The Journey Of A Nurse Practitioner

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There are various fields available in the world today. The healthcare field is a field that plays a major role in our daily lives. Our health is part of who we are. Your overall health helps determine the efficiency of your ability to carry out daily tasks. There are various people that specialize in the healthcare field that help contribute to the health of people. They help others by finding ways to maintain or improve their overall health. The medical field can be referred to as a tree filled with different branches resembling the various fields available within the healthcare field. In those branches, there is the nursing field within that branch we encounter the twig or specialty of a Nurse practitioner.

The nursing branch focuses on helping individuals from all ages and backgrounds in achieving their optimum state of wellness by restoring, retaining, or maintaining their health. A nurse practitioner helps achieve those goals for their patients by diagnosing the illness if any are present. When diagnosing the illness you are able to take part in creating a treatment plan most suitable for your patient. To ensure the best results you're able to educate your patient on their current situation. A patient can be informed and educated about topics regarding medication, daily life, as well as nutrition. The patient would also need to be informed about the negative aspects of their state of health if needed. Hoping to achieve or maintain the wellness of the patient. As a young child, I’ve always been interested in helping others. My mom had a side job of babysitting, and I would always help her with tasks to ensure the children's care. It wasn't until 3 years ago when I started helping again. Three years ago my grandma had a brain hemorrhage due to her medical backgrounds such as high blood pressure and stress. The hemorrhagic stroke affected her brain and left her left side of the body weak. She was lucky, however and regained most control of the left side. Throughout her recovery, as a family, we were able to provide care. Helping her bathe, daily exercise, as well as providing nutrients essential to her, and treatment necessary hoping for an optimal recovery.

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A nurse practitioner can accomplish their care in various environments. The benefits of pursuing the job of a Nurse practitioner is how flexible it can be. Where the practitioner is able to learn and grow their practice in various fields of nursing. A nurse practitioner wouldn’t restrain their area of practice. For example, the environment of the job could range from a public setting such as hospitals and community care. In a hospital, an NP is able to work in areas such as emergency rooms. As on the other hand, a nurse practitioner can also experience a more private setting including private practice and homes. A nurse practitioner is able to provide care for people in all settings and ages.

To start your pathway to become a nurse practitioner there are various routes available to become a practitioner. According to the website Nurse Practitioner schools the most common route is after graduating high school and obtaining your diploma you proceed to enroll in college. In the college that you choose you to take classes to obtain your B.S.N. Your bachelors can take up to 4 years as a full-time student. Once you’ve completed your degree the student takes the exam NCLEX-RN to become a board certified RN from a certain organization making sure you earn certification to practice in your applied state. After you have gained your RN license you have the choice to gain experience in a nursing residency for 1-2 years, or the student can go straight into applying into medical school and gain experience after you have become an NP. When applying into med school you can expand your degree into an M.S.N. To obtain your M.S.N you must have a B.S.N. There are programs to help obtain your B.S.N. from an entry-level nurse. The common entry levels below bachelor's degree is a diploma in nursing, Associates degree in nursing, and a Licenced practical nurse. With the degree of M.S.N, you’re able to pursue a further specialization. You can specialize in a general nursing degree or complete your degree, and further specialize in areas such as Family Nurse Practitioner, Nurse anesthetist, Acute care, Neonatal Nurse, Midwife etc. Once you have successfully finished your education you must get a board certification from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Your position in the career would be one degree away from being in the highest level of nursing. The highest level of nursing would be achieving a doctorate in nursing.

To be able to succeed as a nurse Practitioner you may need to have or develop certain skills. One of the skills that will help you with your patients is communication skills. Communicating with your patient helps by understanding not only their physical state but as well as their mental state psychologically. When being a nurse you have the chance to not only assess them for their physical health but also connect with them to ensure their overall holistic wellness. Compared to other jobs in the medical field, their first and main goal may not be the patient's overall being. When communicating with your patients a downside would be getting attached, or close to your patient making a connection. Becoming attached to your patient may make it difficult to complete their care especially if the patient becomes deceased. Another skill a nurse Practitioner may need to keep in mind is variation. As a practitioner, according to the website from Johnson and Johnson a skill you would need to know the various kinds of situations and patients you can receive. The case can change from day today. Which may be difficult to remember all the various kinds of diseases or situations in different ages and backgrounds. Although there is a downside you are able to have a variety and not be restricted to a single organ or group of people.

When being employed as a Nurse Practitioner according to online nurse Practitioner programs a chart provided by the website the largest employer is either “a general medical or surgical hospital”. The second most popular employers are medical offices and clinics along with home health care and nursing facilities. Nurse practitioners are in high demand and growing every day. Nurses are required to make sure the physician's orders are being enforced. When employed your salary can vary from your state location. From various resources like Glass Door in Georgia, the salary can range from $75K to as high as $132K. This all depends on the location of the work area and your experience in the career. The overall research on becoming a nurse practitioner has helped me get an insight into what I'm signing myself up for. As well as what I have to do to get to the end of the career. The journey will require me to go to school for 6-8 years and gain experience for at least one year. An area I can improve is my management skills. I need to improve my skills in overseeing other nurses and helping them improve. A skill I can continue would be being independent and structured. These two characteristics will help me plan out the care of my patients. The journey overall, however, will be a bumpy one when involving my personal life and family in the future. Pursuing the career of becoming a nurse will help use my characteristic trait of caring into good use. If in the future I happen to change my mind one thing is for sure I still want to contribute to the health of others, and I will strive to take on the journey of becoming a Nurse practitioner. I want to be part of the health care tree.


  1. Writers, Staff. “How to Become a Nurse Practitioner? - NP FAQ.” Nurse Practitioner Schools,, 31 Jan. 2019,
  2. NursingExplorer. “Nurse Practitioner | NP Career Guide.” Nursing Explorer,
  3. “Top Employers of Nurse Practitioners.” Online Nurse Practitioner Programs,
  4., 2019 |. “Best Types of Nursing Degrees.” 2017, 13 Feb. 2019,
  5. “Nurse Practitioner Salary in Atlanta, GA (March 2019).” Glassdoor,,7_IM52_KO8,26.htm.
  6. “Nurse Practitioner.” Discover Nursing,
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The Journey Of A Nurse Practitioner. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 7, 2025, from
“The Journey Of A Nurse Practitioner.” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022,
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