Why I Want to Be a Drum Major Essay

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The drum major in a marching band is in charge of both the musical skill and the organization of the group. The desire to become a drum major stands out as a clear goal as I think about my musical journey and my hopes for the marching band. This essay will be about all the different reasons why I want this job. As a drum major, I will have the chance to lead others and further develop my love of music. Becoming a drum major is not only a position of power, but also a way to inspire and motivate the whole band.

Leadership and Influence

The role of a drum major transcends the mere direction of a band; it embodies the essence of leadership and influence. A drum major is not just a conductor but a beacon of inspiration and motivation for their peers. This role demands a unique blend of confidence and humility, empowering the band while fostering a sense of trust and security. My aspiration to be a drum major is driven by a desire to lead by example, to be a reliable figure that the band looks up to, and to guide them towards achieving collective excellence.

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Passion for Music and Marching Band

Why do I want to be a drum major? Because I love music and marching band so much. I've always been drawn to marching bands because of the exciting mix of music and movement they make. Becoming a drum major would let me become even more involved in this world. When I became a drum major, I would be able to use my love of music to make shows that were exciting and memorable. I could share my love of music with others and help make the marching band experience as exciting and rewarding as possible in this job.

Responsibility and Dedication

Taking on the job of drum major means taking on a lot of responsibility and dedication. Being on time and ready all the time is necessary, setting a standard for the band to follow. It's not enough to just be there; you have to be mentally and physically ready to lead, whether it's during practices or shows. I'm committed to this job because I know what it requires, and I'm ready to live up to the high standards that come with it by making sure that every practice and performance is taken very seriously and with full dedication.

Creating a Positive Atmosphere

A key aspect of being a drum major is the ability to create and maintain a positive atmosphere within the band. This involves offering support and encouragement to band members, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie. My aim as a drum major would be to cultivate an environment where every member feels valued and motivated, ensuring that the band operates not just as a group of individual musicians, but as a cohesive and supportive community. By consistently demonstrating support and kindness, I believe we can enhance the overall performance and experience of the band.

Servant Leadership

As a drum major, you need to understand the idea of servant leadership. This method stresses how important it is to serve the band by putting its members' wants and growth first. As drum major, it would be my job to make sure that everyone in the band feels like their voice is heard and respected. This kind of selfless leadership not only makes the setting better, but it also helps the band work together better and do better. Like servant leadership, which means leading from within instead of from above, this is the way I want to be as a drum major.

Personal Growth and Skill Development

It is possible to grow as a person and improve your skills by becoming a drum major. Communication, planning, teamwork, and emotional intelligence are some of the skills I hope to improve in this job. You can use these skills in a lot of different parts of your life, not just within the band. I will learn important lessons about working together, not giving up, and being able to change as I lead a band. I want to grow as a person and in my career through this experience, in addition to helping the band do well.


To sum up, my desire to become a drum major comes from a deep love of music, a desire to lead, and a desire to have a good impact. This job gives me a unique chance to combine my love of marching band with my desire to teach and motivate my peers. Taking on the duties and commitment that come with the job, I'm excited to make the band a place where people help each other and work together. As I work to improve myself and my career, being a drum major gives me a great chance to improve my skills and character, which will eventually help the marching band succeed and have fun.

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Why I Want to Be a Drum Major Essay. (2024, January 04). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-want-to-be-a-drum-major-essay/
“Why I Want to Be a Drum Major Essay.” Edubirdie, 04 Jan. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-want-to-be-a-drum-major-essay/
Why I Want to Be a Drum Major Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-want-to-be-a-drum-major-essay/> [Accessed 10 Jan. 2025].
Why I Want to Be a Drum Major Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Jan 04 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-want-to-be-a-drum-major-essay/

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