Reasons for Choosing My Project in Graphic Design: Opinion Essay

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Graphic design is an important tool that increases your communication skills with other people. It serves to convey your ideas in a way that is not only effective but also beautiful. I chose my project because I enjoy graphic design and everything to do with it, it is an important skill that I know I will use in my future, I have already decided that I will be a graphic designer and I will work hard for my bachelors in marketing, and being a part of the marketing business. I love to express myself with visuals, communicational work and aesthetics through traditional art to digital art. I have always had a knack for aesthetics, noticed the finer details and loved to learn new things. I have sometimes bought things just for the packaging and caught myself stopping to admire the design of the product on the shelves while shopping, I would spend so much time drawing out the headings on my work, coordinating my bookshelf by colour, spending hours on Pinterest creating mood boards to spark inspiration, going to office works to only buy the stationary, getting my hands dirty while undertaking DIY projects, making my own birthday cards instead of buying them, relaxing to colouring books, collecting clothing tags with interesting designs, watching photoshop tutorials and learning about all the different shades there are of white. I've always been interested, always making logos, jewellery designs even tattoos in my spare time, and freelancing has always fascinated me.

Anything that needs to be communicated that cannot be done verbally must be put into some form of design that gets a message across, Graphic design is a huge part of your everyday life and you probably barely notice it, and without it, everything would be plain, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a box of Corn Flakes and a box of Cocoa Puffs. Clearly, we need graphic design and we need it to convey its message clearly and effectively.

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Great graphic design allows you to make a positive first impression on those looking on. Aesthetically pleasing and professionally designed graphics will cause other people to form positive opinions about you. Subconsciously by nature people like to associate with things that look appealing and satisfying. Not only does graphic design create an impressive and positive image of an artist, But It also conveys credibility and professionalism, graphic design plays a significant role in the decision-making process, companies that invest in quality graphic design are perceived to be more trustworthy. People look for professionalism since they believe it’s a sign of a principled and truthful person. Graphic designers are informed, persuadable, direct, organised, problem-solvers and entertainable, this is what I have strived and worked for, for the past year, I want to attain all these attributes to be able to become a graphic designer my self and do what I enjoy. It takes a ton of skill, training and talent to create effective visual communication, but many people leave it as an afterthought when I think it should really be the very first priority especially in company marketing. When you’re a graphic designer, your work will never stop evolving or improving, there will always be new challenges to overcome, new problems to solve, It is a never-ending whirlwind of discovery and invention. Graphic Design will always be in demand and finding commissions will hardly ever be a struggle since companies everywhere are using technology to their advantage and applying it to advertise their products, Graphic design is something that no business can live without. I love to use creativity in my daily life, from drawing to writing school notes, and to be able to do that as my job would be a dream.

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Reasons for Choosing My Project in Graphic Design: Opinion Essay. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
“Reasons for Choosing My Project in Graphic Design: Opinion Essay.” Edubirdie, 27 Dec. 2022,
Reasons for Choosing My Project in Graphic Design: Opinion Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Jan. 2025].
Reasons for Choosing My Project in Graphic Design: Opinion Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 27 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from:

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