Twitter: History, Features And Services

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Social media are the latest developments on the Internet, which have been accompanied by the advent of many Web 2.0 technologies. In general, many Internet specialists point out that social media represents a quantum leap in communication through the Web in a much more interactive way than when the communication was limited with very little information sharing and greater control over data managers.

In addition, social media has provided many opportunities, which may be a place for trading for some companies and the beginning of all projects. Some of the small projects may also support the sharing of information among all network subscribers with the possibility of direct and free interaction on social sites at the end of each article or news. Radio or television programs that they love and follow by proposing proposals to the program master, or asking questions for the guest to be hosted by the program, all this and what social media has done with the revolutions that swept the Middle East and the protests that Many European countries and America have become a new addition, as these events have created so-called citizen journalism, so that the person who lives the juveniles to photograph or write about them and send what is filmed or written to the media eager for news from areas that were not able to access them either because of the system The ruler of his fear of knowing the world what is happening or the difficulty of access to the event, which may exceed the time of minutes only what could be transferred to the world only through those who lived and documented.

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Social media refers to the use of Internet technologies and mobile technologies to transform communication into interactive dialogue. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Hanlin defined social media as 'a collection of Internet applications based on ideology and technology from the Web 2, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content.' Social media are social media as a comprehensive group behind social networking. Social media has changed the way organizations communicate

Among the most famous of social media platforms Facebook, twitter, snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, g+ and a lot more, in our report we will talk about twitter.

About twitter

Twitter is defined as a social networking application and site that allows users to share information so that they can post status updates, news and events, in posts called tweets, and follow other users' Tweets, Where users can communicate with each other all day using SMS or Twitter, so that the user can type the tweet using the keyboard on the computer or mobile device and send it to the Twitter server, which transfers it to the list of other users on the site, Or what Followers, who subscribed to Twitter to receive tweets by text message to their mobile phones or instant messaging to their personal computers, were invited.

Twitter History

The Twitter application was created using Ruby on Rails, a framework or structure that specializes in Ruby in Internet applications, allowing it to be adapted and integrated with other online services. The service was designed in 2006 by Evan Williams and Biz Stone have launched Podcasting Odeo after finishing their work at Google. Ivan Williams began creating the famous Web authoring tool Blogger, SMS service called Twttr, bought Odeo and started with Corp, then Jack Dorsey joined the management team. The full version of Twitter appeared for the first time at the Southwest Music Conference in Austin, Texas, in March 2007, and Twitter was created the following month.

Twitter features

Twitter has many areas where Twitter can be used. Twitter allows users to post daily life to friends, family and friends, stay connected, create discussion and discuss topics, and allow people to keep in touch with corporate events, Individuals, and individuals, businesses and organizations can use Twitter as a source to promote themselves and their products and services and attract attention to their own events.

Using Twitter

People use twitter tweets for various reasons, such as attracting attention, boredom, bragging, personal promotion to the public and others. It is a way to express feelings to the world and to identify people who are interested in reading what is written and what the person publishes. The site is very informative and provides a variety of news and updates from friends, family, news from researchers, journalists and others. Amateur journalists can find this social network a good environment for publishing their daily events, Twitter is also used to follow up on news of famous persons, and to inform people of the dates of the various TV events, awards and others, and for this reason is called Twitter's social TV name.

The user starts his work on Twitter as soon as he enters his official website, registers on the site by creating a private account, and then immediately posts and follows people. Twitter allows sharing of photos, videos and written publications. It is available in several languages including Arabic, English, Japanese, Turkish, Russian, and others.

Twitter can be used as a way to build relationships with others, exchange ideas, access information, news, etc. The difference between Twitter and Facebook is that you can communicate with friends through the follow-up button, not adding a friend, as in the social networking site Facebook.

Twitter services

  • Create a free personal account.
  • Text messages.
  • Reply to comments.
  • Share tweets Re-tweet
  • RSS (latest feed).
  • Updates by email.
  • Instant Chat Applications: Twitterfox, twhirt, Twitterrific, TwitBird.


Through what we have reviewed in the report, we find that Twitter in particular and the means of social media in general, have pros and cons, and we must explore the advantages and take the benefit from these platforms and do not waste our time on something that is not useful, also parent mentor is necessary, whereas a lot of crimes happen while using these media, because any one can login and have an account, as well as dealing with strangers even kids.

There is no objection to the recognition of all new, and benefit from technological development, which allows us access to all sources, and to make use of the available means, taking into account the choice between what is useful and what is useless.

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Twitter: History, Features And Services. (2021, September 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 20, 2025, from
“Twitter: History, Features And Services.” Edubirdie, 28 Sept. 2021,
Twitter: History, Features And Services. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 20 Feb. 2025].
Twitter: History, Features And Services [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Sept 28 [cited 2025 Feb 20]. Available from:

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