1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Good Vs. Evil In The Novel Salem’s Lot By Stephen King.

The theme of good versus evil within the novel, Salem’s Lot by Stephen King, seemed straightforward at first. Indeed, the vampires are a clear manifestation of evil, that big, bad, devil worshipping, drink your blood kind of evil. However, it becomes apparent that many people within the town itself are evil as well. This blurs the lines between good and evil. After all, people are supposed to be good and vampires are supposed to be evil in this kind of...
2 Pages 1022 Words

Why Teamwork Is Important For Businesses

Over the last decade, a lot of cases has been showed how teamwork and businesses work in a collaborative way. Nowadays, more than 80%of businesses are shifting towards remote hiring, deligating their work and allowing flexible working hours. In this article, we try to explain several trends that show how much teamwork affects businesses today. Collaboration is essential for Businesses Knowing the dramatic changes in ways the teams work, it is crucial for businesses to implement the collaborations on higher...
2 Pages 958 Words

The Effects Of Self Esteem On Personality

Trust in one's value as a human being is a valuable psychological tool and a highly positive factor in life in general; it is associated with success, good relationships also satisfaction. Possessing little self-esteem can result in people being discouraged, falling short of their potential, or tolerating abusive relationships and circumstances. On the other hand, too much self-love results in an off-putting sense of entitlement and being unable to learn from mistakes. It can also be a symptom of pathological...
2 Pages 1013 Words

Romeo And Juliet: Strengths And Weaknesses

Romeo is the young boy looking for love, Juliet is the clever girl, and Capulet is the protective father. William Shakespeare made these characters like this so the audience could relate to their characteristics and personalities. William Shakespeare made complex characters throughout The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet with both strengths and weaknesses. Throughout the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Romeo displays, both weaknesses and strengths. Romeo Montague displays all the signs of being very romantic and...
2 Pages 1010 Words

Why College Athletes Should Get Paid

Imagine working for countless hours, six days a week, then making multiple performance just so someone else can be paid millions. That is the life of a college athletes. College athletes should be paid and here’s why. They are working their butts off so that their team can have a good record and to draw more attention and fans to their arena and to get more money to their school from all the fans buying their tickets to watch the...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Killing And Kindness In The Lottery

In 'The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson there is a lot of pointless violence. Her story emphasizes the idea that all Americans are constantly trying to do bad. The yearly ritual of the lottery promotes the killing of an innocent individual each time the lottery is conducted. Throughout history as well as currently, there have continuously been multiple acts of kindness and cruelty in America. Although, there will always be violent individuals in America it does not mean that all Americans...
2 Pages 1029 Words

Life Skills & Personal Effectiveness: Etiquette And Manners

Etiquette or Decorum is an arrangement of rules and guidelines characterizing great structure or 'great way' in social open or authority conduct. It initially applied uniquely to lead in court conventions, yet the code has been reached out to give advisers for ordinary living. Both social and table etiquette is essential for conducting an acceptable level of manner when interacting with others. There are sure acknowledged practices in every single social circumstance that you have to learn. With scarcely any...
2 Pages 1028 Words

The Use Of Gene Therapy In Cancer Treatment

Genetic therapy is the use of the delivery of nucleic acid regeneration cells to a patient's somatic cells to prevent or treat the disease. In the last few years, much research has been done worldwide in the field of genetic cancer treatment. In the current situation, there are many types of cancer treatments like viral replication, tumor suppression, tumor immunogenicity, suicidal gene therapy, etc. Cancer is a disease caused by mutations in cells that remain unprotected and lead to cell...
2 Pages 1010 Words

Is Language A Uniquely Human Activity?

Communication is an essential tool for the survival of many species, is used as a means to inform others of, and to receive information. There has been some fascinating research into animal communication. Karl Von Frisch in 1946 discovered that honeybees use a ‘waggle’ dance, to recruit less experienced bees within their colony to collect nectar and to indicate areas in which to find it, the dance corresponding to compass headings and flight paths (Riley, Greggers, Smith, Reynolds, & Menzel,...
2 Pages 959 Words

Ketogenic Diet: What It Is And Why It Works Against Epilepsy

In recent years there has been a boom in the variety of healthy fad diets , for the better, since the same form of eating, no matter how healthy it may be, does not always work equally well throughout the world. Among these diets, the famous Mediterranean Diet continues to stand out , which together with the DASH Diet continue to be the winners in the Harvard University ranking . On the other hand, there is the Paleo Diet ,...
2 Pages 990 Words

