The Bloody Chamber essays

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3 Pages 1526 Words
Perrault’s “Blue Beard” and Carter’s retelling of the same work is both very different, but it also can have similarities. The use of Nickerson’s retelling named “Strands of Bronze and Gold”, as well as Brontë’s “Jane Eyre”, will also be compared to the original and Carter’s “The Bloody Chamber”. This will show how different variations of the same type of...
6 Pages 2811 Words
Violence is not used only to shock in either Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte or The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter. Both novels use violence to explore themes such as love and feminism. They also make the reader ask important questions and show that there are no easy moral answers. Violence is also an integral part of the gothic literature...
4 Pages 1919 Words
“Carter’s stories merely perpetuate presentations of helpless women rather than challenging them”. In the light of this comment, consider Carter’s presentation of women in at lease two of the stories. Stereotype fairy tales have reinforced the idea of “woman-needs-to-be-saved” with the dependence of women on men. Correspondingly, it has been conventional to associate women with pejorative connotations such as helplessness,...

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