1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Starbucks: Expo 2021, PESTL Analysis and Coronavirus

Starbucks is a famous café world wide you could find it almost everywhere in the world. Starbucks was founded in March 31, 1971 and was founded by 3 people named Gordon Bowker, Zev Siegl, and Jerry Baldwin. Most people love their coffee and usually like to start their mornings with a beverage from Starbucks. FACTORS OF PRODUCTION Starbucks need all four factors of production which are Labor, Capital, Land, and Entrepreneurship. They need land for their stores to sell their...
2 Pages 972 Words

Serial Killers: Childhood Influence

Drilling a hole into the top of a man’s skull which he would pour sulphuric acid in (How Serial Killers are born). This process was acted out to make his victim brain dead: almost zombie-like. The victim would typically be dead within the day. Once the victim died, the murderer would dismember the body, disposing of the victim’s parts into vats of acid, except for the skull. (How Serial Killers are born) This was the mind of notorious serial killer...
2 Pages 967 Words

Similarities Ans Differences Of The Play Twelfth Night And The Movie She’s The Man

The play, Twelfth Night, written by William Shakespeare is a playful comedy which explores the construction of class, gender, sexual identity, and the tensions between the external and internal dimensions of each. Many on-screen and rendition adaptations of the play have been created, with the movie, She’s the man directed in 2002 by Andy Flickmen, being beloved by many. Although both works share the same plot and characters; Viola, who is a female twin seeking to flourish in the role...
2 Pages 976 Words

The Help and To Kill a Mockingbird: Courage in the Face of Adversity

America in the 1960 – 1970 where the world was built around prejudicial opinions related to race and gender. Even though many years have passes, society has developed and changed but courage in the face of adversity has evolved in the film and illustrated in many lives today. The 2011 version of The Help produced by Tate Taylor compared to the 1962 film adaptation of Harper Lee’s famous ‘’To Kill A Mockingbird’’ are two films that represent Courage in the...
2 Pages 1036 Words

The Characterization of Bernard Marx in Brave New World

In the novel, “Brave New World,” written by Aldous Leonard Huxley, the author attempts to explain the character Bernard Marx and explain why he has incited such controversial emotions in readers and literary critics, and the way he's being observed within the novel as a full. He shows the importance of morality, or a rise in wisdom within the character of individuals. The author contrasts a society filled with “static and flat” characters and another society stuffed with “round” characters....
2 Pages 958 Words

Postsecondary Public Health Nutrition Programs On Syria

Malnutrition has become one of the leading contributor to the global burden of non communicable diseases. Malnutrition does not only refers to undernutrition associated with deficiency states, but also refers as overnutrition, excesses or imbalances in intake of energy, protein and/or other important nutrient and is associated with overweight or obesity. (1)In Middle East and North Africa have a high prevalence of overweight/obese population and has reported that by 2020 over 60% of non-communicable disease burden results from obesity as...
2 Pages 952 Words

The Role Of Women in Beowulf, King Arthur’s Legends And The Canterbury Tales

Women in Beowulf Beowulf is the longest and one of the most eminent works of Old English Literature. It is an epic poem that values heroism, chivalry, and loyalty. It centers around the male hero and his bravery. The main plot revolves around men (the lord &his warriors). Although it can be argued that women hold a prominent role in Beowulf due to their subtle or sometimes bigger influence on the events, but men are still the most vital, and...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Health Promotion and the Type Two Diabetic Patient and Family

The purpose of this written assignment is to discuss health promotion with a patient and their family that suffers from the chronic condition type two diabetes mellitus. First, I will define and describe health promotion. Next, we will discuss type two diabetes mellitus, its disease process, symptoms, and possible treatments. Finally, I will discuss three ways I could promote the health of the patient and family dealing with type two diabetes. Family health promotion could be defined as a process...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Symbolism of Innocence and Childhood in Catcher In The Rye

J. D. Salinger’s novel, Catcher in the Rye, captures the attention of several readers by featuring Holden Caulfield, a young protagonist struggling through his transition from childhood to adulthood. The demise of his younger brother, Allie, challenges Holden to maintain his innocence by allowing him a path to adulthood. Allie’s death causes Holden to perceive society differently than those around him by considering his peers as “phonies”, or dishonest people. Because of Holden’s view of society, he encounters the challenge...
2 Pages 956 Words

Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All

In Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All, James N. Leiker argues that the U.S. was not truly fighting for democracy and freedom during World War II. Many people drew comparison between the Jim Crow laws and Nazism, which is ironic considering the United States were fighting against it. During wars such as World War I and World War II African Americans were still discriminated against and even African American soldiers were segregated from white soldiers. African American soldiers stayed in...
2 Pages 1044 Words

