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Professionalism Essay

The term “professionalism” is frequently used in the workplace, on resumes, and in interview conversations. But what is the truth about it, and why is it so important now? In this article, we'll go into what professionalism is, why it's essential, and how it may be our compass, pointing us toward success in our personal and professional lives. At its foundation, professionalism is a complex quality that includes a variety of actions, principles, and attitudes. It's more than just being...
3 Pages 1016 Words

Why Is It Important to Laugh: Argumentative Essay

This quality contributes to effective care as it increases the individual's participation if you are understanding they would feel more comfortable to make have their voices heard. It provides reassurance to service users as they are trying to put themselves in that position and say and act according to that. This will reassure the service user as you are not trying to make them feel or think differently but instead helping them or talking to them about it, so they...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Why Felons Should not Be Allowed to Vote: Argumentative Essay

Franchising felons from voting has an impact on elections, silences the voice that felons have, and strips them of a right that they should have. In the 2016 elections, many states were close, with some winning by only a small margin. Florida was within 120,000 votes to swing for Hillary Clinton ('2016 Presidential'), which is very close given the population of Florida. As mentioned earlier, Florida had over 1.6 million felons that were stripped of their voting rights. Had all...
2 Pages 974 Words

Why Did the North Win the Civil War: Argumentative Essay

Primarily the civil war started with slavery The American Civil War was fought between the United States of America and the Confederate of America. In 1860-1861 the eleven southern states left the union. The main cause of slavery was the disagreement about the institution of slavery. Infect it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict. So basically, the key issue was the state`s rights. The southern wanted to assert their...
2 Pages 958 Words

What Marked the Beginning of Self Government in Colonial America: Informative Essay

When speaking to my grandmother, she told me many interesting things about her ancestry. I’ve always known that I have French- Canadian and German descent on my mom’s side, and Pennsylvania Dutch on my father's side. My grandmother told me that she just recently found out that she is related to a man named Degory Priest, who was a member of the Leiden contingent and a signatory on the historic 1620 voyage of the Mayflower. This was shocking to me...
2 Pages 1018 Words

What Did Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton Have in Common: Compare and Contrast Essay

In todays government, it is quite rare that two members of the cabinet have opposing political and economical views. Unknowing of this, George Washington appointed two men who he thought very highly of to be his head of Department of State and his Secretary of the Treasury, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, respectively. Jefferson and Hamilton supported two different political views. Alexander Hamilton’s background helped shape his thoughts and ideas that would become a contributing factor of their rivalry. Hamilton’s...
2 Pages 988 Words

Walking Aids Effects on Physical Performance in Older Adults': Critical Essay

Walking aids are used to assist individuals to keep a good balance and maintain steadiness while performing tasks in daily life such as walking, standing up from sitting, walking upstairs, and many more. These devices help their users to maintain balance by decreasing the pain and fatigue felt by them besides reducing the weight bearing on lower limbs. (REFER). According to a study in 2017, the number of older adults was estimated to double to 22% between the years 2000...
2 Pages 998 Words

Throughout the Colonial Period: Analytical Essay on Economic Concerns

The United States holds one of the most diverse societies in the world. For thousands of years, people have traveled to America for new opportunities. Settlers in the British colonies had the same aspirations, yet they accomplished their goals unethically by capturing slaves. The barrier between social classes was a result of racial prejudice. Race was a fundamental division of humanity in the British Colonies. Indentured servants were some of the first laborers in the colonies. The concept of indentured...
2 Pages 979 Words

Persuasive Speech on Drinking Water

Yep, the next world war will be over water. It's already being labeled as 'blue gold,' just like oil was labeled 'black gold,' and that's no coincidence. Little do most people realize that ALL wars are over the control of the world's resources, and have nothing to do with terrorism or religious fanaticism. The Great War was a war over oil and had little or nothing to do with the terrorist attack that ended the life of Franz Ferdinand. In...
2 Pages 997 Words

No Time or Not Important Enough: Critical Essay on Justifications and Ethical Decision Making

The situation presented where a student submits an assignment purchased from a paper-writing service as his/her own work provides a multi-level dilemma considering the current norm of academic integrity and anti-plagiarism policies. While an argument can be made that the service itself is unethical, the hypothetical posed does not provide enough information to determine, and ultimate accountability for the ethical failure rests with the student, as the ultimate decision-maker regarding the submission of the purchased assignment. Justification Discussion Justifications from...
2 Pages 989 Words

