The Evolution And Aspects Of Space Exploration

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Humans have been curious about whats above the sky from a long time ago and scientists have been looking for ways to travel into outer space, within the Nineteen Forties,experimental rockets were sent one by one but none of them had the ability to reach the desired hight.On October 4,1957 the Soviet Union sent the first umanned ship was sent to space,they launched a satellite named sputnik 1,which stayed in space for about three months.On November 3,1957 , another satellite was launched as a name od 'Sputnik 2', this satellite carried a dog into orbit for seven days.The Americans were jelous about how successful were the Russians,and the fact that there was a war between both countries didnt make it better for them,this led to the start of the space race. but within the last mentioned half of the 20th century, strong rockets were built with an ability of defeating the force of gravity and a trip to the Moon was no longer just a dream.

How it started

Firstly they decided to orbit around the earth. In 1903, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky explained that this would be possible if liquid hydrogen and oxygen were used instead of solid fuels. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was the one who improved the “ rocket equation” which depends on three variables:energy that is needed to resist gravity, the energy which exist in the fuel and the rate of that rocket’s mass.

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In 1920, rocket researching was spreading across Europe,USA and the Soviet Union. They started testing the liquid fuels,they used to try the rocket engines on card and planes as-well,but what really made rocket science famous between people is the World War II.

The World War II

In 1930s and 1940s, Germany had an idea of using rockets as weapons against their enemies. Late in the World War II, London was striked by 200 mile range V-2 missile which curved 60 miles high over the English Channel at higher than 3,500 miles per hour.After the War,both the United States and the Soviet Union created their own missile program.

Landing on the moon

“Landing a human on the moon and returning him safely to our planet with 10 years” was a national goal since 1961,but on july 20-1969 an astronaut called Neil Armstrong landed on the moon,six Apollo missions were made for exploring the moon between the years 1969 to 1972,before all that a space ship was sent to the moon and explored it before any astronaut landed. communications and navigation satellites were orbiting everyday while the Mariner spaceship was orbiting and mapping Mars,by the end of this decade the Voyager spacecraft had sent back detailed images of Jupiter and Saturn, their rings, and their moons.

Space disasters and sacrfices

Trying to go space and exploring wasn’t always fun and joys sometimes sacrifices were made by many astronauts, although many space missions landed to the moon safely Not all of them have been successful. There were some tragedies that happened while people were trying to go to space , and many of them had a really deadly outcome. On January 27, 1967, the Apollo 1, which also had an another name which is Apollo/Saturn 204, during the simulation launch fire was all around the space ship, it killed all the crew . When Russia’s tried to land on the moon it ended in a disaster too when the Soyuz 1 faced some technical problems after it was launched. The only crew member that was on it dies because he couldn’t fix the problems

Using Animals in space exploration

There were many brave astronauts that scarified their life for space exploration but before all of that animals were sent into space which had led to a major improvement in humans safety fields,so not only the humans experienced flying into space but also many animals were sent to space like: ,flies,monkeys,dogs,cats,frogs,gold fishes and many more. But The first creature that went to the space was a fly it was sent with a bunch of seeds of corn to test that effect of radiation on our DNA,the fly flew on a space ship named V-2 in 1947 this ship was sent by the united states of America,and the capsule came back to earth safely with the fly still alive and well,on the other hand Albert II which is the first monkey that was sent to space, Albert made it to a height of 83 miles on june 14,1949 he was carried on a V-2 rocket as well although he wasnt as lucky as the fly,a problem with the parachute sadly led Albert II to die from the force while landing. Russians used to rather sending dogs instead of any other animal because they thought that the canines think that the canines will be less fidgety.On November 3,1957, a dog named Laika from Moscow became one if the first animal to go to space,and the first animal to orbit around the earth,since there were not a lot information about the affects of space travel on living things by that time, Laika wasn’t expected to survive al all, after hours of the ship’s launch Laika died due to overheating,possibly because of thefailure of the central sustainer. Soviet government said that Laika died because her oxygen ran out on the sixth day,the truth of her death’s cause and time wasn’t revealed until 2002,before sending humans to the space at least 10 dogs were launched into space.

Space exploration today

Before space robots were only science fictions no one have imagined them being a reality.Today many robots are being sent to space to help the scientists to explore the solar system which is hard for the humans to do by themselves by the technology developed there will be endless possibilities for robots in the future ,space robots actually complete many tasks and assist the astronauts, robots can survive many years unlike humans, robots don’t eat or drink or even go to the toilet ,also robots can survive high temperature and high levels of radiation ,some robots are designed to do things that could be too risky or dangerous for human beings.

Space robots take measurements, collect samples ,fix the equipment they also explore other planets with cameras making it easier to explore the space.

What are some plans for the future of space exploration?

NASA is building space robots that could provide scientist with new insights about the solar system and whats beyond it,NASA had announced recently that there will be a partnership with nine United States aerospace companies to launch tiny robots to the moon, on the other hand Russian space company wants to launch an humanoid robot into the famous international space station.


To conclude I would say exploring the space is a great adventure and it had a major improvement through the year on our knowledge about the outer space but it also could be risky and harmful for humans.

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The Evolution And Aspects Of Space Exploration. (2022, February 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
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