Teaching People about Cloning Proposal Essay

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“I saw a new world coming rapidly. More scientific, efficient, yes. More cures for the old sicknesses. Very good. But a harsh, cruel, world. ” (Never Let Me Go)

Science. Genetics. Cloning. Human cloning. Human cloning will alter our world forever and will transform it for the worse.

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Science has developed throughout the years and humanity has changed drastically from new discoveries. Things like the invention of the telephone, the discovery and medical applications of penicillin, and the creation of the car have shaped the world and impacted our daily lives. Nowadays, scientific discoveries have taken a turn for the worse.

Nobody has managed to successfully artificially clone a human before, but there have been other animals that have been cloned. In 1996 at the Roslin Institute in Scotland, there was a sheep named Dolly, who was the first mammal to be cloned using an adult somatic cell. Out of 277 attempts, only one embryo was able to be implanted in a surrogate mother(the other ones did not survive). This was one of many stepping stones that helped to advance cloning.

Then, only a few years later in 1998, scientists tried to use similar techniques that were used for Dolly for other mammals. Sure enough, they cloned mice, cows and goats. In 2001, they were able to clone an endangered animal using somatic cell nuclear transfer. Using this technique, they cloned an extinct animal, a mountain goat named the burcado, which is absolutely incredible. Unfortunately, the baby died a few minutes after birth due to a lung defect. This was the first successful “de-extinction.” I completely agree with this type of cloning, since it is helping to increase biodiversity. Recently, Mu-ming Poo along with a team of Chinese scientists have cloned macaque monkeys named Hua Hua and Zhong Zhong. Poo said that the combination of two types of technology, SCNT and gene editing, would create 'ideal nonhuman primate models” for studying the origins of different diseases, and possibly drug screening.

The monkeys’ successful cloning began to raise the question: “Could we clone humans?”

Many people have been naively asking whether it is possible to artificially clone humans. Well, the obvious response to that is that we can. I think that these people are missing the real question, of whether we should clone humans. “Cloning people, what could be so wrong with that?” you might ask. And so the argument begins. To clone or not to clone, that is the question.

When I was a little girl, my beloved grandfather almost died from lung cancer. He was a jolly man, a lively man. When he got sick, I remember visiting him and seeing that the man that I once knew was gone. Instead, a ghost had taken his place. This ghost did not feel like playing catch or telling me jokes. This ghost sat in his bleak hospital bed in his bleak room all day, staring at the wall emptily and somberly. I was devastated, desperate to get my grandfather back and get rid of that ghost. I was thinking, what if someone took his place? I sat down on the hospital chair to his right and thought: What if someone, like a clone, could give him a new set of lungs, and he could become himself again? With a new set of lungs, he would be that happy man again, my funny and sweet grandfather. A few seconds later, the doctors walked through the door and asked me if I wanted a clone to give him a new set of lungs, which would save him. Immediately, I said yes. And my grandfather is still living and laughing, at 93 years of age.

Now I realize the error in my thinking and in my decision. Although I agree with the fact that cloning could save many people, most people are still forgetting or do not understand the numerous consequences if human clones would be created. If cloning were to become something that is available to the public and clones would be a part of our daily lives, this would be a disaster of inexplicable proportions. Although it may be hard and it may be frustrating, killing clones to use their organs is unacceptable, no matter how tempting. Creating clones in the first place is a bad idea. You can look at it from any point of view, whether it is through the environment or politics, and can immediately see that none of these things end well.

In terms of the environment, and cloning would end up hurting the environment more than it would help. We already have a planet that contains about 7.5 billion people, and there are hundreds upon thousands of people that are living in very poor conditions and in overcrowded areas in poverty, malnourishment, and with less than two dollars a day. Do we really need more people on the planet? Do we really need more clones to drive cars and contribute to global warming? Even though Donald Trump says it does not exist, that is not true! Climate change would get even worse with clones. We do not need more people contributing to our already large ecological footprint.

Furthermore, there are many political ways that clones would harm society and the world as a whole. There might be negative feelings from the press and from governments towards clones and cloning as a whole, and this would create a large source of controversy. This would create a stigma around clones, and a divide between citizens, which would create more issues than we need right now.

Not to mention the overall harm that cloning would have on society. Logically, the government would invest money into cloning, since in the future, they would be able to use clones as slaves and workers, so they would not have to pay them and this would benefit them in the end. These ignorant and avaricious people are only looking out for their own well-being while making us suffer like fools. By putting all of this money into cloning, they are ignoring real issues, such as poverty, food and water security, climate change, and inequality. These two-faced liars only pretend to care about issues so they can get elected, but that is where the sympathy and promises end. These so-called “leaders” hide out in their fancy offices, sheltering themselves like cowards from the issues in the world and scheming on how to make more money than they already do. Do they really care about the well-being of the clones as long as they get richer? No. Do they really care that these clones are being treated unfairly? No. Do they really care that developing cloning will neglect other pressing issues? No.

Overall, having clones would create more harm than good for both humans and clones.

Finally, if this were to happen and if there were going to be human clones, this would eventually lead to us trying to take power over them and us trying to control them and use them as resources because that is what humans do. We try to control other people, it is just what we do. “Why does it matter that we try to use them?” you ask. Well, let me explain.

Many people are saying that we should clone people so that we can use their organs to survive, but this is wrong. This is evil, this is doing everything that we are standing against. We stand for animal and human rights, but we want to hurt other living beings. We take such good care of our technology and treat it with respect, but would kill our own creations. Either way, humanity is being hypocritical by killing the clones.