The Features of Ethics In Finance

Ethics is around us in majority of things we do daily either personally or professionally. To improve my ethics through reputation, trust and commitment, certain policies needed to be followed to ensure I do not engage in unethical behaviours such as help fulfil the responsibility to my clients and employers, understand and comply with all applicable laws and regulations Fulfil the responsibility to my clients and employers Fulfilment of my duty to customers by being honest and integrity. As a...
2 Pages 1027 Words

The Nature of Moral Judgements

In a world that is full of confusion and contradiction, it becomes a must for each individual to define the underpinnings of his/her own adopted worldview. One significant dimension of such adoption is the nature of morality and ethics, that is to say, what one is ought to do and what is not. This question of right and wrong has occupied great minds and intellects through history. Thus, an entire literature has been produced, and still being produced today, regarding...
2 Pages 985 Words

The Recommendations for Effective Affirmative Action

Affirmative action is legally required and needed in order to assure the diversity of student bodies, workforces, and organizations. It also helps insure that selection procedures and decisions are fair. However as noted previously, poorly constructed affirmative action programs can cause real harm and AAPs have been put into negative light recently by suspicion of putting race in front of merit. Paying attention to proper implementation is important. Therefore, we have few recommendations that include weak preferential treatment affirmative action...
2 Pages 1005 Words

The Aspects of Transcendentalism in The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter, written in 1850 by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a story based on the punishment of sin, exclusively, adultery. During this time Hawthorne was moved by the transcendentalist ideas and beliefs, which is evident in his work. The story analyzes Hester Prynn’s committed sin of adultery and the hardships she faced in the Puritan society. Hester went through many hard times; however, nothing could compare to the joy she felt when looking at her daughter, Pearl. Pearl is a...
2 Pages 952 Words

Elon Musk as One of the Most Influential Engineers of Our Time

Elon Reeve Musk FRS (born June 28, 1971) is a technology entrepreneur, investor, and engineer. He was born in Pretoria, South Africa. The interesting thing about Elon Musk is that he finished a degree in economics before he decided to study physics. He got into Stanford University but he dropped out days after because he wanted to become an entrepreneur. By now he is well recognized all around the globe mostly because he is known as the co-founder of Tesla,...
2 Pages 952 Words

Did Oedipus’s Flaws Outway His Strengths?

“Oedipus the King” by Sophocles reveals that human strength overpowers our weaknesses. An individual's strength is perceived through emotions, actions, and the very essence of one's character. The protagonist Oedipus has power, high status and a great influence in Thebes. Thebes is struck by another plague which is rapidly spreading through the city. The only way to destroy this plague is to seek out the individual who murdered King Laius. Oedipus begins the search of the truth. The people of...
2 Pages 958 Words

Risk Factors Of Malnutrition

Australia’s indigenous health status of the people continues to be worst compared to other sub groups. According to a research study that there is little improvement over the past decades about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’s health status. Their adult life expectancy is decreased by 15-20 years, twice mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases, death rate was 17 times higher due to diabetes and 10 times more due to pneumonia compared to non-indigenous Australians. Even with the improvements in perinatal, they...
2 Pages 975 Words

Corporate Social Responsibility at Walmart

Walmart is a multinational retail company that has started as a small discount store with their mission to sell more items for a cheaper cost. They first opened for business in 1962 in the United States in Rogers, Arkansas and later established a Walmart Canada in 1994. They are located in 27 different countries with their Canadian headquarters located in Mississauga, Ontario. With over 11000 retail units worldwide, it is no wonder why Walmart is deemed the world’s largest retail...
2 Pages 1024 Words

Anders Behring Breivik, The Zodiac Killer, And Lizzie Borden As Serial Killers

The thought of an individual doing something horrific once always weighs on one’s mind, but the thought of an individual doing something horrific multiple times and not being stopped creates terror and fear in the minds of the public. This is exemplified by serial killers, committing grotesque acts of murder repeatedly and not being caught or stopped. Why are there serial killers? How do they get away with murder for so long, or not even get caught? A serial killer...
2 Pages 1038 Words

The Peculiarities Of Judicial Activism

We should not be shocked that even within the courts, the judges can reach different conclusions. For example, a case in Alberta made its way to the Supreme Court of Canada. Hutterian Brethrens challenged a provincial regulation that required them to have photo identification on their driver's licenses. They claimed that the law infringed on their religious belief. The SCC justices were split about whether the provincial law's requirement for photos justified the violation of their religious freedoms. The majority...
2 Pages 986 Words

