Persuasive Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Nurture Is More Important than Nature: Persuasive Essay

Aristotle states that man is by nature a political animal, meaning that humans, by socialization, develop into themselves through living in a society governed by laws and customs while interacting with people within. Socialization is a process where individuals acquire knowledge, language, social skills and values through integrating with society. Mind is a tabula rasa, according to Locke. Hence, it is impossible for one to be born knowledgeable, mature or independent. Socialization continues across the life span, and individuals gain...
2 Pages 993 Words

History Repeats Itself: Persuasive Essay

History repeats itself. While many people tend to disagree with this saying, others, including myself, firmly agree with it. Looking back at past events, whether they were political, economic, cultural, or even religious, it can be seen that very similar situations are happening nowadays, if not identical. These events work in cycles, and in this essay, I will use an example that will vividly elaborate on my point of view. Throughout history, many groups of people have been oppressed for...
1 Page 492 Words

Teenage Pregnancy: Persuasive Essay

Nowadays teenage pregnancy has been an international issue, it is also recognized as adolescent pregnancy under the age of 20. It typically refers to teenagers between the ages of 15-19. Because of this, it is a huge threat that the pregnant women can face different fitness risks and complications because of their immature bodies, and also the infants will additionally journey a larger risk. The reason why most young adults get pregnant at the age of sixteen and 19 years...
1 Page 464 Words

Persuasive Essay about Illegal Immigration

With DACA on the Trump Administration’s chopping block, the need for a permanent law to protect Dreamers is at an all-time high. The Dream and Promise Act of 2019 is the Democratic answer to this issue. While the bill has successfully passed the House it soon will face a Republican-controlled Senate where, to make the Dream Act and Promise Act of 2019 into law, the Democrats will need every Democratic and Independent vote as well the vote of at least...
2 Pages 1109 Words

Marriage Equality: Persuasive Essay

The Roman Catholic Church represents the largest Christian denomination worldwide. It contains about 1.2 billion members globally. Today, Catholics hold many diverse views regarding the community of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and more (LGBTQ+). A growing number of Catholics have begun to accept LGBTQ members welcoming them into the community, while many others still deny them or do not accept them. In the Catholic Church, people are taught not to act on homosexual tendencies yet everyone should still accept...
7 Pages 3413 Words

Into the Wild' Persuasive Essay

Into the Wild is a remarkable story of Christopher McCandless, a young man who after graduating from university went to live in the wilderness. He gave 24,000 of his savings to the charity, Oxfam. He abandoned his car, burned the rest of his money, and hitched a hike to Alaska. A few months later he died of starvation in an abandoned bus. Some readers/watchers might think that Chris was a hero for doing what interested him. Still, I have reasons...
2 Pages 808 Words

Fast Fashion Persuasive Essay

Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns. This is one of the most pressing challenges of our time with its consequences including warmer winters, hotter summers, and rising sea levels. Fast fashion is an unsustainable clothes manufacturing strategy that creates low-cost items quickly in response to the newest fashion trends. It will be demonstrated that fast fashion appears to be a significant contributor to climate change. Fast fashion has grown in popularity in recent years, despite...
3 Pages 1224 Words

The Alchemist' Persuasive Essay

Are you following your dreams? Just like you, I even stammered for a moment when I had this question on my mind. Everyone has a dream, but only a few of us are ready to pursue that dream. The rest of us are trapped under the fear of failure. The Alchemist is a Fiction book by Paulo Coehlo. It was originally written in Portuguese and was first published in 1988 and translated into English in 1993. It is the story...
1 Page 620 Words

Self Reliance Persuasive Essay on 'Into the Wild'

McCandless’ reason for journeying into the Wild was selfish because it was mostly motivated by his uncomfortability around his family. The main reason for Cristopher McCandless’ journey into the wild is led by his selfish intentions. His selfish intention would be describing that McCandless desired to abandon his oppressive family. Cristopher sees them as not only oppressive but also secretive to his father, Walt McCandless. Walt is being secretive in the fact that he hid that he was the head...
1 Page 429 Words

Persuasive Speech on Depression

 Do you or anyone you know suffer from depression? It’s a line almost everyone alive has heard in their life at one time or another. A line I’ve heard many times in my life but have now seen it two different ways. At first, I’d hear the line then move past it as if it was just talking about the weather. This line now means so much more since I myself suffer from depression. Once it affects you it means...
3 Pages 1273 Words