Gene Therapy: Advantages And Disadvantages

Over the years genetic disorders and gene-related illness have been responsible for high mortality rates and reduced quality of life. Genetic disorders can be due to misalignment, missing genes or excess of a gene. Genetic therapy works to replace the defective genes with new ones. Gene therapy is the insertion of genes into an individual's cells and tissues to treat a disease, and hereditary diseases in which a defective mutant allele is replaced with a functional one. (Medlineplus 2020) Gene...
2 Pages 1000 Words

The Effects Of Temperature, Ph And Oxygen Levels On The Enzymatic Activity In Red Apples

Introduction The browning of an apple or other foods like potatoes and bananas are something that we have all seen in our everyday life. This phenomenon is caused by the interaction of enzymes, that are naturally found in plants, with oxygen. These enzymes oxidize to create the brown colour that we are familiar with. Enzymes are natural catalysts that help to speed up certain chemical reactions within plants and animals (DiGiuseppe, Frazer, LeDrew, Vavitsas, &White-McMahon, 2012, p. 50). Enzymes bind...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Should The Use Of All Performance Enhancing Drugs Be Unprohibited For Use In Sports?

Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) are usually perceived to be dangerous and unfair to other participants in all sports. Whenever PEDs are referred to, they are often seen in a negative light due to social stigmas. People tend to also disregard dangers within a sport that are completely unrelated to drug use such as concussions and focus entirely on keeping sport drug free rather than injury-free. The prominence of PEDs in sport is ever increasing, with 57% of world class athletes...
2 Pages 971 Words

Narcissistic Leadership: For And Against

Positivity of narcissistic leadership Although the idea that narcissistic leaders may sound quite controversial since leaders who are “principally motivated by their own egomaniacal needs and beliefs” (Rosenthal & Pittinsky, 2006, p. 629) cannot perform well, many scientists point out to the evidence that such leaders possess essential skills including perceptions of charisma, vision, and performance (Judge et al., 2009). There are quite a few arguments in favour of narcissistic leadership. It is true that these individuals come across as...
2 Pages 1038 Words

Definition Of The Law On Freehold Covenants

The present law governing freehold covenants has been in need of reform. There are currently a number of key areas in need of reforms. Firstly, the fundamental need to distinguish between law and equity as the rules under equity are complicated. Equity can allow the burden of a restrictive freehold covenant to bind successors in title provided that the rule in Tulk is held too[footnoteRef:1]. However, the burden of positive covenants cannot pass common law. While various efforts have been...
2 Pages 1008 Words

The Bible And Primary School Pupils

It is a statutory requirement for primary school pupils to learn about: ‘God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), about Jesus Christ, and about the Bible; to develop an ability to interpret and relate the Bible to life.’ (DENI, 2007, p.1). The Bible can be linked with many curriculum subjects throughout school life, and material from the Bible can be used in many ways to effectively enable pupils to develop an ability to interpret and relate the Bible to their life....
2 Pages 971 Words

The Peculiarities Of Retail Banking

Introduction As in the case study that Mr. Raj has recently graduated and got placed in a private sector bank and is unaware of the banking sector and its operations. Being his reporting manager, you need to brief him with the Principles of lending and need to explain him in details. Lending in its most general sense is the temporary giving of money or property to another person with the expectation that it will be repaid. In a business and...
2 Pages 988 Words

Shakespeare's Presentation Of Macbeth’s Doubt And Guilt

In Shakespeare’s didactic play the themes of ‘doubt’ and ‘guilt’ play a central role in the presentation of the tragic hero: Macbeth. Macbeth has to make many decisions throughout the play that revolve around his guilty conscience.Whether it be him doubting himself about whether to kill Duncan or him feeling guilty and regretful after his act of regicide. However, Macbeth’s guilt at his actions ultimately leads him down the brutal path of murder and betrayal. By the end of the...
2 Pages 961 Words

Team: Importance, Role And Effects

Team is understood as a number of people acting as a group with the intention of achieving the same goal. Teams can be formal and informal, the use of a team is especially important for those who want to achieve long and short range goals, and this is why we find them in different areas of our life: Work, Sports, School and in the political or medical field. There are many factors that influence the success of a team and...
2 Pages 1041 Words

Mars As A Future Of Civilization

Mars is the fourth planet in our solar system, yet its environment is extensively chillier than Earth. This is due to Mars’ weak atmosphere - less than 1% of Earth's – which prevents the planet from preserving heat for lengthy periods of time and is less covered from the Sun’s radiation. Earth is made up of 21% oxygen which is indispensable for human beings to survive, whilst Mars’ atmosphere is made up of 95.97% carbon dioxide and has solely 0.146%...
2 Pages 981 Words

