The Overview On World's Religions

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The start of Judaism is believed to have started in 1812 BC. in a place called Canaan and it is considered that Abraham is the founder of the Israelite nation. Judaism is the religion that Jewish people follow. Judaism is a monotheistic religion, you only believe that there is one greater being, the greater being has established a covenant. The Jews have a sacred book is called the Tanakh or also know as the Hebrew Bible. The sacred book includes the same books as in the Old Testament as in the Christian Bible, but in the Tanakh, some things are modified. Their God speaks through people called prophets who we are lead to believe are his disciples and their God rewards those who do good deeds while also punishing those who do evil. Around 931 B.C. the Israeli kingdom fell after the death of Solomon, had building projects that required such high taxes and so much forced labor that revolts erupted soon after his death. Leading to the division Israel in the north and Jodah’s in the south. Around the era 587 B.C. The Babylonians who neighbored Israel destroyed their first Temple and sent many Jews into exile. A few years later the second Temple was built in about 516 B.C. but was ultimately the temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D.


Jeues was born by his mother who was called Mary she was a virgin.

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He claimed to be to the son of God and that Jesus was the Mashiah (Christ). When Jesus was 30 years old, he started to preach and teach this got him his many followers. When he was preaching he used parables to get more followers and even more by performing amazing medical not cable by man word spread. The way Jesus was preaching was similar to the Jewish way but slightly modified. If you were Christianity in Rome and you did not obey the rules set by the Roman emperor if you don't follow the rules there were serious consequences. The Romans and Jewish people were not fans of Jesus because he made many claims they did not like. Tacitus, he wrote many books he hated all Jews and Christians. Tacitus reported that Nero fixed blame for the buring of the Roman empire all on the Christians and Christians were persacuted for a crime they did not comite. This resulted in them being nailed on cross, burned on cross, executed, and torturedChristians persecuted for the burning of Rome. In the year 313 AD the edict of Milan was signed this meny you were free to choose your religion but by the yeat 393 AD Christianity had become the official religion in the Roman empire.


Muhammad was born in Mexico in the Arabian Peninsula in a 570 AD. At the same time, polytheistic nomadic herders populated the region. Islam is a monothistic religion. Muhammad was a merchant and a deployment lie spiritual man pleasure additional story of Quran tells how one night he was meditating in a cave. In the mountain when he visited was visited by the angel Djibril Gabriel who ordered him to recite one once Jabra mentioned the name Allah Mohammad began to recite words which he believed were the words of God, believing that God had chosen him as his messenger Muhammad began to preach what God has revealed to him the Mouhamed popularity seemed threatening by the people in power in Mecca. He took his followers on a journey the journey is called the horizon. The event was seen as so important for Islam and marks the year in which the Islamic calendar begins. Within 10 years Muhammad gained many more followers who saw him as Allah, Allah profit but also as their ruler here is an army and was able to return and conquer and Mecca. Muhammad continued to lead his followers both spiritually and in earthly measures until his death in 632. After the death of Muhammad, the young Muslim Federation came under strain the Prophet had not left clear instructions as to who should lead the community after his death. Fortunately, his community immediately chose the Prophets close companion, Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr died in 634 and was succeeded by Umar ibn al-Khattab but the second caliph who ruled until 644 Umar used this as a tool to spread Islam further in the Middle East.


Confucianism is routinely portrayed as a system and ethical social philosophy preferably that of religion but Confucianism is a monotheistic religion to some extent that Confucius had a god-like a role but was not fully worshiped as a God. Confucius was a minor authority who lived amid the warring states time frame and built up a philosophical and political framework he trusted would prompt an increasingly steady state and society. Confucius was an educator Chinese philosopher, and also a political figure. His teachings, preserved in the Analects, targeted on creating many ethical models of family and public cooperation educational standards. Spent a great deal of his time trying to convince one of the powerful kings to embrace his system but while none ever did. Confucius was also known as Kong Qiu wrote a book called “Analects of Confucius” it was a large collection of his ideas and sayings. Confucianism was the way of the life developed by Confucius during the 6th 5th-century B.C.E and followed by the Chinese people for more than two millenniums. Confucianism has changed over time, and it is still the foundation of learning, the source of values, and also the social code of the Chinese. Confucianism has also had an influence that has extended to other countries, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. But these countries had modified Confucianism in their own way.


Hinduism is not a single religion but embraces multiple traditions. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion as they believed in many Gods and Goddesses. Hinduism has no definite starting point. The Indus Valley civilization was located in the basin of the river Indus, which flows through present-day Pakistan. There is some evidence of animal sacrifice. Hinduism had multiple sacred books called Vedas. The traditions which flow into Hinduism date back several thousand years. Many of these ideas, both social and religious, it helped to define the structure of society. A number of terracotta figurines have been found, perhaps goddess images. The Hinduism religion was polytheistic. The rise of the Gupta Empire 320-500 CE saw the development of the 3 great Hindu traditions, each focused on one God Vishnu, Shiva, and Devi. The Vedic Period 1500–500 B.C.E refers to the period when the Vedas were composed these are the most ancient religious texts which define truth for Hindus. Some of the Vedic rituals were very elaborate and continue to the present day. From the period 500 BCE to 500 CE, we can recognize many of the elements we find in present-day Hinduism. This period saw the formation of additional texts, including the Dharma Sutras.


Siddhartha Gautama a prince in the foothills of the Himalayas born in 566 B.C. Buddhist do not believe Gautama was a god but they worship him as a form of respect. Later Hinduism adopted Buddhism as one of its many religions, Buddhism is a polytheistic religion. Siddhartha Gautama was a prince and his father locked him in a palace because a prophecy said that the family would lose their kingdom if he ever left. Siddhartha Gautama he renounced the crown after he went out a saw a sick man, an old man, and a corpse. Went to find the holiest men to see how it could be possible that life could come to such a terrible end. Eventually, Siddhartha became ascetic meaning he would fast for religious reasons, he would meditate for days without eating hoping to find enlightenment. After meditating for about a month under a tree, Nirvana came to him. He understood the meaning of life and would teach it to people that would become his disciples. He became Buddha, teaching. He taught the four noble truths. If you became a Buddhist monk you don’t get a lot of power, you have to renounce everything, including your hair. Buddhism eventually migrated to China and that’s where they made lots of fun events for it. Low-class Hindus became Buddhists because as long as you follow the Eightfold Path and renounce desire you can be free from suffering and achieve Nirvana.

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The Overview On World’s Religions. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
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