Should The Novel Fahrenheit 451 Be Banned?

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In the world of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury the government is in complete control over information and news. Books have been banned and firemen once used to protect the public by putting out fires now serve to censure the information by burning books. Instead of water meant to put out fire and to save people. The firemen now possess flame throwers that destroy books The government exercises far to much control over information and regularly lies to the public. Furthermore the government has no problem in the killing of innocents as long as it furthers their motives. The government on Fahrenheit 451 represents a government that has ceased to protect the people and has turned into a harmful force that censors information and actively works against the general public. In the world of Fahrenheit 451 the people have been made stupid by the government's control of information. Further more people are slaves to technology and blindly trust the government because of the censorship of information. The reason it is so important to know about censorship is because when our own government is censoring information we can know about this and stop them. Fahrenheit 451 is a good look into what can happen when a government goes too far. It should not be banned from school libraries.

As I have said in Fahrenheit 451 talks about government censorship. This is a very valuable tool that I think that kids should learn about. The government burns books so that the populus can remain ignorant to things that might hurt the government's control over them. The denial of knowledge that the government commits is made even worse by the fact that they call everyone that speaks out against them crazy. “With schools turning out more runners, jumpers, racers tinkerers, grabbers, snachers, flyers, swimmers,fliers insesd of examiners, critics, knowers, and imaginative creators intellectual became the swear word it is.” This quote means that people are getting dumber due to the censorship of information and that people are getting physically stronger but people are getting stupider because of the censorship of information. Fahrenheit 451 has a very important message about censorship and what happens when a government gets to much power.

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The government in Fahrenheit 451 also lies to the populous about many things. These lies are another example of how the government can go to far. They say that books are bad and sent the firemen to go burn them. The government also lies about if they go Montag on the chase. Montag jumped in the river but the government didn't want to look like they haven't found him. They said they had got him by having the mechanical hound attack an innocent man. The government in fahrenheit 451 is a good example of how the a government will lie.

In Fahrenheit 451 the government while not at first obvious is very brutal. This government has really abused their power. A good example of this is the firemen. In the beginning of the book they go to a house with books and when they find it they cover it with gasoline. There is a woman inside and she refuses to leave. The firemen don´t care and burn down the house with her inside. This shows the nature of the firemen as a cold and unfeeling organisation. Another good example is when Montag is being chased by the firemen he escaped into the river. Instead of eather calling of the search or doing a drawn out search that the public would lose interest in they have the hound attack of a random man that is out for a walk.This senseless and unnecessary act of violence shows how far the government is willing to go to maintain their image.

Fahrenheit 451 has been banned for a few reasons. In this paragraph I will argue why these bans are completely ludicrous. Fahrenheit was banned because of the use of profane language. The grounds to this bann don't really make sense. In a middle school almost all of the kids swear. So banning a book like Fahrenheit 451 doesn't make sense. The swearing is very minimal and does not have the grounds to ban it. One of the other reasons that Fahrenheit 451 was banned is because of the burning of bibles that offended some people. Banning a book just because a small thing in a book offended a select amount of people is stupid. If they don't like it they don't have to read it. The burning of a book as important to people as the bible in Fahrenheit 451 has shown how far the government has gone in there effort to destroy books. In conclusion the banns on fahrenheit 451 have been for bad reason that where highly flawed.

In conclusion Fahrenheit 451 should not be banned. Even though there is violence and language if it were to be taken out it would lessen the impact of some scenes and make others pointless. The book teaches us important lessons about how bad a government can get if the population is ignorant. It also teaches us about censorship. This is a valuable lesson because when we see censorship in real life we can speak out against it. Fahrenheit 451 should not be banned because it can teach us about what happens when a government has too much power.

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Should The Novel Fahrenheit 451 Be Banned? (2022, Jun 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from
“Should The Novel Fahrenheit 451 Be Banned?” Edubirdie, 29 Jun. 2022,
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