What Inspired You to Become a Nurse: Essay

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Nurses perform a vital role in medicine. Although their role does not carry the status of a doctor or consultant, nurses are at the center of clinics, and surgeries and are an important part of the team that runs wards and hospitals. To be a nurse requires commitment and dedication, qualities that I believe I have and that I am willing to improve during my training and beyond.

There was one recent occasion in my life when I spent hours sitting at a hospital bedside. My mother had open heart surgery and the survival chances were minimal.

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Prior to and after the surgery, I was staying with her trying to keep her spirits up and make sure she had all the support needed. The nurses who cared for her always drew my admiration. I feel there are a handful of truly inspirational professions and Nursing is, without a doubt, one of them. This experience and watching my mother's in-law nursing career develop has in many ways given me a passion for nursing.

Along with doctors and other medical staff, nurses provide an invaluable service to society, and to be part of that group has long been an ambition of mine.

I am confident that I am ready for the commitment and academic challenges and possess the stamina, reliability, trustworthiness, and motivation to undertake the requisite curriculum.

I appreciate the academic demands and rigors of the course will be tough but I hope my previous ability to study and enthusiasm will speak for themselves.

The compassion, selflessness, patience, and intelligence of Nurses with whom I have come into contact with (via my own health needs, that of relatives, and those whom I have had the privilege of dealing with) have inspired me and helped drive my passion and motivation.

From observation and drawing from personal knowledge, I believe the qualities and skills required from a nurse include the innate desire to help and care for people.

Excellent communication skills are essential, such as the ability to work autonomously but also as part of a team. It is an art to combine scientific knowledge and the skills acquired from education and training with caring for people, and it is a privilege to be there for people in their time of need.

I want to become a nurse because I find my current job very rewarding and satisfying but I believe I have more to offer and am capable of making that transition from my current role into a staff nurse.

Every day as a nurse, I know I will learn something new from my colleagues and patients, which will inspire me to explore deeper knowledge of the techniques and procedures I use. I understand that nursing is not an easy route as there will be 24-hour care and on-call shifts as well as dealing with the deaths of patients, but I know that I am ready to undertake this challenge and prove to myself that I can do anything I want to. The welfare of the patients is what will matter most to me, if they are happy, I will be happy as well.

I love learning to do new things and developing new skills. I speak 5 languages fluently so I definitely think it will make my communication with the rest a lot easier.

I have a vision that my career will develop and follow a pathway in this specialty by building on these foundations and hopefully once qualified to apply for a post in this field.

In my free time, I love to spend time with my family and especially with my 3 years old son, and take care of myself training at home. I love to learn about new things and appreciate the finer things in life such as good food, good company, and travel.

My rationale behind this choice of university is to conclude, that I am aware that gaining a place will not be easy, but I hope I have been able to articulate my reasons for wanting to undertake training and convey how delighted I would be to become a student at this university and what a privilege it would be.

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What Inspired You to Become a Nurse: Essay. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 7, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-inspired-you-to-become-a-nurse-essay/
“What Inspired You to Become a Nurse: Essay.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/what-inspired-you-to-become-a-nurse-essay/
What Inspired You to Become a Nurse: Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-inspired-you-to-become-a-nurse-essay/> [Accessed 7 Jan. 2025].
What Inspired You to Become a Nurse: Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2025 Jan 7]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-inspired-you-to-become-a-nurse-essay/

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