negative effects air pollution has on our health, concerning my generation and future generations. In Australia, 3,056 premature deaths are caused due to air pollution, with the costs for these deaths ranging from around $11 billion to $24 billion per year. This number will only get worse as the current trends of...

Persuasive Essay on Veterans

2 Pages 914 Words
Donald Trump has strong beliefs on how United States veterans should be treated and handled. He firmly believes that veterans are a top priority in our society, and should be respected and recognized. Since his presidential inauguration in 2016, Trump has notably decreased veteran unemployment and signed multiple acts regarding veterans’ safety and rights, one of which being the Veterans...

Is GMO Good or Bad Persuasive Essay

1 Page 562 Words
I want you all to take a look at these two pictures right here, while you do that I also want you to think about what you see. Now, I want you to do the same but with these two pictures instead. Now, what if I told you that all of these fruits have been undergoing centuries of selective gene...

Essay: Persuasive Speech on Volunteering

1 Page 591 Words
I’ve heard this saying that giving an incredible chance to others is the best blessing one can give. Life is short and we overall kick the pail, so time is of the pith. Time can be seen, by specific people, as being more noteworthy than everything else. This thought loosens up to volunteering for an affiliation, or anything, without being...

Persuasive Essay Nutrition

2 Pages 783 Words
Oral health is essential for good chewing function, which can influence food selection and nutritional well-being. Diet or malnutrition can lead to tooth loss, pain, caries, periodontal disease and these are only a few. The lack of teeth, in particular, may affect a person's digestive ability and nutritional status Vital teeth and well-fitting prostheses have been linked to a larger...
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