Why I Want to Be President: Argumentative Essay

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Being president is not easy. Being president is a very large and significant role that would be given to someone who is worthy and deserving. It is more than any other job because being president is both being an effective speaker and a good listener. You have to be a good and responsible leader because you have a country to protect, feed on, and take care of, so it is a very difficult job. You have to have a good administration and connection to the people so that no one will be left behind. If I had such an opportunity, I would really like to be president, first of all, because I want to contribute to the well-being of the people of our country.

First of all, I want to be president so that I can contribute to the empowerment of women through my administration. A lot of women still suffer from inequality in their jobs. Most of them are being judged because some companies and industries think that they are easy and weak and therefore cannot do any work or task that is difficult. This already affects the level of poverty in a certain way, since the number of workers decreases, accordingly, poverty increases. Moreover, nowadays a lot of young girls are being raped and this is because of the thinking that they cannot fight themselves, even young adult women are victimized. As president, I would like to have a reform in terms of women's protection and rights because most of them are ineffective, that empowers all women living in my country, to protect them and have an awareness program that helps them to be strong, have a brave soul but a kind heart, and to become a role model to others.

Our country is a political and social environment, so I believe it needs to be built and enhanced with strong support. I want to be president to create the reforms that carry out senior citizens who remain unconvinced and not properly specialized when it comes to buying medicines, chairs in vehicles, or lining up a line. In this position, I also want to build more and better supporting training programs that focus on change management and transformational leadership that can improve and develop my country.

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Having active communication and relevant information is really needed for most people, especially those who live in a poor state. So I want to be president also because I want to improve it because it provides increasingly powerful process tools that can be lessened to address traditional development problems in innovative ways. This agenda does not consist only of electronic solutions, but it will develop and can help improve in most discussions and in the context of my reforms. Also, the focus needs to be less on the technology and more on the transformation and reorganization of functions and interactions that it provides. In addition to enhancing relations with the public, I also want to connect and have active relationships with other countries that are well-developed and have high technology. These will lead to public awareness, spreading relevant news and information to the public.

And finally, I want to be president to improve our educational system because I think it should be better. As of today, there are a lot of young children who are not able to go to school due to low financial status and other family problems. The government did this, but not all citizens have access and were given this solution. And so, if I had the opportunity to be president, I would like to have an agenda that all of our people, especially those who suffer from poverty, will have a free tuition fee in all public schools and also in all public and private schools, they must have an organization or league that encourage and support child’s opportunities to have freedom to join to any extracurricular activities conducted to the school. Better educational systems like better teaching skills and learning processes. It will have an impact on my country because higher education means great and successful administration.

Being allowed to have some adjustments in government is a big responsibility, so I believe that in the role of president, I would be able to really grapple with the problems of our citizens, and therefore improve and develop my country.

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Why I Want to Be President: Argumentative Essay. (2024, March 19). Edubirdie. Retrieved May 1, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-want-to-be-president-argumentative-essay/
“Why I Want to Be President: Argumentative Essay.” Edubirdie, 19 Mar. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-want-to-be-president-argumentative-essay/
Why I Want to Be President: Argumentative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-want-to-be-president-argumentative-essay/> [Accessed 1 May 2024].
Why I Want to Be President: Argumentative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Mar 19 [cited 2024 May 1]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-want-to-be-president-argumentative-essay/

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