So, again, should we clone, or not? My answer: No cloning. Just no. If we clone humans, this will lead to people taking the clones’ organs and many other consequences. Now, why is it so bad to clone people to take their organs?

If you think about it, what really is a clone? They are people with the exact same DNA as us. However, they are created artificially. This does not make them any less human. Clones think like us, hate like us, love like us, and feel like us. So, they should have the same inalienable rights as us.

It is the same thing as saying that twins, natural clones, should have fewer rights than other babies. People would be outraged! This would not be accepted in society! So, this should not be the case for clones.

Since it is clear that humans possess identical qualities to clones, they should also have identical rights and identical treatment. No one in their right mind would go around killing humans for their organs without their consent. Clones should be no different.

And anyway, who gives us the ultimate power to kill other beings, no matter who or what they are? No one. This may be a surprise to some people, but human beings are not superior to other living organisms(Wow, right?). The one and only thing that makes us equal is the fact that, in the end, we all die, even if this sounds very morbid. Rich or poor, animal or human, all living things will all die at one point in time, and for that reason, we are all equal.

Because we only have limited time on Earth, no one should have the right to kill other living beings. Even if humans do kill other humans, it does not mean that that is the right thing to do. These people either work for the military and are oblivious to what is right and wrong, or are out of their minds. Humans do not have the right or the authority to kill other living things, other than for predation(ie. survival), and this is clearly not the case. This is the abuse of power, this is taking advantage of other beings, and this is being worse than any other animal.

Even if people were considered superior, because of “language” and “effective communication” and whatnot, that still does not give us the right to kill other living organisms. Listen to our good old friend Pooh: “‘If people were superior to animals, they’d take good care of them.’” I know, he’s a fictional character, but he is pretty smart. If we think that we are better than other beings, we would take the responsibility to help to conserve their lives, not take them away. By killing the clones and taking their organs, we are just proving that we are at the same level, if not lower, than other beings. By killing an innocent creature who has never done anything to anyone and cannot defend itself, we are proving that we are sadistic and evil creatures.

Finally, we should not clone people just to harvest their organs because this would create a ripple effect all throughout society. Up until now, people have taken some measures in order to keep their life, because it is part of our DNA to not want to die, although there have been a few numbskulls that have come pretty close to death from adventure or taking risks. Without this part of our DNA, how do you think cavepeople would have survived numerous predators? With all the idiots on our planet, our species would probably be extinct by now if we did not have this instinct.

However, with the addition of the cloning program, all of this might change. People might start to take their lives for granted, even more than they do already, now that they have a new way to stay alive. It is not as though they would have a problem getting the organs, and they would not feel bad for killing the clones, because they wouldn’t know or wouldn’t care.

It is like when you go shopping at the mall. You walk into stores and shop at stores like Forever 21 and Zara, even though you know that they use sweatshop labor. Even though you know there are people suffering in sweatshops all over the world to make those clothes, you buy them anyway. Think about it. Everyone does it.

However, doing this does not make you a bad person. If you live in a country like Canada where you are not exposed to these issues and this is not the norm, it is very difficult to care about them. You cannot have feelings for something that you do not know all the facts about, and you cannot really care about anything if it is not in your own interest. By not caring about the clones, people are following what is in their own interest, which is getting the organs and living longer. Selfish? Definitely. Improbable? Absolutely not.

So, not only would people not care about what happens to the clones, they would not care about what happens to them, since they would have something to fall back upon. People would have no sense of urgency, and no sense of caution. This would have disastrous effects on our society.

When I was younger, my sister and I loved to jump on the bed. A lot. So, although we knew that what we were doing was dangerous and we might get hurt, we decided that we would put a couch cushion on the ground, just to be safe. Sometimes we fell on the cushion, sometimes we didn’t. But the point of this story is not to encourage you to use clones as cushions on the ground when you are jumping for donations.

By having the cushions, or the organ donors in this case, we would do some stupid things, even if they were not 100% safe because we knew we would have something to fall back on. Now, imagine everyone was doing stupid things and putting their safety at risk because they had something to fall back on. Society would collapse in on itself, and everything would turn into chaos.

Here’s the big question: should we clone, or not? The only reasonable answer is that we should not clone. Why would we create sentient beings just to kill them? This is just inhumane and quite frankly, insane. Why create people and make them suffer?

These scientists might have book smarts, but they fail to see how their discoveries will really impact the world. Getting degrees in biology and anatomy won’t really help them see what is inside people’s hearts, which is life and passion. Clone or original, animal or human, we all have life inside of us. Would you rather survive or live? Would you rather spend your days chasing death than barely making it out alive? Or would you rather spend your days living your life to the fullest, using whatever time you have on Earth wisely?

Science has to move in the right direction, the one where we prevent suffering, not cause it. Although it may not seem like it and although it is a cliché, every individual has a say in how our world will adapt with the development of cloning, since it is inevitable. If you stand up for what you believe in and tell people how cloning is wrong, you can make a change. Spread the word, and let others know what you think! In the end, life is a journey; it's your choice whether you want to cowardly hide out in the shadows where there is no light, or take center stage and fight for what is right.

Science. Genetics. Cloning. Human cloning. Human cloning will alter our world forever and may transform it for the worse. That is unless you decide on an important role for the clone.

Even if I said yes to cloning, you don’t have to. But I will.

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Teaching People about Cloning Proposal Essay. (2023, November 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 17, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/teaching-people-about-cloning-proposal-essay/
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Teaching People about Cloning Proposal Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Nov 20 [cited 2025 Feb 17]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/teaching-people-about-cloning-proposal-essay/

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