The Role Of Women In Catcher In The Rye

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In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger uses Holden Caufield’s view and outlook on women in order to express the idea of holding such high expectations for women prevents people from being able to form true and meaningful relationships. Throughout the novel, Holden judges all the women he comes across based on their looks and/or “phoniness”. He believes that he knows what each of the girls he meets is like and decides to continue interaction with them based on that matter. Even more frequently, Holden is constantly bringing up the topic of Jane Gallagher. Holden and Jane were very close friends and Holden is constantly in an internal conflict within himself about whether he should call her or not, as recently they lacked in contact.

Holden not liking so many people, makes Jane Gallagher a rare specimen. Holden always has “… old Jane Gallagher on the brain again. [He] got her on, and [he] couldn’t get her off” (Salinger 76). Holden only has good and sweet things to say about Jane, and it is evident how much he cares for her, and yet, he refuses to call her and reconnect. Holden uses the excuse that “[He] wasn’t in the mood. [And] if you’re not in the mood, you can’t do that stuff right” (Salinger 63). Holden is making excuses for himself and trying to trick himself away from the real reason he wont call Jane.

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Each woman Holden comes across leaves a different impression on him, and even those whom he admires or the girls he “… had quite a few opportunities [with, he] never got around to it” (Salinger 92). Holden provides the reader with examples of times he could have lost his virginity but how it never worked out. He attempts to prove to the reader that he is “suave” and an experienced man, when in reality he continues to focus on only one girl and doesn’t have the guts to talk to her. Holden restricts himself from becoming close with any other girl and expects them all to have the highest quality personality and good looks. He never fully goes all the way with any girl as things keep interrupting him or making him not go through with it. When a girl “… keeps telling [him] to stop… [he] stop[s]. Most guys don’t. [He] can’t help it” (Salinger 92). Holden explains how afterwards he always concludes to regret and gets angry with himself in hopes to finally do something with a girl, but no matter what he ends up cutting it off.

Salinger provides Holden with many obstacles regarding women and develops a consistent theme in his actions, and what road he ends up going towards. Holden prohibits himself from actually doing anything with women, and actually doesn’t want to do all the things he claims to. Such as when he turns away the prostitute that he would gain experience from. Continuing to make excuses for himself, it is evident that really only has his mind set on one person, Jane. Though, he still does not call her, yet if he were to call or her, or move on from her, he may allow himself to grow close with someone else. But Holden is constantly comparing those he meets to Jane and not allowing himself to like anyone. With Jane being written as such a lively and caring person that Holden cares about, it is a possibility that Holden stops himself from calling Jane due to fear that she isn’t as perfect as he perceives, or that she doesn’t like him as much as he likes her.

Holden is holding high expectations for Jane and comparing everyone else to her making it near impossible to be able to make meaningful connections with anyone else or Jane. Thinking of Jane makes Holden happy and Salinger demonstrates how not calling her, or even knowing what Stradlater did with her, makes him very depressed and angry. Writing Holden to care so highly for Jane as he does makes it difficult for Holden to grow and connect with those who have potential with him.

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The Role Of Women In Catcher In The Rye. (2022, Jun 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
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