Ray Bradbury's Contribution For The Sci-Fi Genre

Ray Bradbury is known for changing the way people viewed American literature and social issues with the way he wrote about the future, leaving readers with apprehension, yet he is scared of technology himself; he often questions the identity of his characters with the way they desire to change the past, which is why many consider him an celebrated author. Bradbury struggled through poverty and still, he climbed his way up of becoming a published writer. Many of his books...
2 Pages 996 Words

The Value Of Shakespeare's Works In Modern Society On The Example Of The Play Twelfth Night

What is the value of Shakespeare’s work in modern society? William Shakespeare, just the mention of that name is enough to excite a chorus of groans around any classroom. We’ve all heard of him, but the name incites a level of fear because we expect to not understand the difficult language or gain anything from someone who lived over 400 years ago. However, if we take the time to study his works in Modern English, we come to understand that...
2 Pages 977 Words

Crime And Punishment In A Jury Of Her Peers

During the 19th century, women were obligated to follow the wants of their husbands who had complete power of every little thing. They had a limited say in any decision and had to burden themselves with their thoughts as their opinions were never prioritized. Constantly in the world around us, people are influenced by the expectations put into place. Many times through understanding and acceptance people can acquire different perspectives of a situation. Martha Hale begins by feeling guilty after...
2 Pages 960 Words

Society Structure In Leo Tolstoy’s The Death Of Ivan Ilych

The work of Leo Tolstoy “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” portrays the rich society and their characteristics and through the characters, he represents these bad characteristics to show as the bourgeoisie lived completely different than the proletarian ’s life. The Ivan’s friends were members of the bourgeoisie, with this example we can understand as the superficial relationships of them work, based on the idea that they need to benefit themselves. Now I must apply for my brother-in-law's transfer from Kaluga,'...
2 Pages 973 Words

The Benefits And Rocks Of Restorative Justice

Restorative justice, just the name of this approach to conflict resolution brings notes of spring summer and healing in the mind. We often don’t feel satisfied or like the justice that has been served in the dealings of the court, police and legal system at large. Like there is missing variables, a disconnect. We have repeat offenses and victims which still have troubled souls after the verdict. The benefits of restorative justice when used in conflict resolution will be the...
2 Pages 995 Words

Contributions Of Thinkers And Scientist In Moral Philosophy

Morality is best outlined as principles regarding the excellence between right and wrong or sensible and dangerous behavior. However the contradiction most face is that the belief that they themselves do unselfish acts of morality once very they are doing it within the best interests of themselves. This becomes apparent once staring at the work older recent philosophers philosopher and Immanuel Kant World Health Organization shed lightweight on verity and rational basis of their thus known as ethical actions. Like...
2 Pages 1044 Words

Manipulation As A Tool For The Implementation Of Iago's Plans

Humans are said to be born with a moral compass telling them what is wrong and right, if not soceity does a good job instilling their views of what is good or bad into people. In Othello, written by William Shakespear and performed by Mixed Magic Theatre, the character Iago seems to be easily placed in the group of a bad person. What makes him a bad person? Well there are various reasons that can be stated, but I find...
2 Pages 1031 Words

Promising Strategies To Reduce Drug Abuse

Drug addiction is taking over many people's lives and destroying many families due to this. There are many different ways to help people who are in need of help, people who want to stop drugging themselves but can't because they have no type of help and are too addicted already. There are many different ways to get over the counter drugs, so people take advantage of that, which is not the greatest thing to do. To resolve this problem, the...
2 Pages 1004 Words

A Perspective About Human Nature In Fahrenheit 451 And All Summer In A Day

Nothing is the same, not even identical twins. Everyone should be individual and think for themselves, regardless of the outcome. In Fahrenheit 451, and “All Summer in a Day,” Ray Bradbury develops a strong perspective about human nature. Bradbury develops this perspective through figurative language and dialogue, which are intended to make the reader consider the harsh actions society takes when individuals differ from the norm. First, Ray Bradbury develops the theme of human nature in Fahrenheit 451 with figurative...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Global Issues in Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Through the utilization of the repetition of honour, the situational irony of love, and the stereotypes of gender roles in society—that men are dominant while women are seen as weak and submissive—Marquéz unveils the global issue of gender inequality and it’s correlation with honour in a society (the machismo and marianismo roles of men and women respectively and its connection to one’s honour in a society). In the town, there is the concept of machismo, as men are expected to...
2 Pages 1007 Words
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