Persuasive Essay on School Uniforms

Space is a crucial part of the battle for control and surveillance of individuals and not for domination (Elden and Crampton, 2007). According to Bourdieu (1984), 'all social space is made up of multiple competing, intersecting and hierarchically positioned fields with their own distinctive features'. Physical spaces within schools are not already there space is a social construction that embodies pedagogic thinking and assumptions about distance and hierarchy. The Changing Room Secondary physical education ' is the subject that makes...
3 Pages 1280 Words

Persuasive Essay about Apps in Phones

Introduction Centuries ago, when people’s perception of mental illness was bad, people who were mentally sick, and their families used to send them to places that refine people with mental illness without treating them. However, today, people care about mental health and do research on mental health treatment to find better ways to cure mental disorders. If someone has a mental disorder, he or she can receive a diagnosis from a psychiatrist. Moreover, technology develops over time, and technology development...
4 Pages 1869 Words

Should Pregnant Drug Users Be Prosecuted: Persuasive Essay

Seizures, fever, diarrhea, irritability, muscle spasms, feeding difficulties, vomiting, sleeping problems, and rapid breathing. All this is what an infant that suffers from neonatal abstinence syndrome experiences as soon as they're out of the womb. Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is the withdrawal of drugs in babies, and it is caused due to the addiction that the mother suffers from while carrying her child. According to the National Institute of Health blog team, the number of babies born with NAS has...
2 Pages 745 Words

Abortion in Texas: Persuasive Essay

The Texas anti-abortion law has taken the country's attention by storm, it is an issue on many different women's minds, especially those who live in the state of Texas. The Texas abortion law was implemented on the 1st of September 2021, this law banned abortions from as early as six weeks - the first time a heartbeat can be detected during the pregnancy. It also gives any individual the right to sue doctors who perform an abortion past the six-week...
1 Page 650 Words

Attention Grabber for Social Media as an Enemy of Democracy: Persuasive Essay

The way social media curves our day-to-day lives is really alarming. Our generation is relying too much on social media platforms, and as a result, we cannot distinguish between what's right and wrong. Social media has made us Americans too gullible, which in turn makes us an easy target for fake news. The use of social media in politics, including Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, has drastically changed how Americans view political parties. I would be lying if I said social...
1 Page 498 Words

Why Do Words Matter: Persuasive Essay

It was at school that I first understood an important truth - words matter and quite often they can hurt. This resonated with me because I was a victim that got affected by what others said. You have to be cautious about what you say and think before you speak because what you say could affect someone without you even realizing it. Words can easily slip out of your mouth, especially when you're angry or sad, but the things you...
1 Page 483 Words

Pollution Persuasive Essay

Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. It is a major problem in Egypt as well as the world. Pollution not only damages the environment but also damages us. It has caused many problems ranging from lung cancer to the greenhouse effect. It is all among us but we continue to live in our own filth. What is the reason behind this defective logic? And then I'm going to examine the problems and solutions for...
2 Pages 751 Words

Persuasive Essay on Racial Profiling and Law Enforcement

According to the Fourth Amendment, police can wrongfully stop and detain an individual if they need an affordable suspicion that the person is doing, has done, or is near to doing against the law. Over the years, however, the department of local government has adopted a method that encourages cops to prevent and question principally minority voters initially and to return up with reasons for having done so later. This has resulted in folks in some neighborhoods being stopped while...
2 Pages 1110 Words

Persuasive Essay about Anxiety

The first purpose for social anxiousness sickness consists of genetics. To begin with, social anxiousness ailment is a common kind of anxiousness disorder. A character with social intellectual sickness feels signs and symptoms of hysteria or state of affairs in fine or all situations, like meeting new people, dating, being on employment, answering a query in class, or having to discuss with a cashier in a store. Doing each day matters in front of people, such as eating or consuming...
1 Page 555 Words

Black Lives Matter: Persuasive Essay

'Black Lives Matter is a movement that was brought to light around 2013 after a man was acquitted after murdering 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, who was African American. Many believed that the trial decision was based on the fact that Martin was Black and this sparked the Black Lives Matter Campaign, highlighting the racial inequality in the USA. Since the beginning of this movement, it has grown internationally and protests are held in the name of this movement after instances where...
1 Page 482 Words

