Nurse's Role in Systems Development: Inductive Essay

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Systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a method to provide useful and effective information systems that match the strategic business plan of an organization. As new health information system is being designed, implementation, maintenance, and efficient management is necessary each step of the way (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017). “SDLC provides a standard project management framework that can improve the quality of information systems” (Curry., McGregor., & Tracy, 2007). This paper defines the SDLC model exclusively for the healthcare field and in specific patient journeys developing projects and healthcare improvement. Also, to illustrates the part of the nurse leader in framework advancement and execution which will help in introducing a moderate framework that will uphold and encourage safe consideration for the best patient result. SDLC has a model that describes stages that utilize framework improvement ventures which start from arranging, investigation, planning, actualizing, and upkeep (Laureate Producer, 2018). As indicated by McGonigle &Mastrian (2017). The arrangement of the correct group to oversee ventures is extremely basic they ought to be included from the earliest starting point of the undertaking improvement as far as possible.

Planning and Requirement Definition

Planning is the principal stage in the SDLC model, this is where the principle target of the task is determined to see that it meets the hierarchical vision, mission, and worth which includes meeting and working together with the other colleagues or partners to distinguish issues and concerns and how to fathom them (McLane et. al, 2015). At this stage, the nurse leader recognizes issues that will originate from the new framework and looks for approaches to understand them before the execution stage. Researchers have recommended that when nurses are engaged in producing decisions and given recommendations about safety, their view of patient safety is improved (Mwachofi, et al., 2011).

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The analysis phase aims to design a graphical representation of the current situation and evaluate how this journey can be improved from the patient's perspective. It is essential to involve the stakeholder in the enabling sessions containing administrative, volunteers, and patients as applicable (Curry., McGregor., Tracy, 2007). This analysis stage includes a complete examination of the client's necessities and desires along with the framework requirement. The nurse leader as a pioneer of the undertaking board brings criticism from the clinical staff in meetings, studies, and perception. Analyses how the new framework will find a way into the current framework to get together with authoritative goals ((McGonigle and Mastrian, 2017). The usefulness of a framework is fundamental and will represent the moment of truth work process set up with the consideration of nurse leader needs. The nurse leader's role is also to take all the relevant information accumulated from the customer to create a product that meets their expectations. For example, during the diagnosis process, the nursing practitioner is based on the assessment to help in the planning and implementation of patient care. In addition, not including the nurse in this phase could lead to a wrong assessment or diagnosis of the real situation whereas involving nurses might lead to formulating a correct one. The nurse leader will help the venture group by putting resources into a framework that permits staff members to take care of their responsibilities.


The design phase targets generating programs that are dependable with all other innovative stages that are categorized as high-end, low-end, or interface (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017). In this design stage, the nurse leader uses the output from the analysis phase to remodel the patient journey aiming to enhance the quality of care and decrease the level of adaptability for patients’ practices (Curry., McGregor., &Tracy, 2007). The nurse leader will embrace the existing technology limits the systems and the obligation for new united information technology (IT) resolutions. Item formation will begin, which includes placing the concurred framework into a thorough or itemized framework with the necessary usefulness, now the example structure will be begun by the designer, and the nurse leader pioneer will survey elective plans along with other colleagues considering the advantages and hindrances of every framework configuration to figure out which best meets the effectively settled requirement (Bird, 2017). The capacity of the nurse leader is exceptionally essential at this stage to try not to choose a framework that is second rate or useless which will not profit the association.


In the implementation phases, the nurse leader will mainly focus on the development and implementation of the output design. The nurse leader will consist of the IT section and need input from the project team. The nurse leader will engage in testing of new/incorporated workflow, decision system, documenting, and training will be implemented. This stage is testing, however, fulfilling. As per McGonigle and Mastrian (2017) ideas are refreshed through software design code and the accurate language is selected at the mercy of the presentation requirement. The nurse leader pioneer presence at this stage will aid with anticipating incorrect applications to be initiated and furthermore ensure that the correct nurse leader language is applied as utilized in the association framework to understand the system. The nurse leader will test the framework to ensure it does what it assumes to do, and report back any issue experienced with the goal that remedy and change can be made varying. Building up a working relationship and teaming up with both the information technology (IT) and the clinical staff is urgent at this stage the attendant will ensure that the framework will be successful for the best patient results. (McLean, 2015).

Post Implementation Support

The nurse leader will be answerable for performing result assessments. The nurse leader will revisit the new procedures and determine if the system presented the expected outcome. The decision support system should be analyzed to determine the set target.


  1. Bird, P. (2017) A day in the life of a nurse informaticist: Implementation support. Journal of Informatics Nursing,2(2),27-29. Retrieved from
  2. Curry, J. M., McGregor, C., & Tracy, S. (2007). A systems development life cycle approach to patient journey modeling projects. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 129(Pt 2), 905–909.
  3. Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Systems Implementation [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
  4. McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  5. McLean, A., Frisch., & Roudsari, A. (2015). Nursing’s voice in health IT acquisition decision. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics. 10(3). Retrieved from
  6. Mwachofi, A., Walston, S. L., & Al-Omar, B. (2011). Factors affecting nurses’ perception of patient safety. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 24(4), 274-283. doi: 10.1108/09526861111125589%2Fdo.
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