Neoclassical Characteristic of Thomas Jefferson's Monticello: Critical Analysis Essay

Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States of America, was the author of the Declaration of Independence, brought about the change in religious freedom, and was also known for owning over six hundred slaves throughout his adult life. While he may have written, “all men are created equal”, he certainly did not live up to his own principles. Slavery was very prominent across the nation throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, and Monticello was no exception. Located in...
2 Pages 1000 Words

Negative Effects of Single Gender Schools: Analytical Essay

Are single-sex schools more beneficial than co-educational schools? It is said single-sex schools give pupils a better opportunity to learn and get the best results they deserve; however, many people disagree saying coed schools give better opportunities and chances to mix with the opposite sex. What schools should parents and guardians send their children to? Single-sex schools, otherwise known as single-sex education or gender-isolated education where the school is only made up of one gender in both the whole school...
2 Pages 974 Words

Narrative Essay about Johnny Depp: My Body Is My Journal, and My Tattoos Are My Story

Johnny Depp speaks for many of us when he says, “My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story.” Telling a story with tattoos is more facile for those whose voices can’t. There are those that are accepting; more disposed to give compliments, even asking questions and listening to the responses given. Others are not so accepting; openly travestying and vilipending your method of expression. Tattoos are met with negative stereotypes; often being accused as an act of...
2 Pages 1049 Words

My Future Life: Personal Narrative Essay

My entire life I have always been eager to know what the future has in store for me. Specifically, I have always imagined what my dream partner might be like. I would sit for hours and visualize him: What would this person look and smell like? Where would we go on dates? What would our wedding look like? I knew what the movies represented love should be, but I found trouble trying to relate. As I reflect and fantasize about...
2 Pages 972 Words

Memoir Essay on Personal Situation

I remember a situation in high school when a classmate cheated on an exam. Although the student escaped the case, the concerned teacher suspected the use of unfair means at the time of checking the paper. The teacher called me to ask if I had noticed the student copying during the examination because I sat at the desk right behind that student. Although I had noticed the student cheating, I was unsure about how to respond to the teacher’s query....
2 Pages 1000 Words

Memoir Essay about Something That Change Your Life

Everyone has an idea of what they expect their life to look like the next day. Whether you have a dentist appointment or just another day at work. You always have a slight idea of what is in store for you. For the majority of my life, I had no clue what would happen to me in the following week or even hour. Even though my life has been distinct from the life of my peers I can say that...
2 Pages 1034 Words

Life Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness: Critical Essay

The American Dream? More like the American Nightmare. It is described as “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”, the belief that anyone can gain success if they work hard enough. The American Dream was originally invented in 1931 by historian James Adams (Michael Leweyn, 2003). Adams referred to it as 'That dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement.' It...
2 Pages 1044 Words

Life in Jail: Informative Speech

Inequality and injustice are shown throughout this essay, many people all around the world have been sentenced to jail for a long period of time and some for life, and some may not need to be imprisoned for that long. Evelyn Bozon Pappa is a fifty-eight-year-old woman who was served in jail as a life sentence. Evelyn comes from Colombia and has been sentenced to life in jail because of a non-violent drug offense. Evelyn Bozon Pappa has four children...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Justification for Absurdity of Human Life: Persuasive Essay

Introduction: The meaning and purpose of life have been a topic that mankind has grappled with since time immemorial. Philosophers, sages, and theologians have all produced a plethora of answers to what the purpose of life is. Many are optimistic, vouching for a blissful hereafter that accompanies a virtuous life, whereas certain philosophers are skeptical about whether there is any meaning to life at all. Thomas Nagel is a renowned American philosopher who argues not only that human life is...
2 Pages 1029 Words

Informative Essay on Independence Day in Sri Lanka

Northeastern Sri Lanka was the base for the Tamil terrorist group known as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. Origins aim and Ideology of the LTTE In Sri Lanka, 70% of the population is Sinhalese. Tamils constitute the ethnic minority, approximately 20% of the population. Snhalese-Tamil ethnic tensions arose after the British withdrew from the island in 1948, and independence was awarded to the country, known then as Ceylon. The Sinhalese majority assumed they had the right to govern Sri...
2 Pages 1044 Words

