Poetry As One Of The Most Unique Styles Of Literature

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Various forms of literature has been taught in schools for centuries. They are essential to the basic objective of any English class. Literature helps students to become more sophisticated readers, more flexible writers and to develop moral imagination, ethical values, and a sense of vocation. Literature has a diverse collection of classifications, such as poetry, prose, drama, non-fiction, and media. One of the most unique styles of literature is poetry. Poetry allows a student to express his or her feelings without any sense of confrontation. It also allows a form of literature that students can genuinely enjoy creating or learning. Versification is also good for developmental learning and improving the understanding of yourself and others. Overall all forms of poetry are essential to any English class and should be taught in schools worldwide.

Poetry should be taught in school because of its exotic form and unique appearance. Poetry often includes information and ideas that students can identify immediately with and it “tends to draw the reader into an emotional identification with the character or situation” (Dunning 159). Poetry also “uses language uniquely” (Dunning 159) giving way for “students to think more objectivity”(Dunning 160). Poets often use language “differently from the way people speak” (Dunning 159) opening a creative passage for “a young reader to interpret or absorb indifferently” (Dunning 165). Poetry is often deliberately vague so that there are many different interpretations from the reader. Poets frequently “keep a lens of linguistic uniqueness between reader and experience” (Dunning 159) giving the reader conventional realities, “however artistically arranged” allowing students enough room from “reality that they can deal objectively with” (Dunning 159). In other words, poetry allows the reader to interpret the poets meaning and identify with the writer based on their own experiences, and biases.

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A second reason for teaching poetry is that students get the power to share their emotions, opinions, and thoughts more freely and comfortably. One of the most effective ways for students to express themselves is “to use traditional modes of expression such as poetry” (Martha 563). Poetry is so good at letting people express themselves because “it is one of our most basic human impulses to set down words in a particular pattern (Muldoon 503). Poetry gives the student the ability to say what is on his mind, it “offers a medium in which to say what one dare not utter in conversation, but to inscribe on a verse” (Stein 188-189). Poetry allows students to share their “punishable secrets without fear of recrimination or judgment” (Stein 188). It allows students to express themselves on “content that may be religious, as in verse about mythical gods or direct religious instruction or invocation.” (Finnegan 166). It gives students the freedom to their opinion and thought, that they so desire and allows students to effectively express themselves.

To summarize, poetry is a powerful tool that can not only be used for students to express themselves but for people to appreciate the exotic form and unique appearance. It can often be vague to increase differing interpretations. It can be used to express anything from religion to anything that comes to mind. Poetry often includes Ideas and information that students can identify with immediately. Overall, poetry is an extremely effective tool to not only be taught in school for its exotic and unique appearance but its power to allow students the freedom to express themselves comfortably.

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Poetry As One Of The Most Unique Styles Of Literature. (2021, July 22). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 2, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/poetry-as-one-of-the-most-unique-styles-of-literature/
“Poetry As One Of The Most Unique Styles Of Literature.” Edubirdie, 22 Jul. 2021, edubirdie.com/examples/poetry-as-one-of-the-most-unique-styles-of-literature/
Poetry As One Of The Most Unique Styles Of Literature. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/poetry-as-one-of-the-most-unique-styles-of-literature/> [Accessed 2 Jan. 2025].
Poetry As One Of The Most Unique Styles Of Literature [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Jul 22 [cited 2025 Jan 2]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/poetry-as-one-of-the-most-unique-styles-of-literature/

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