E-learning essays

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2 Pages 871 Words
Digital education plays a major role in the process of learning and teaching students around the world. Electronic education is an important part of our lives because of its popularity, companies and organizations have become using digital education because of the importance and efficiency in facilitating the online process via the Internet. The advantages of digital education effectively affect the...
4 Pages 1873 Words
Abstract This research was conducted to examine the undergraduate students’ perception of the implementation of gamification in E-Learning. The subject of this research are 36 students of Fifth semester in English Language Education, Ganesha University of Education. The questionnaire is the instrument of this research. The researcher analyzed 36 filled questionnaires, which had been shared via Google Forms link, by...
3 Pages 1412 Words
Electronic Educational Technology additionally called E-Learning entrance are being utilized more by school, universities, colleges and even individual teacher so as to manufacture a learning environment through Knowledge Sharing. Learning organizations gather enormous measure of data which ought to smother information the executives and information duplication adequately. For this reason, information engineering should offer a methodical technique to reuse and...
1 Page 514 Words
Shattering the geographical boundaries and freely diffusing the essence of knowledge, wisdom and practical indulgence across the globe, the bird of e-learning has thoroughly prepared and set a lot of fledglings free to discover the real competition. Those who have tasted the lemon of the traditional Indian education system, even for a few years, probably know how tough it is...
1 Page 570 Words
E-Learning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom (Elearningnc.gov, 2019). South Africa's public education system is going through massive transformation, moving away from limited educational opportunities based on race and poverty levels to social and educational inclusiveness. Most of e-learning systems are oriented to support higher academic levels of education. However, soon after...
1 Page 487 Words
When is the time we ever stop learning? We adapt to the digital era by learning, and it also adapts the way we learn. We used to rely on traditional learning because it was the most efficient way of learning. E-learning, a new form of learning we implement starting this digital era. E-learning manifest some new possibilities, it is more...
3 Pages 1457 Words
Compact application joining into e-learning structures to help report and evaluation over various stages for giving reactions is of earnest essentialness in the informational division. Various establishments delay in creating reports for their understudies and this influence show speedy decision is made similarly as assessing their execution both by the association and their people. Access to flexible mechanized contraptions with...
3 Pages 1445 Words
ABSTRACT The technological revolution holds great promise for education. Technology in communication, image and data processing in evolving at lightning speed, while also becoming cheaper and more reliable. The consequences for education are enormous. Technology has gone from being a set of solution in search of a problem to increasingly offering precise and well-defined potential for education. A technological revolution...
3 Pages 1426 Words
According to Maltz et al (2005), the term ‘e-learning’ is applied from different perspectives, including distributed learning, online-distance learning, as well as hybrid learning. E-learning, according to OECD (2005) is defined as the use of information and communication technologies in diverse processes of education to support and enhance learning in institutions of higher education and includes the usage of information...
5 Pages 2401 Words
ABSTRACT This study investigated how E-Learners perception about YouTube as a media in learning. YouTube has become a closest internet website for learners in this century. This study also combined several research perception to be an evidence that YouTube can integrated with learning process. Learners’ perception be a main consideration in this study. This research obtain the data by a...
3 Pages 1378 Words
ABSTRACT Personal computers and the Internet have revolutionized entire world. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Skype and other online communications media have allowed billions of people around the world to share ideas in a matter of seconds, mostly at a very low cost. These advances in computer technology are as remarkable as they are familiar. But most people are not aware of...
3 Pages 1630 Words
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has disrupted significantly in human life. The purpose of study is to investigate the impact of coronavirus on Indian education system. As coronavirus spread across the whole world, due to this pandemic situation and lockdown, has forced education sector to close temporarily. The education system in India has shut down, due to spreading of coronavirus among students and...
2 Pages 1116 Words
Parental engagement refers to communication, volunteering, particularly at the school where one's children attend, promoting home learning, encouragement, decision-making, and community cooperation. It is the practices of support done by the parents, caregivers, and guardian to their children’s learning. The involvements of the parents can produce benefits to the learning performance of the students’ cognitive, social and emotional development, better...
3 Pages 1187 Words
Reviewed double_ok
As indicated by TC Global Insights (2020), “College isn't just about course book learning and talks in class - it's about the comprehensive experience of living on a grounds; it's tied in with making deep-rooted companions and correspondence with individuals from different pieces of the world”. College education is tied in with having intense discussions sometime later overabundant cups of...
2 Pages 770 Words
Advantages of online education There are several advantages of getting online education for the students of the modern era. These days, students are choosing to receive their formal education through online medium and taking into consideration more regularly. Above all, online education presents a variety of benefits to students who have inadequate funds to pursue their education. The affordable costs,...
3 Pages 1487 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction to Digital Education and the Pandemic's Impact Will the world be the same after the coronavirus pandemic? Most people would probably answer: “No”; especially parents who have been wondering how to keep their kids engaged during the lockdown, teachers who have been struggling to adapt to online teaching, and government officials who have been trying to come up with...
3 Pages 1323 Words
Learning is obligatory up to a convinced age. Learning is an extensive intermediate of obtaining necessary knowledge and skills. Learning is inherently split into two types i.e., distance education (virtual learning) and mainstream education (real learning). Has we know learning online is an immense concept. The term online learning, virtual learning, e-learning, distance learning is identical. Each one of them...
4 Pages 1951 Words
The growing adoption of modern information and communications technologies (ICT) in the dissemination of pertinent information through the Internet tools has occasioned significant improvements in both teaching and learning experiences among lecturers and students. Sneha & Nagaraja (2013) submitted that, one notable online platform for achieving enhanced quality educational outcomes are virtual learning environments (VLEs). Wikipedia (2020) defines a virtual...
1 Page 387 Words
Education is extremely important in the life of people. Whether it's online or in a school or college. Nowadays online learning turns out to be more and more practiced around the world due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic. Online Learning represents an easy and comfortable method to achieve knowledge from the comfort of your home. I agree that virtual learning...
4 Pages 1668 Words
Abstract We are living in a world which has come closer with the use of information and technology. Twenty first century is an age of information and communication technology. Today’s world is a world of knowledge and invention. The growth of technology has touched almost everything in the world and changed the course of our life. Life has become much...
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