Essay on Community Vs Neighbourhood

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Community definition

Community is one of the elements of and affecting rural wealth introduction and we will be now residing on that idea and see how it contributes to rural wealth creation being affected. Community is said to be a construct, meaning it is a complicated psychological thinking or it can't be measured in terms of how giant the populace is to be referred to as a community. Community is additionally likened to a model due to the fact it can be described as the usage of exclusive characteristics such as religion, ethnicity, ownership, common interest, professional organization, livelihood, culture, etc. A community can be described as a group of human beings dwelling in an identical area or a crew of human beings sharing a frequent characteristic. Unfortunately, we can't see, contact, or have a direct experience of a community because it comes in one-of-a-kind sizes, colors, shapes, and locations.

There are distinct types of communities however we will center of attention solely on two types, which are the rural neighborhood and city community. These two communities will be looking at their characteristics, to see their difference and similarities.

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Rural community

Rural community can be defined as a community that is shut to nature and has a lot of open spaces, with less populace and structures when in contrast to urban and suburban areas or communities. The definition might also sound equal to a rural vicinity definition, but it differs because in this case we focus greater on the populace and use the vicinity as a reference or common characteristic. Rural communities have positive traits that make them distinct from an urban communities, which we will be specifying shortly.

Firstly, a rural neighborhood consists of vague boundaries that can be without problems damaged using human interaction. The boundary is created by using the distance between villages which can be a few miles. However, that boundary can be without difficulty distorted when one person from one village interacts with every other individual of a special sex from another village and asks for marriage. Their marriage will result in them transferring collectively to one village for that reason creating a relationship between the two villages in the form of family because one village will have brothers and sisters residing in the different villages accordingly overcoming or smashing the boundary between them.

Secondly, a large rural community can have smaller communities from within itself. Shortly it potential communities within communities, for instance, a country consists of provinces, districts, regions, etc. So, a large rural neighborhood can also have other communities from within, which share a precise characteristic such as religious, cultural characteristic, and ethnic group, ownership (in terms of land or forestry). Marriage can also be added as an attribute that can structure a community within a community.

Lastly, some rural communities aren't positioned in the same vicinity as they journey to different communities. They travel because of detrimental prerequisites in their area, which capacity they don't travel for exciting or because they want to, but they are forced by their horrible environmental conditions. They journey in search of water and pastures for their cattle or livestock, which means they tour for survival due to the fact they need the cattle for meals and the water to drink.

Urban community

An urban neighborhood is a community with excessive populace rates, employment opportunities, precise resources, and availability of fundamental necessities, that meet human fancy desires. Its definition appears similar to one of the ideas of 'urban area', however now we are not focusing completely on the area. We are now focusing on the communities which may be religious, ethnic group organizational, etc. We will now dwell on the attribute that makes city neighborhood to be exclusive to rural areas.

We know that urban neighborhoods are specific from rural communities in many traits such as job opportunities, higher resources populace, etc. We will focal point on the heterogeneity of city communities because city community is said to be more heterogeneous in contrast to rural communities. An urban neighborhood is greater heterogeneous because it differs in terms of origin, language, and religion. This heterogeneity takes place because of urbanization, considering the majority of human beings pass from exclusive rural areas or communities to urban areas because they prefer the luxury existence city areas provide hence causing a variety in origin, language, and religion.

How does a community affect rural wealth creation?

The impact the community has on rural wealth advent can either be excellent or bad, it depends on how the neighborhood methods community development. If the neighborhood decides to comply with the neighborhood development principles, it can have a right impact on rural wealth creation. Since we are dealing with rural wealth creation, we will center of attention greater on the rural community. The community development standards are community participation (which is extra like crew work and everybody's contribution is valuable), community ownership (whereby neighborhood contributors are greater worried when making selections and have possession of the Centre's activities), empowerment ( a procedure that encourages one to have to manage over their own lives via respect, fee and enhancing their abilities), lifelong studying (the manner of building and aiding the private skills, knowledge, capabilities, and resilience of people), inclusion (everybody's contribution need to be valued regardless of their heritage or special abilities), get right of entry to and equity, social action, advocacy, networking, and self-help.

The rural communities can additionally have a bad influence on rural wealth introduction due to a lack of information and insecurities. Due to a lack of knowledge, they might be shy to interact with the neighborhood economic improvement (LED) groups because they believe they believe they don't have the required qualifications, or their contribution and ideas would no longer matter. Their insecurities are the worst shape of bad have an impact due to the fact they stop warfare the LED organizations, which are attempting to assist and by some means the neighborhood is convinced that they are being robbed of the ownership of that rural neighborhood using the LED organizations.

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Essay on Community Vs Neighbourhood. (2024, February 23). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from
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