Scout in 'To Kill a Mockingbird': A Journey of Innocence to Understanding

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To begin with, To Kill a Mockingbird is a very worldwide book. This book was published in 1960 and became a bestseller. After the success of the book, it became a film that everyone was watching. Throughout this book, you can notice a lot of different themes such as love, Kindness, Cruelty, Hatred, and Humor. This book tells the story of a young little girl who lives in a small town with her father and her brother. They encounter many trials and tribulations as the book goes on. The difference between watching the movie and reading the book is that when you are watching the movie you can feel what each of the characters are going through because you can see the emotion on their faces and by the way that they act with the other character. When you are reading the book you only get some feelings because you are not able to see each individual's interactions with each other. After all, the book is not as descriptive as the movie.

There is a big difference between reading the book and watching the movie. Something that made me really into the book is where Scout is with her family and her brother does not treat her like a brother should. Instead, he treats her with disrespect because she is a girl. Many people can relate to this situation because of the big stereotype that girls are not able to do the things that boys can do and therefore should not be as important as the things that boys can do. The main point of To Kill A Mockingbird was for Scout and her brother Jem to become very good friends with a little boy named Dill that lives in their neighborhood they become close to each other and make a quest to figure out why Arthur Radley(Boo) has not been seen and why he is not allowed to come outside of his house. While the kids are going through this journey they find that weird things are happening around the Radley. The children kept finding presents around the Radley property and believed that they were left for them by the little boy named Boo who live in the Radley house.

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In an unknown event, there is a fire that broke out in a neighborhood and the children were watching the fire from nearby as they were watching somebody put a blanket over Scout as she was with the other children and nobody saw who that person was. The children kept wondering if that could have been Boo Radley. As Jem and Scout go through this journey they learn a very valuable lesson one should never judge people by the way that they look act or do things that they do. They learn this very important lesson while watching their father Atticus defending Tom Robinson who is a black man that is being accused of raping a white woman by the name of Mayella Ewell. Through all of the chaos, Atticus' sister appears and wants to teach Scout how to be a grown lady she also wants to show the kids what it means to have a family and be supported by each other because some people may not have the same things that they do so you always need to love one another and be grateful for what they have. As the day of Tom Robinsons' trial comes along Scout and Jem show up to court to listen to the trial and the children can figure out that Mayella and her father are not being completely truthful in the story that they are telling.

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Scout in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’: A Journey of Innocence to Understanding. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Scout in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’: A Journey of Innocence to Understanding.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
Scout in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’: A Journey of Innocence to Understanding. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 Sept. 2024].
Scout in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’: A Journey of Innocence to Understanding [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from:

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