The Relation between Smoking and Social Behaviour

Since the beginning of my time in college, I have noticed the smoking culture that exists amongst college students. This captured my interest and when I got the opportunity to study a psychology related phenomenon, I decided to do a deeper study and analysis on smoking in relation to social interaction. For this literature review, I have assessed three papers to understand the relation between smoking, social interaction and social behaviour. The first paper is a research paper by Robert...
2 Pages 1022 Words

Mental Illness and the Justice System

This paper will identify how and why mentally ill individuals have come to be overrepresented in the criminal justice system and highlight the remarkable challenges this has become for police, corrections, and courts. Mentally ill individuals are characterized incorrectly in all aspects of the justice system, from being apprehended to incarcerated. It's been discovered that 20% of state prisoners and 21 percent of federal prisoners have a continuous history of psychological instability. Upwards of 70% of adolescence in the juvenile...
2 Pages 988 Words

Marketing Strategy of Samsung Company

Introduction Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, South Korean multinational electronics company, has been a major manufacturer of electronic components for five decades. In the 1990s Samsung expanded into the global electronics markets. It is currently one of the world’s largest manufacturers of mobile phones and smartphones. The Company is also a major vendor of tablet computers, particularly its Android-powered Samsung Galaxy Tab collection, and is generally regarded as pioneering the phablet market through the Samsung Galaxy Note family of devices. Not...
2 Pages 1005 Words

Suddenness Of Love In Twelfth Night, A Midsummer Night’s Dream And As You Like It

The essay title I have chosen to discuss for this final essay is ‘The Suddenness of Love’. I intend to discuss this title with reference to material covered over the course of the Shakespearean Comedies module. The suddenness of love is a theme used by William Shakespeare in several of the comedies he wrote such as Twelfth Night, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and As You Like It. For this essay I will discuss the suddenness of love in relation to...
2 Pages 1033 Words

Free Will vs. Fate in Dr. Faustus and Macbeth

The definition of fate: is the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. The definition of free will is: the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion. Do we live in a reality where our lives or controlled by fate or free will? Do we have the free will to live our fate, or our we fated to have free will? In...
2 Pages 990 Words

Shopping at Walmart VS Shopping at Local Stores

In this modern world almost, all people like to go in big stores to buying their groceries such as Superstore, Walmart and no frills. Now a days most Canadian buy their groceries from Walmart because, Walmart provide variety of things services and prices of the products. However, some people also like to go their local stores to buying their groceries these local stores charge high prices, but they provide fresh and organic products which helps the local economy to grow....
2 Pages 1046 Words

Solving Conflict in the Workplace with Team Building Activities

Lance Best is the CEO of Barker Sports Apparel and after speaking with his company’s general counsel, Nina Kelk, he has decided that he has a problem. His CFO, Damon Ewen, and his Head of Sales, Ahmed Lund, have been at odds for quite a while. However, the tip of the iceberg was the 360 - degree reviews. While these reviews were supposed to be anonymous, it quite was obvious to everyone who made the negative comments about Damon Ewen,...
2 Pages 992 Words

Human Values And Professional Ethics

ABSTRACT Universal human values play an important role in the life of human at various stages including education and career. When a child enters in school, her/his behaviour depends on the home culture that is family circle. In primary and secondary school life, there is major influence of friends and teachers on her/his behaviour that is the school circle. When she/he enters the college or professional course, the social circle plays an important role which has a dominant impact on...
2 Pages 985 Words

The Similarities Of Romantic Parodies Of Jane Austen And Lord Byron

Is the idea of Jane Austen being the polyamorous friend and Lord Byron being a head on romantic a complete fraud? The two unique souls, Jane Austen and Lord Byron wrote literature in parody of traditional love and youthful vigor in the Romantic era. Austen’s literature leans more towards a criticism of romanticism. In her novel “Love and Friendship”, Austen warns readers of the idea of sensibility and how it can ultimately be dangerous for young individuals. Her perception of...
2 Pages 990 Words

The Effects of Hate Crimes on Society

Hate crimes motivated by race and ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability have impacted the United States for decades and affected numerous marginalized groups. According to the United States Department of Justice, there have been 7,106 single-bias incidents of hate crimes totaling 8,493 victims in 2017. The most common motivation of hate crimes is race and ethnicity. In fact, 58.1% of those hate crimes were motivated by race and ethnicity (Justice.gov,2017). Hate crimes have a devastating impact on...
2 Pages 981 Words
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