Process Analysis Essay on Sports

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Sports are a physical activity that has a lot of benefits on the human body. Sports help build muscle mass, mainly because of the fact that they always work your muscles. Take football for instance. During football, you’re working the muscles in your legs when you run. Of course, football works more than just your legs. For instance, they also work out your arm and shoulder muscles. Even a strength training workout could be considered a sport if you do it with other people in a competitive fashion. I suppose. Sports along with a strength training workout could help with muscle mass gain a lot. Of course, before sports, there is a process… strength training workout. This means that not only directly, but indirectly as well… sports help build muscle mass. Also, the drive and the push of wanting to be an athlete could help with a reason to work out more. This is only one reason for the way sports help build muscle mass, making you healthier.

As you have already guessed by the name of this, my next reason is that sports improve cardiovascular health. Sports can decrease the threat of heart disease, as well as many other aging-related diseases. As you age, your body deteriorates, lowering your immune system as well as your strength. However, with sports, you’re constantly practicing, and always increasing your strength with each workout. Not only do they increase strength, but they also increase your immune system’s strength. This is because you’re putting your body through so much. Your cardiovascular health is very important. Not only do sports decrease the risk of heart disease, but they also decrease the risk of having a non-fatal heart attack.

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Yet another benefit; sports decrease your risk of blood clotting. Blood clots are caused when the blood doesn’t flow properly. Blood clots can cause extensive pain (if the clot is large), and it is extremely… abnormal to have a blood clot in both arms/legs at the same time. However, the effects of the clot vary in size. Sports decrease the risk of getting a blood clot because they make your heart beat faster. We all know what your heart does; it pumps blood to the rest of your body through your blood vessels. However, if your heart does not have proper flow, your blood can clot. Blood clots restrict the return of blood to your heart. This causes a lack of oxygen to the heart. Obviously, that’s not good. (Duh.) When your heart does not receive enough oxygen, it is plausible that there may be damage to your heart. When your heart beats faster, it increases blood flow. More blood flow means a lowered risk of blood clotting, meaning a lower risk of your heart being damaged. Sports cause a chain reaction (which I just explained), meaning that you’re safer.

Of course, as expected (or not, but here it is) another reason for playing sports being better than watching them; increased metabolic rate. Your metabolism is what helps you burn fat. When you work out, it increases what’s called “Basal metabolic rate,” the author of “Increase your metabolism to burn fat-Sport Passion,” the article says. Obviously, as I just said, the higher your basal metabolism is, the higher the fat-burning rate is. This is because “Your metabolism is the calories you burn. The higher your metabolism, the more calories you burn,” says Dr. Caroline M. Apovian, author of the article, “Metabolism and Weight,” on Of course, this is another reason for playing sports is better than watching them.

There are obvious benefits of playing sports, but, as with everything in life… there are risks. Risks are of course safety. If you don’t wear the proper protection, there’re risks. ImitaNegligentia ad sumpus est. “Carelessness comes at a cost.” A great (and...sad) example of this is the athlete who died while playing football. Even with the proper protection, there are still risks and especially without. Though sports have benefits, they have risks as well (as I already said). Also, players in basketball are getting injured a lot. Sports are dangerous, though beneficial (as I said...TWICE) so if you’re going to be playing sports, be careful! Many players suffer damage that could be permanent. Obviously, this causes problems in a person’s/player’s life. Whether long-term or short-term, it’s still an inconvenience and this puts them out of work either temporarily or permanently (not that it’s that big a deal), however, this could make it to where they are not physically able to play sports anymore when that’s something they really enjoy doing. Many basketball players, even, are injured a lot. Another risk is that some players do not hydrate, cool down, or warm up properly. Of course, these can all cause problems, but as far as warming up, playing in a game will definitely help warm you up. One of the biggest… concerns is that they won’t/don’t rest and hydrate properly. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to problems like loss of consciousness. And of course, we all know what dehydration does.

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Process Analysis Essay on Sports. (2023, November 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Process Analysis Essay on Sports.” Edubirdie, 20 Nov. 2023,
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