What Does It Take To Become A Successful Architect?

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Architecture is the art of engineering and designing buildings and extensive constructions. Yet, to pursue a career in architecture in a successful way may not be simple. It is both rewarding privately and financially, that is why it is highly demand after profession. Furthermore, the journey towards becoming a revered architect can be full of challenges, stress, and even self-doubt. Thus, there are certain qualities and personality traits that will give an edge over you in a competitive crowd. This essay will discuss the key factors which are essential in pursuing a career in architecture; firstly, a passion for what they do; secondly, adaptability to their works and designs in changing environment or unexpected situations; thirdly, creativity which is the ability to view things differently.

Passion plays important role in the life of an architect. A passion encourages you to work hard and keep learning towards a mastery. Additionally, any architect needs a strong passion which is the key to advancement and it will help you to get through the tough times of a journey to a successful architect. Correspondingly, determination and fervor towards job will make you excel and more productive in architectural industry. Besides, being confident and easy going is also another great quality of a successful architect. To achieve success, you should believe yourself and your creation, brave to show off your workloads and projects, accept others’ criticism, and stay focused on the coursework until it is completed to achieve success. Moreover, an architect’s life may not be easy. To become a successful architect may be even more challenging and requires a lot of hard work, a strong passion, believe, confidence , bravery and so on because you may face with perplexities and anxiety for many years for instance, working late nights in the studio , working for many hours straight at a desk without break or presenting your project in front of numerous people.

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In the architecture industry, any plan or project may be expected to change at any situation or any stage thus, being ready to adapt the work with unplanned issues is also one of the essential abilities to become a successful architect. Likewise, as you’ll have to work with both senior architects or colleagues, being flexible and social skills will be important skills in order to achieve success in this field. Not only communication skills but also teamwork and leadership skills will bring you to the advancement. Meanwhile you have to work collaboratively with other colleagues, teamwork skills as well as your organization skills will help you as much you’ve developed as. Likewise, when you’ll have to face with the challenges of working tons of projects as a group with a very short amount of time, the way you handle the situation with serenity and cope with stress, how you organized the works and time to keep balanced, your impartiality and how you carry on each and everyone in your team till the end and lead to success will be vital and these skills will be what makes you shine in the crowd.

Nevertheless, no one can deny that creativity is also vital importance of being a successful architect. It is essential for any one in architectural industry to come up with the ability to look at and analyze objects in a separate way as well as self-confidence which is the ability to express the own viable ideas and develop into a piece of architecture in the real world. In this case, being demoralized is not necessary for not being creative enough like other classmates or colleagues. Being compared yourself or your progress against one another is a typical case in this field so if you may have to embrace this situation, you should try to understand and accept the fact that you are a small fish in a big pond which means you have to be humble and satisfied with your position as you are just one of the members in a large architectural association. Therefore, comparing your previous works and current work by yourself instead of comparing with others may be a good solution and try to practise more and more until you find out and develop your unique skills and demonstrate what will make you better contributor than others in your environment.

In conclusion, there are countless abilities to achieve success in architectural industry and thus you may only reach a proper place in this field after dealing with hard times and embracing challenges for several years. One important thing is to bear in mind is not to get upset easily and never stop striving through the journey to happy and triumphant architect. Personally, I would like to suggest to prepare both mentality and artistic ability if you have a strong passion or determination to become a successful architect as quote “Nothing worth having comes easy” by Theodore Roosevelt.

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What Does It Take To Become A Successful Architect? (2022, February 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-does-it-take-to-become-a-successful-architect/
“What Does It Take To Become A Successful Architect?” Edubirdie, 18 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/what-does-it-take-to-become-a-successful-architect/
What Does It Take To Become A Successful Architect? [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-does-it-take-to-become-a-successful-architect/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
What Does It Take To Become A Successful Architect? [Internet] Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 18 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-does-it-take-to-become-a-successful-architect/

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