You've Got to Find What You Love' Speech by Steve Jobs: Essay

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One sunny day in 2005, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, known as one of the world-renowned and successful entrepreneurs whose unique approaches to business and marketing aroused great public interest, addressed the class at Stanford University on the importance of finding an interesting and beloved job, which drew the attention of the young graduates. Jobs explained that the worst points in his life – falling by the wayside of school work, being ousted from Apple, and developing cancer – served as doorways to the next level of creativity and understanding. His speech provided an intimate glimpse into what motivated this thriving, what made him into an iconic man, as well as Jobs’s recommendation of lessons he learned. This speech is particularly to graduates at the start of their careers and to anyone stuck midway. He managed to achieve his goal with an exclusive approach to structuring the speech and a combination of rhetorical appeals, then he shared three stories from his life that illustrated his guiding principles: do what you love; indulge your curiosity; trust your intuition and pursue your passion.

The strategies used in the type of structure in Steve Jobs’ speech and rhetorical strategies are closely related. His speech can be divided into five parts: an introductory part to arouse the interest of the graduates in the topic discussed, three life stories, and a final part that repeats and confirms the author’s arguments presented in the main part of the speech. Each of the three stories told by Jobs also follows a particular structure, where the first sentences of the stories can be attributed to pathos, personal experiences can be discussed with references to ethos, and the final parts of the stories consist of the lessons he learned along the way and how they changed his life for the better.

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From the first story, we learn that Steve Jobs’s birth mother determines that Jobs goes to school and graduates. Jobs’ adoptive father never graduated from high school, and his mother didn’t graduate from college. However, they managed to send Jobs to school to appease his birth mother. Some seventeen years later, Jobs attended Reed College, however, he felt uncomfortable with what proportion of the schooling price his working-class elders. In six months, he solely himself and so ‘dropped in’ on categories that interested him like the script. Later, once Jobs worked on the primary Macintosh laptop, he enclosed the attractive typefaces he studied. He took what was most attention-grabbing to him, particularly the penmanship course he took. “Of course, it was impossible to connect the dots… but it was very, very clear looking back ten years later”. Moreover, Jobs was lucky he had seen what he needed to try at a young age.

Jobs and Woz took flight on Apple in the garage of Jobs’ parents. Ten years later, these two hard-working men turned Apple into a multibillion-dollar corporation with more than four thousand employees. But against all odds, when Jobs turned thirty, he was left without a job at his own company. The board members favored a lot of proficient men and kicked him out. Any target audience, whether or not it be Stanford’s graduates, they keep in mind the feelings he should have felt whilst he lost the organization and spent the maximum of his personal life constructing. This emotional connection deepens the connection he has already constructed along with his audience. He loved what he did the most, “so I decided to start over”, Steve was quoted as saying. These were each of the most effective selections ever created as a result of the unreal NeXT and Pixar joining forces with Apple to once again create Steve at number one.

What is more, Jobs was to presently face death. In 2004, he was diagnosed with cancer. Steve had a tumor on his pancreas, which is considered a very rare form of cancer that cannot be cured. However, it turned out that a rare form of cancer can be prevented with a simple surgical method. Soon he got rid of cancer. “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life”, Jobs concluded.

In his speech, Jobs creates a persona for the graduates to show how he became the man we all know. He makes himself out to be a person who contains on even inside the darkest of instances and who has triumphed over many boundaries whilst matters didn’t look top. When looking to teach the audience that failure can once in a while be accurate, those are critical portions of his character to set up an example to the audience. He is known as a hitman and role model already. Developing this persona lets him connect with his audience even greater. By describing the occasions of his life, he creates someone a person would want to end up. If the reality that he turned himself into someone known by everyone wasn’t the real reason why it made the audience listen to him, he made himself into a regular ‘human’ with whom they can relate and have a connection.

Steve Jobs’ speech in 2005 once again confirmed what a unique person he was and how difficult his path to success was. It had a significant impact both on its immediate listeners and on young people on their way to obtaining education to follow their goals and strive for success in whatever career they pursue.

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You’ve Got to Find What You Love’ Speech by Steve Jobs: Essay. (2024, March 19). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“You’ve Got to Find What You Love’ Speech by Steve Jobs: Essay.” Edubirdie, 19 Mar. 2024,
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