1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Civil Disobedience Rhetorical Devices

Civil Disobedience Rhetorical Analysis American transcendentalist and philosopher, Henry David Thoreau, wrote the essay “Civil Disobedience” in response to slavery and Americans' involvement in the Mexican-American War. Thoreau practiced what he preached, spending the night in jail for non-payment of taxes in protest of the Mexican-American War. Throughout his essay, he shares his idea, which is “That government is best which governs least;” (Thoreau, 1) by using rhetorical language along with his own experiences to persuade others to come around...
2 Pages 1021 Words

Essay on Lessons from 'The Odyssey'

Homer’s Odyssey is an epic set in 1200 BC. It begins with the victory of the Greeks, which Odysseus is part of, against the Trojans. The victory of the Trojan War which lasts 10 ten years. The next 10 years after the war, are Odysseus’s adventures and challenges to get home to Ithaca. Throughout his adventures, important life lessons are taught, many of which can be related to modern-day conflicts. The actions and decisions that Odysseus makes during the story...
2 Pages 1002 Words

Why Is Ethnic Studies Important to California: Persuasive Essay

Ethnic studies is the inclusive study of variation in race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, and gender. Ethnic studies aim to confront existing curricula and concentrate on the past various minority ethnicities in the United States; it is formulated to modify the stories, conflicts, and achievements of colored people taught in existing classes. Ethnic studies departments were originally organized on college campuses around the country and developed to involve African-American studies, Asian American studies, Raza studies, Chicano studies, Mexican-American studies, and Native...
2 Pages 979 Words

Why Am I in College: Personal Narrative Essay

Entering college is a frightening and daunting experience for most students. It’s one of those times where the fear of the unknown is the most frightening of all fears. We’re not sure whether we’ll be able to adapt to a situation in which every student must stand on their own two feet and take responsibility for their education and future. This is the most critical change of our lives, from high school to college. Unfortunately, some college students feel that...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Nurture Is More Important than Nature: Persuasive Essay

Aristotle states that man is by nature a political animal, meaning that humans, by socialization, develop into themselves through living in a society governed by laws and customs while interacting with people within. Socialization is a process where individuals acquire knowledge, language, social skills and values through integrating with society. Mind is a tabula rasa, according to Locke. Hence, it is impossible for one to be born knowledgeable, mature or independent. Socialization continues across the life span, and individuals gain...
2 Pages 993 Words

My Cultural Identity and Its Role in My Nursing Practice: Essay

Acknowledging and respecting patients’ cultural beliefs and values is an integral part of providing holistic care and achieving optimum well-being. These values and beliefs integrate their background, religion, education, culture, age, and even gender. Sagar (2015) explains that providing care that is consistent with cultural values, beliefs, and practices is the ultimate goal of nursing, and understanding these beliefs and different cultural lifestyles will form the basis for providing specific cultural care. However, Gregory, Harrowing, Lee, Doolittle, and O’Sullivan (2010)...
2 Pages 1037 Words

My 7 Dimensions of Wellness: Reflective Essay

After completing the Wellness Inventory and going over my results for each of the seven dimensions of wellness, I was a mix of surprised and shocked. Some results I received were what I was anticipating, others not so much. As a first-year university student and a teenager, sometimes it’s difficult to keep your overall wellness in check. This semester I would like to focus on maintaining my good spiritual and emotional wellness, as well as focus more on my physical...
2 Pages 992 Words

All That Glitters Is Not Gold: Essay

“If Singapore is a nanny state, then I am proud to have fostered one”. This quote by the late Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew aptly suggests the strength of governance in Singapore. A country ridden with natural resources emphasizes good governance to shape policies that will help Singapore survive. Singapore’s education policy is a key factor in helping the nation grow. In particular, the shift in focus of the nation’s education policy from 1979 to 1996 has had a significant...
2 Pages 969 Words

Fast Fashion Argumentative Essay

Fellow delegates and distinguished guests, my name is Adelaide Ho from the Australian delegation and it's an honor to speak at this United Nations Forum. We all love bargains - especially for trendy clothes. But some of our favorite stores like H&M and Zara are lying to us. What we wear is at the expense of a 5-year-old child whose family lives in a slum, or the mother who works tirelessly to earn a few dollars for her disabled daughter....
2 Pages 1033 Words

Comparison Essay on Foods in During the Progressive Era to Today

The Food and Drug Act was passed in 1906 under the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt and was the first of its kind in the gradual process of enactment of consumer rights and protection laws. Long before the first legitimate interventions of the government in consumer industries, companies had free reign on everything they produced and how they produced it. Their corporate interests superseded the wants, needs, health, and welfare of the consumer base well into every consumer industry from meats...
2 Pages 1028 Words

