Parental Involvement and Student Behavior in Online Learning

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Parental engagement refers to communication, volunteering, particularly at the school where one's children attend, promoting home learning, encouragement, decision-making, and community cooperation. It is the practices of support done by the parents, caregivers, and guardian to their children’s learning. The involvements of the parents can produce benefits to the learning performance of the students’ cognitive, social and emotional development, better parent-child relationship and increase community connection.

The parents referred are the parents, caregivers, guardian who have children who belong to the online learning. They are responsible of the support for the children’s need including education.

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Parental student-focused engagement includes the parent's involvement and support for the child at home. In changing behaviour and in providing engagement, families play a key role. Unfortunately, often children's parents or guardians who have disciplinary problems remain away from school instead of taking advantage of themselves and giving the school the necessary help. Eradicating behavioral problems in learners would strengthen the self-discipline of students, thereby enhancing academic performance (Friescen & Osher 1996). It is quite ironic that parents whose children most need their help are the ones who hardly comply with teachers or get out of their way to support the educational activities of their children in order to strengthen their self-discipline.

According to Litke (1998), parents do vary on their level of engagement and grouped as absentee, supportive, or participatory. Parents who belong in absentee as those who are mostly busy on their work outside home and spend a little time to be engaged in their children’s education. Second is the supportive parents who are more active to the status of their children in school when their children were receiving low grades. Moreover, they are not consistent on being part of their children’s education. They would often ask the progress hof the student and occasionally talk to the student’s teacher. The last category is the participatory parents. Compare to the two other categories, these parents are consistent in their engagement with their children’s learning. The differences in the categories also vary in the result of the student’s performance. Hence, the involvement of the parents are necessary for achievement, encouragement, and accountability of the students in online learning.

As per the study conducted about the interaction of the parents on the students learning, parents claim that they spend an average of 86 minutes per week in being involved in their children’s education. On the other hand, five of the 79 parents were reported to be not being involved in their children’s learning.

Zimmerman and Kitsantas (2014 ) claim that earlier scholars, such as Duckworth and Seligman, who studied the effect on academic success of students ' self-discipline, concentrated on addressing performance issues. Students produce stronger academic performance, according to Zimmerman and Kitsantas (2014), when they concentrate on learning mechanisms that are set up to help learners achieve the opportunity to strengthen their academic skills. The findings showed that the GPA variance predicted by composite self-discipline was much smaller than the variance predicted by self-regulation. High academic success also shows the mastery of material by students, thus learning. Various studies have shown that students may have high IQs, but they do not achieve high academic success if they do not practice self-discipline.

The existence of internet and the variety of technologies made online learning possible. Online learning is an innovated way of learning that uses educational applications that can be accessed through the use of technologies as its platform. It is stated that 1.9 million students were enrolled at online learning. Also, 53% of schools agree is a long-term strategy as per the innovation of our technologies. It is also expected that the number of schools who apply online learning and students who are enrolled in online learning will continue to increase its number (As cited by Stem, 2003). The demand on e-learning is expected for it is vast and easy. Clearly it made education possible no matter where you currently at. It also made possible to people from a certain country be taught by another person from another country. It is worldwide that makes everything possible for a person to learn according to his or her own choice.

The ability to access lectures anytime and anywhere makes the online learning popular (Castro and Tumibay, 2019). It is also believed that e-learning is already equal to or may surpass the effectiveness and efficiency of face-to-face education since the demand of online learning has been growing yearly and it offers convenience while learning (As cited by Stem, 2003). E-learning may provide an easy access to students but e-learning also lessen the interaction of instructors to instructors, instructors to students, and students to students compare to the traditional classroom setting. In addition, less interaction makes students learn how to be independent because they have to catch up with the lesson. Online learning can be uninteresting because it is made easy and comfortable for the students, this can challenge one’s willingness to education.

Students who are enrolled to a school that offers online learning are online students. Online learning of students can be done in synchronous, asynchronous, blended, massive online open courses, and open schedule online courses. The type of online learning a student will be enrolled at would depend on the online school they are enrolled to. Although for online students e-learning is easy and convenient, e-learning also include disadvantages such as: sense of isolation due to lack of face-to-face interactions, students may also have difficulties in motivating their selves, difficulty in having immediate feedback, the consistent use and need of technology, and occasionally some difficult with accreditation.

Some student prefer online classes for it avoids them from travel time to class and problems regarding their respected schedules. Also, the flexibility for the students in term of being able to be committed to outside school activities like working, bonding with family and friends, and being able to enroll to numbers of online courses cause them to prefer do education online than the traditional way of education.

In America, six million Americans are interested in taking an online education. The number of students in e-learning keeps growing every year making the number of online classes increase also. In addition, online learning is cheaper than the traditional learning. Not only the undergraduate take online courses but also professionals are taking e-learning.

As for Philippines, despite of 107 million households that do not have access to internet or computer, student who are enrolled to a school is already an online student for they have to be safe from COVID-19 while continuing their education. It became a must to Philippines that every school must perform e-learning to help lessen the probability of the spread of the said virus. Thus, e-learning made education possible despite of the country’s crisis.

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Parental Involvement and Student Behavior in Online Learning. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from
“Parental Involvement and Student Behavior in Online Learning.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022,
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