Gun Control Persuasive Speech

United States politics are constantly changing over time. Initiatives and referendums are processed and are underway frequently. These allow citizens of the United States to place new legislation on a popular ballot, or a ballot that was previously passed by a legislature for popular vote. For Americans to vote directly on legislation, allows people to feel a sense of freedom and like their opinions matter. People like to be able to fight for what they believe in, and when they...
2 Pages 911 Words

Is Community Service Mandatory: Persuasive Essay

When I was in grade school I was a troublemaker. I was very disrespectful toward the teachers and students. Constantly fighting and showing out in class. As a result of being a troublemaker, I was excluded from school. During school hours I found myself making unethical decisions on a daily basis. Growing up with these issues, programs for students who are excluded from school should be installed. This could be done through special schools, mandatory community service, and mandatory counseling....
1 Page 356 Words

Why Is Animal Testing Good Persuasive Essay

I am going to start off by asking you guys to answer a quick poll, and I want you to lift your hand up for the statement with which you most agree. I am for animal testing. (pause) I am against animal testing. (pause) Thank you. Now that I know how you feel about this quite controversial topic I understand that not all of you will agree with me when I say we need animal testing. But before you get...
1 Page 603 Words

Revenge: Persuasive Essay

El Filibusterismo is a written novel by Dr. Jose Rizal, the novel itself is dark and is full of meaningful messages for us, Filipinos. The novel has a lot of tragedy and is really a serious story. According to Brodkey (n.d.), reading may change our perspective in life, our way of thinking, our beliefs, and how we feel. Upon reading the novel, as what resulted in Bal and Veltkamp's (2013, January 30) study, we may share the same feelings with...
1 Page 594 Words

Poverty in America: Persuasive Essay

Does international Aid have a long-term negative effect on poverty-stricken countries, if so, how does this affect those who live in poverty and aim to grow their economies? America exporting rice to Haiti is an example of International Aid having a detrimental effect on the economy of Haiti in the long term. The local farmers of Haiti were forced to decrease their rice prices as the supply outweighed the demand. This harmed the farming industry in Haiti, as rice production...
4 Pages 1757 Words

Persuasive Essay on 'I Survived' September 11 by Lauren Tarshis

The Bombing Of Pearl Harbor by Lauren Tarshis was published in 2011 the story takes place in Pearl City, Hawaii. The characters in the book are Danny, Mom, Aki, Mr. Sudo, and Mrs. Mills. Danny is the main character and Aki is a little boy Danny meets Mr. Sudo Aki’s dad who is a fisherman and a great drawer. Aki is described as a little Japanese boy who is a young child and “ Aki sees the beauty in everything”...
2 Pages 846 Words

Roe v Wade Persuasive Speech

The appeals system is the cornerstone of a democratic criminal justice system. However, many people do not know what paperwork the case can go through before discovering the Supreme Court of the United States or SCOTUS. Not all cases can achieve the best status in fact. It will use information from the search case, appellate court rulings, the importance of criminal matters and their relationship to the Constitution, and internal court rulings to track the handling of criminal cases brought...
2 Pages 919 Words

Persuasive Speech about Eating Disorders

In the modern world, it is of particular concern that the impact of modern media on people of any generation, but in particular on young people. No one disputes that this effect is much more negative than positive. This is confirmed by the existing scientific research and the overall situation in society. There are a lot of waves of violence, unmotivated aggression, the destruction of traditional human values, and so on. Recently, however, people have begun to argue that mass...
2 Pages 894 Words

Persuasive Essay about DACA Students

Eight years ago, former president, Barack Obama, signed the executive order known as DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It granted “protected status” to immigrants who had arrived in the United States before the age of sixteen, meaning, it allowed immigrants to remain in the U.S. While DACA did offer individuals the opportunity to work, obtain a driver’s license, along with a few other privileges, it did not offer them a pathway to citizenship. It simply meant that they would...
2 Pages 1098 Words

Legalization of Marijuana for Business: Persuasive Essay

In this rapidly advancing world, scientific revolutions and modernized generation has led to a severe rise of situational needs in various fields of study and existence, seemingly has The population pressure raised demands for contradicting economic crisis and opportunities (Mittal, 2013). In this modern era of present time assets, and resources can be seen to play pivotal roles in the livelihood of individuals, and revenue generation as a whole for a society (OECD, 2011). Among numerous industrial and raw material...
2 Pages 937 Words
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