Regret essays

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4 Pages 1580 Words
Abstract Nowadays, online sales are not only very common in China, but also popular all over the world. How to determine the purchasing intention of online consumers is very important. By analyzing the purchasing behavior of online consumers, the factors of consumers'repeated purchases may be the satisfaction of goods and the brand. Loyalty and product regret will determine whether consumers...
4 Pages 1877 Words
Regret is a central emotion in reflecting about the past and involves blaming oneself for having done something or not having done something (Gilovich & Medvec, 1995). Many studies have been conducted on the experience of regret in people, with regards to their decision-making process and how they can factor in the anticipated regret into their final decision. In the...
5 Pages 2096 Words
Abstract The functional theory of counterfactual thinking relies heavily on the functions of “what if” and “if only”, components of the emotion of regret. It has been demonstrated that these counterfactual thoughts serve important adaptive functions, as regret is assumed to facilitate good decision making in children, preceding adulthood (O’Connor, McCormack, Feeney, 2014). For researchers, the most important questioned to...
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