Informative Essay on Hammurabi the Sixth King

An Eye for an Eye, A Tooth for a Tooth The deserts of modern-day Iraq were once the home to mighty Babylon (1792-1750 BC). Babylon began as one of many city-states in the Mesopotamian region, which set its roots along the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. During this time in history, climate change caused many societies to move and relocate, causing cultures to emerge. The Middle East, Egypt, and Anatolia at this time were small states and were ruled by local...
2 Pages 954 Words

Informative Essay on Eagle Scout Life Ambitions

Is there a proper way to outline oneself? How can any individual who is constantly altering be described for any period? These questions have been the first to come into my mind when the task was proposed. I tried defining myself then and I determined that besides the potential to tune out the world, there is no way to have solely one definition. Therefore, I accept as true that there is a way to define `self` however that definition is...
2 Pages 987 Words

Informative Essay on Cherry Tree: Description of Okame Cherry Tree

When I was brainstorming gardening ideas with a client, I realized how most people don’t know much about Okame cherry trees. Most people only know them as an awesome plant that grows into a beautiful pink and white blossomed tree. I managed to carry out some online research and compile more facts you should know about these ornamental cherries. Here are some of its interesting facts: It is Japan’s national flower In 1912, the United States received 3000 cherry trees...
2 Pages 978 Words

Importance of Representative Democracy: Critical Essay

Democracy for everyone According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are some rules for every citizen around the world. For example, every human is allowed to live free from discrimination. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is seen as one of the milestones in the history of documents. It specifies all the rules for human life. Article 21 says that all humans should be allowed to vote for a representative government or be allowed to practice politics themselves....
2 Pages 1021 Words

How Was the Korean War a Proxy War: Argumentative Essay

Today I will be talking about the time period when the world was the closest to nuclear war even with all of today’s political problems, the Cold War was still worse. The Cold War was a time when the United States and the former Soviet Union, which is now Russia were neck to neck in a series of espionage, arms races, and proxy wars that could have ended in World War 3. You might have been wondering, how did this...
2 Pages 1034 Words

How Has Violence Affected My Life: Personal Narrative Essay

The issue of discrimination against women due to their gender is an apparent problem in South Africa. Women are treated unfairly as they are paid less and might not even get the job due to their gender. This causes women to be underrepresented in high positions. Women have been categorized into subordinate roles, which also allows for violence against them to become normal. Women are expected to take care of the household and cannot pursue careers of their own. My...
2 Pages 997 Words

How Does Cassius Manipulate Brutus: Critical Analysis Essay

The extract which is taken from William Shakespeare`s Julius Caesar allows us to examine closely the distinct rhetorical strategies, figures appeal that Cassius uses throughout Julius Shakespeare and specifically in the monologue Cassius presented to Brutus in Act 1, scene 2. There is a theme of power, manipulation, and persuasion carried through Cassius' speech in the act to convince Brutus, a Roman general to conspire against Caesar as Cassius worries about the power he may be gaining and eventually convincing...
2 Pages 1017 Words

How do We Use Writing in Everyday Life: Exemplification Essay

Writing is a skill that has value outside of education. There are many ways in which writing can benefit you and improve your health. With the support and research from the two articles written by Bill Bircharch and Kasee Bailey, we will discuss how writing can be more than valuable in a lot of ways in life. Writing has health benefits that help with certain problems, not only that but writing can also improve your communication skills and help with...
2 Pages 957 Words

Build Cohesive Teams Through Mutual Trust: Analytical Essay

Mission Command Analysis: Operation Anaconda Army Doctrinal Reference Publication 6-0 defines mission command as “the exercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commander's intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations.” In other words, mission command is the way a leader develops and leads his subordinates into accomplishing the mission while leaving room for leaders to take ownership and initiative in completing the mission....
2 Pages 1046 Words

Does the End Justify The Means: Persuasive Essay

“The Quality of a Prince” Machiavelli’s impression of a prince quality that the prince should do what he needs to do to maintain his position. The answer to “whether the desired ends justify the means used to achieve them” depends on the goals a person wants to succeed and the actions a person chooses. If the means used to obtain any good or noble, result must also be good or noble. Positive outcomes must be the means of moral right....
2 Pages 971 Words
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