Reflection On Animal Testing: Opinion Essay

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Do you think animal testing should be illegal? What would you do if I sprayed bleach into your eyes? Would you consider it nothing? Enough animals are dying and suffering in the wild every day, and you are just here making it worse. Every year, over 100 million animals are used to be tested on. Animals are being forced to live in cages for the rest of their lives just so that products made for our comfort can be tested on them! Imagine yourself being locked inside a small cage or room until your last day. Animal testing is not worth it as most of the tests fail and each of the experiments costs a lot of money. Some animals are injected with poison just so we know that a product is safe. Many animals are used to get tested on and here is a few of them; Cats, Dogs, Mice, Monkeys, Rabbits, and Guinea pigs.A shampoo is a product found in every household. Not one. Not Two. But many more! We have a huge variety of shampoo with different textures and smells and we simply toss them out when they do not meet our expectations. By supporting the different shampoo brands, you are supporting animal testing. So stop for a moment and consider if a new shampoo is really worth an innocent animal being burned, cut, skinned alive, and tortured?

And this is to the girls out there, is it really worth blinding a monkey to have the new mascara? During the research process animals are being killed and harmed, isn’t killing an animal the same thing as murder? Just imagine these things happening to your pets. How would that make you feel? Animal testing is inhumane and it needs to be stopped. If you were to test on an animal the results will not be accurate, as we all react differently.

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Millions of animals are dying every year just so you can be happy, is that what you want?

Do you think animal testing should be illegal? What would you do if I sprayed bleach into your eyes? Would you consider it nothing? Enough animals are dying and suffering in the wild every day, and you are just here making it worse. Every year, over 100 million animals are used to be tested on. Animals are being forced to live in cages for the rest of their lives just so that products made for our comfort can be tested on them! Imagine yourself being locked inside a small cage or room until your last day.

Animal testing is not worth it as most of the tests fail and each of the experiments costs a lot of money. Some animals are injected with poison just so we know that a product is safe. Many animals are used to get tested on and here is a few of them; Cats, Dogs, Mice, Monkeys, Rabbits, and Guinea pigs.

A shampoo is a product found in every household. Not one. Not Two. But many more! We have a huge variety of shampoo with different textures and smells and we simply toss them out when they do not meet our expectations. By supporting the different shampoo brands, you are supporting animal testing. So stop for a moment and consider if a new shampoo is really worth an innocent animal being burned, cut, skinned alive, and tortured?

And this is to the girls out there, is it really worth blinding a monkey to have the new mascara? During the research process animals are being killed and harmed, isn’t killing an animal the same thing as murder? Just imagine these things happening to your pets. How would that make you feel? Animal testing is inhumane and it needs to be stopped. If you were to test on an animal the results will not be accurate, as we all react differently.

Millions of animals are dying every year just so you can be happy, is that what you want? Animal testing should be banned because it is cruel, unnecessary, inaccurate, and expensive. The animals have no chance to stop the pain, simply because they are “just animals.” Animal activists and everyday people believe that humans are voices for the animals.

In my opinion animals have just as much of a right to live as we do. The fact that innocent animals are being killed for unnecessary products such as cosmetics sickens me. I believe drugs should be tested on humans instead of animals because then at least we will know that the drug being tested will be giving accurate results.

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Reflection On Animal Testing: Opinion Essay. (2022, March 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 7, 2025, from
“Reflection On Animal Testing: Opinion Essay.” Edubirdie, 18 Mar. 2022,
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Reflection On Animal Testing: Opinion Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Mar 18 [cited 2025 Jan 7]. Available from:

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