Say No to Animal Eating

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Eating animal meat – it all includes sea and land animals - is bad as it raises concern in three major aspects: the animal welfare, health consideration, and the environmental impact of meat production.

“Eating animal is like eating a friend”. For Leo Tolstoy, one of the greatest author of all time, a human can be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. It is clearly given that animals do have lives. They also have their rights to live, so raising and killing them for food is morally wrong.

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Many animals – such as dogs, cats, and even the animals that are raised for food like pigs, chickens and cows - are being considered a friend, sometimes, a family, by most people because they find these animals more comfortable to be with rather than other humans. But it is different for others. People nowadays do love eating animal meat because they think it will benefit them. They don’t know that eating animal meat is same as risking for your own health. They eat too much meat without knowing how it will affect their health.

It is given that humans should atleast consume an animal meat so that they cannot missed out the important nutrients it gives, such as vitamin B12. But consuming it gives more disbenefit in human’s health. Either processed or raw meat has its negative effects in health. One of those effects is that meat causes blockages in blood vessels, which can lead to stroke.

According to researchers, meat is 'one of the most well-established dietary risk factors' for diabetes. A study by the Harvard School of Public Health found that even modest consumption of red or processed meat significantly increases the risk of type 2 diabetes — an illness that can cause debilitating health problems, including blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, and strokes.

Also, researches at the Mayo Clinic reviewed multiple studies and found that compared to shorter-term vegetarians, people on a vegetarian diet for more than 17 years enjoyed an increase in life expectancy of 3.6 years. They concluded that “physicians should advise patients to limit animal products when possible and consume more plants than meat.”

People who consume vegetables instead of animal products is expected to be low in health-risk. Eating vegetables provides health benefits – people who eat more vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Vegetables provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body.

Leo Tolstoy claimed that 'vegetarianism is the taproot of humanitarianism'. He meant that people who wish to sow the seeds of peace should be eating as peaceful a diet as possible. Eating meat supports the killing of animals for no reason other than to satisfy humans' acquired taste for animal flesh. The great humanitarians Mahatma Gandhi and Thich Nhat Hanh have argued that a vegetarian diet is the only diet for people who want to make the world a kinder place.

Not only to health, animal products has negative effects also to the environment. Animal agriculture also contributes to environmental destruction. The consumption of meat products is morally wrong because it causes enormous suffering to sentient creatures and is causing disastrous harm to our planet. 99% of the meat that people eat today comes from factory farming and industrial fishing.

Based from a Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations report in 2006, animal production contributes on a ‘massive scale’ to global warming as well as land degradation, water and energy use, deforestation and a decline in biodiversity.

Knowing the effects of eating animal meat, people should now consider their health before it becomes too late. Eating animal products, probably red meat, may be trendy for some people, but its effects is life-risky. Not only to humans but also, it gives destruction to the environment. People should start consuming green foods, or vegetables, for it will be more beneficial to their health.

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Say No to Animal Eating. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
“Say No to Animal Eating.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022,
Say No to Animal Eating. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Jan. 2025].
Say No to Animal Eating [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 15 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from:

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