Should Violent Video Game Be Banned?

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Video games are defined as 'games that we play thanks to a story-based audiovisual device' (Esposito, 2005). In recent years, there has been an increase in the amount of scientific research on video games (Hamari and Keronen, 2017). Almost all children enjoy playing video games and it provides a great pass time activity for them. A child's game can be good or bad in his life. For example, children who learn to play chess at a tender age usually show signs of high intelligence are the one. Instead, it does not extend to violent video games. Parents can sometimes be stunned by all the violence and aggression that they see in the video games. Some people might say that it is just a game and there's nothing to think about. The question is if parents see their children playing violent video games, what will they do? Will, they let it be temporary interest or should they ban the game? It is a controversial topic with no clear answer. Nonetheless, the parents may take into consideration the following reasons for against playing violent video games so that they can make the right decision.

Furthermore, the potentially problematic use of video games may lead to psychological difficulties because it decreases players' time and opportunity for real-life activities (Gentile 2009). People advocating against children playing violent video games say that it will lead to real-life violence. Children were unable to completely separate the actual and the virtual world. The correlation between violent content in video games and depression is possible in the light of research showing that the exposure of children to real-life abuse, either as victims or witnesses, is associated with poor mental health outcomes including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (Fowler et al, 2009). In general, studies have found that high exposure to violence is associated with increased levels of depression among children (Janosz, 2008). For the undeveloped young mind, this distinction is very fuzzy. Additionally, research of Anderson and Bushman (2001) has also argued that violent video games, without a doubt, pose a threat to children. The two definitions are often confused, assuming that what is appropriate in the virtual world would also be perfect in the real world. Therefore, they bring this aggressive attitude of aggression into their daily lives, hurting the people around them. And then they can't understand what they've done wrong when they have to pay for the consequences of their actions.

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Although there are strong reasons for those who want violent video games to be banned, there are reasons it should not. A suggestion was given by Bissell, 2008 state that violent video games can help people to relieve their stress, especially to those with high temperatures. When people engage in video game and shootout with an enemy, they might feel the mission has been accomplished as they have a way to release their stress. It like people feel entertained when they watching football matches and it brings the same effect on bringing the same to the group of people playing violent games. Besides, the doctors have shown that despite violent games being useful in releasing anger, it is also helpful to help the patient reduce the pain. Current hospital efforts show that this is being done to install such games. More importantly, the games help to entertain the plays as well as the viewers. There is a fact have shown there are over 70 percent of American youth are playing these games, if it is banned, they would engage in even more risky activities in their quest to be entertained, for example, drug abuse suggested by Goldstein, 1998. Compare for the teenagers to involve in social problem, staying home playing online game is a better option for them.

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Should Violent Video Game Be Banned? (2022, Jun 16). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Should Violent Video Game Be Banned?” Edubirdie, 16 Jun. 2022,
Should Violent Video Game Be Banned? [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Should Violent Video Game Be Banned? [Internet] Edubirdie. 2022 Jun 16 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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