Reflective Essay about Leo Frank

The main character of my book was Brian Hammet, aka “brainman”, he is the main person followed throughout the book, and the story was based on his actions and history. He is the high school basketball team captain and the kid who everyone looks to for guidance. The secondary character is Amanda, she is the love of his life until she and her mom and brother are murdered at the beginning of the story and her father is accused of...
2 Pages 1016 Words

Reflective Essay on Teenage Pregnancy

In recent statistics and research, the overall level of teenage pregnancy has decreased. Even though there is still too much finger-pointing, lies, stereotyping, and shaming of pregnant teenagers, this article focuses on myths, misconceptions, and stereotyping that teen moms should know. Stop telling pregnancy lies to teen moms! The topic of teenage pregnancy is sensitive, especially since young girls undergo a life-changing process of motherhood. Recent research and statistics show fewer teen pregnancies, but this still doesn't mean that teens...
2 Pages 1005 Words

Essay on Great Depression and Homelessness

The beginning of this issue started after “The Great Depression” which started in the early 1930s and The Second World War which happened from 1939-1945. It affected most Canadians, most of the homeless were single men who stayed in Salvation Army housing. The word “homeless “ was not used to describe a social dilemma in Canada until the early to mid-1980s. The word that was mostly used was “transient” before “homelessness” was eventually established in the mid-1980s. According to the...
2 Pages 984 Words

Respect for Diversity Essay

Your race. Your Gender. Your Class. Your identity. These are some of the elements that compose diversity. For humans, diversity is a natural state of being, essential for our survival. Imagine a world where everyone is identical, same appearance, same personality, same interests. We require fresh ideas, perspectives, and practices to engage and inspire us - as well as to demonstrate how others eat, celebrate, and love! The significance of diversity is portrayed not only in society but scientifically as...
2 Pages 957 Words

Special Child Observation Essay

Introduction: For this assignment, I will choose this assignment to do an observation of a child who is living in my Neighbourhood. This child is a 10-year-old female who is studying in school. She is older than her brother who is 6 years old and also studied in school. She has an obesity problem which creates problems in her behavior. This special child was used 'nonverbal', although she is known to use some selected words (no, yes, she goes away,)....
2 Pages 998 Words

Observational Essay on a Volleyball Game

Teaching is a complex profession. Changing educational practices based on new theoretical knowledge has resulted in teachers having to constantly reflect on what they are doing and make changes to ensure they continue to meet the learning needs of a diverse student population. This reflective portfolio considers two reflective entries and work events that the writer reflects on using a Reflective Framework. The cyclical reflective model designed by Gibbs (1998) helps us recall the information about our actions which might...
2 Pages 983 Words

The Cost of Space Exploration Essay

Are you aware that the current world is investing more in spatial research than terrestrial study? Space inquiry is the discovery of celestial structures in outer space implemented by ever-evolving technology. Furthermore, Space exploration has facilitated digital communication, biological research, and an increased understanding of astrophysics. However, the cost is questionable considering humanitarian hardships. An aspect of the spatial study that is often overlooked is digital communication. For a significant portion of the world's population, sharing information via mobile phones,...
2 Pages 1001 Words

School Shooting Narrative Essay

The U.S. has witnessed nearly 40,000 deaths, due to gun violence in the past year, the highest level it’s been since the 1990s. This rating of deaths is very formidable making this nation a place of terror and lack of safety. Many homicides and suicides have been caused because of the lack of gun control. The political debate of gun control laws changing to a stronger base has been going on for years now, and people are still waiting for...
2 Pages 978 Words

Minority Experience Essay on Intersectionality

Race is defined as a group or section of people in society with similar social or physical qualities, which society uses to classify them as distinct. On the other hand, class refers to a group or section of people in society with the same economic status and occupies a similar position in the socioeconomic system of production(Thomas & Hughes, 1986). In recent times, race has been more important than class in determining one’s life chances since social stratification is based...
2 Pages 1029 Words

Into the Wild' Summary Essay

What causes isolation? While there are many reasons as to why someone would choose to isolate themselves, Into the Wild analyzes the meaning of life over the form of isolation. Into the Wild, a novel written by Jon Krakauer, tells the story of a boy named Chris McCandless, who runs away from home and decides to go to Alaska, but he is originally from Virginia. He is an intelligent and driven man who deals with life better than living alone...
2 Pages 991 Words

