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3 Pages 1271 Words
Bang, bang, the sound echoes throughout the school. Screams coming from every direction, students running trying to escape or even hide. Parents fearing for the worst. Asking themselves and the police is my child okay? Is he/she alive? This essay will argue the Columbine High School massacre of 1999, is just an event is just of many that shows and...
5 Pages 2163 Words
The Relationship between State Gun Policy & Mass Shootings Gun control is a much more widely debated subject when compared to as recent as two decades ago. This has occurred due to the increase in mass shootings in the United States. In response, the idea of teachers being armed has been suggested by officials such as Donald Trump, who also...
2 Pages 1065 Words
Mass Murder and What Drives Someone to Take Another Person’s Life Mass murder is defined as the “anti-social non-state-sponsored killing of multiple victims during a single episode at one or more closely related locations” (Levin, & Madfis, 2009). It is mind-blowing how someone can take another person’s life, how they can just walk into a school or a building and...
3 Pages 1343 Words
In these last couple years many tragic shooting events have been occurring in many elementary and high schools in the United States. Every day parents and teachers worry about their students’ safety and try their hardest to keep a safe environment for them. Even as time goes by, these incidents are increasing day by day, giving the rising probability of...
5 Pages 2289 Words
Introduction The aim of this qualitative study is to gain a deeper understanding of teacher-directed violence and the impact it has on teachers’ ability to function effectively in the classroom. Violence in schools is not a phenomenon that operates in a vacuum. It has become a cause of great concern for educational leaders, the effects can be far-reaching, and the...
4 Pages 1809 Words
Throughout the years, school violence has not only left scars in our society but in our entire nation. Other than home, schools are the single most important place in the development of teenagers and children, schools are supposed to be a safe haven. Teens and children are taught how to grow socially and school provides opportunities to reach milestones to...
2 Pages 1003 Words
In the 2013 article “Preventing School Shootings Starts with Gun Safety at Home,” Richard Aborn made an effort to give society a better insight of how school and accidental home shootings are in fact preventable and more importantly, how they could be prevented with parents and the government simply increasing firearm education and taking precautions of the weapons owned and...
6 Pages 2722 Words
Abstract The impact that violent media content has on mass shootings has been the topic of much discussion. The verdict on this issue is in many ways split. Some argue that yes indeed it does have an effect, while others oppose this notion. The answer to this is not a simple yes or no. It is clear that violent media...
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