Pride and Prejudice': Book Vs Movie Essay

Introduction: Jane Austen’s bestselling novel Pride and Prejudice earlier named' The First Impressions ' was written between 1796 and 1797 and was published in 1813. The basic theme is love and marriage with social classes, prejudices, and pride. There are several movies made in this novel, a good comparison can be made with the one filmed in 2005 acting as a sublime condensation of the actual story of the novel. In the novel Mrs. Bennet, the fussy and inappropriate mother...
2 Pages 1032 Words

Essay about Omens in 'The Alchemist'

Symbolism, geography, and irony are brought up many times by Coelho throughout the book. In the book “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, different types of literary devices are brought up, the book is spoken in 3rd person by a boy named Santiago and his Personal Legend. This story begins when they had the same dream over time, he met the Gypsy fortune teller in the nearby town about what its meaning was. The woman interprets the dream as a prophecy...
2 Pages 963 Words

Essay on 'Pride and Prejudice' on Character Development

The book, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, is a romantic novel of 1813 in which, Austen charts the emotional development of the heroine- Elizabeth Bennet. The book provides insight into the disastrous effects of having excessive pride and prejudice and distinguishes between being indispensable and secondary. This book contains several important characters, but some characters have the role of being comedic relief, and Austen uses these characters to draw a parallel between the characters in the book and the...
2 Pages 1006 Words

Essay on 'Into the Wild' Symbols

Traditionally, main characters were easily recognized as either a hero or a villain. Heroes demonstrated selflessness, honesty, devotion, and bravery along with many other qualities. Villains illustrate the deceptive, evil traits that are associated with the features of such a character. For a variety of reasons, recently, another kind of character has become very popular--the anti-hero. He, like the hero, has noble intentions as well as some redeeming qualities. However, he is flawed and, therefore, more relatable, more unpredictable, as...
2 Pages 951 Words

5 Paragraph Essay on Space Exploration

Mankind has imagined visiting space for many years, but it wasn’t until 1969 that the first person stepped on the moon. Space exploration is the discovery and exploration of celestial structures in outer space by developing and growing space technology. While the study of space is carried out mainly by astronomers with telescopes, the physical exploration of space is conducted both by unmanned robotic space probes and human spaceflight. Since the initial exploration of space, the controversy whether it is...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Respect Reflective Essay

Gender issues in society and the healthcare industry have taught me many things that I have never realized before. In this module, we discussed gender differences in religion and culture, gender equality, and unequal power relations. Issues of gender are mostly based on respecting different personalities and identities. Sex and gender are two different things and we should respect every person regardless of which gender they choose to live by. Sex is a series of biological attributes of humans and...
2 Pages 969 Words

Argument Research Essay on Zoos

“Only 10 percent of 2,800 animal exhibitors are accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums”(University Wire 1). This means that zoos aren’t authorized to take care of the animals. Most of these animals are put in environments they aren’t fit for. For example, polar bears are put in hot weather instead of cold. Where they are put does not go with their natural environment. The exhibits do not simulate their natural environment, but it is also a limited space...
2 Pages 981 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Losing Your Sister

In reading “The Wind Cave” by Haruki Murakami, readers can visualize characters and their unique personalities through Murakami’s distinct writing style. As he writes, Murakami uses clear and simple ways to understand the story easier. His melancholy writing style shows that each character, despite their intense feelings, is in control of his or her feelings and conscience. The protagonist, who remains unnamed, recalls some memories of his little sister. The time they visit the cave together evokes many emotions such...
2 Pages 1010 Words

Evaluation Essay on Gender in Advertising

Stereotypes are defined as “a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing”. Advertisements attempt to appeal to different audiences by using different techniques, one of which is to include stereotypes. Throughout the advertisement era, the representation of gender stereotypes in advertising has decreased as time has passed. However, the stereotypical portrayal of men and women is still prevalent in today’s advertisements. Gender is not the only factor in which advertisements...
2 Pages 1023 Words

Persepolis' Literary Analysis Essay

In Persepolis, a story of a childhood in Iran, Western ideology and culture are prevalent in a country where it is prohibited. Throughout the graphic novel, the author incorporates many examples of Western culture and ideology which represent particular ideas, themes, and attitudes that are resented by the Islamic regime. Satrapi integrates most of the Western references through the protagonist, Marji, who overlooks the standards set by the Islamic regime in the West. In the graphic novel, Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi...
2 Pages 999 Words
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